Bush's Body Count... Blood on his hands?
By Netmoney
@Netmoney (144)
United States
April 19, 2007 12:07pm CST
Since being president, we have experienced the worst of the worst bloodshed in America's history. Most deaths in war, worst tragedy with September 11, 1000's dead after Hurricane Katrina, worst shooting incident.. need I say more? Not to mention he held the record number of deaths in Texas executions BEFORE becoming president. I don't see how he sleeps at night. Could we have expected this? Is he to blame? Does he value life?
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10 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Not only are your statements unsupported by little things such as the actual facts and history, you are evidently also unaware of the fact that the attacks of 9-11 were a direct result of Clinton's foreign policy and his agenda of meddling in countries where he had no business messing with.
Also you are forgetting about the Columbine shooting that occurred during Clinton's presidency. What a bunch of crazy people do cannot be blamed on anyone but themselves, and certainly not on whoever is president at the time.
I can't believe that you are actually attempting to blame Bush for a Natural Disaster such as Hurricane Katrina... the people in charge of FEMA are the ones that dropped the ball in the aftermath of that, and the ones who refused to leave when they were told to have only themselves to blame.
As far as executions in Texas, the state government made those laws and he did his job as Governor in carrying them out.
Perhaps you are soft on crime.
Do a little research and educate yourself on your subject matter.
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@Netmoney (144)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Politics stirs up the best in people. Before you get your shorts in a bunch, I am not blaming Bush, I am simply stating that natural, crazed or NOT- this happened during Bush's term and research is not needed to see what is happening. As for who to blame, I leave that for you to decide. Being closed minded and oblivious to the truth will only take us deeper into the senseless violence we have already dug ourselves into.
Obviously the political agenda has overtaken your thirst for truth just as it has with Bush. Do you really believe everything they say?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
19 Apr 07
Actually it was my search for the truth that have led me to the conclusions that I have reached.
This search was instigated by the same types of posts as yours being made by so many people here on myLot.
You are saying now that you don't blame Bush, yet in your post that is exactly what you did.
I am not closed minded nor am I oblivious to the truth, if you want the facts on some things concerning our involvement in Iraq, I have made a couple of posts detailing our involvement.
They are only a tip of what I have found, but if you are truly interested in the truth then check my profile and posts that I have made.
If you are only interested in slamming Bush at the expense of the truth, then don't bother with my posts because you would get no benefit anyway.
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@PatriciaL (2080)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Everyone jumps at any chance they can to blame Bush for something. Especially when they don't have all of the facts. Also you can't just blame one person for all of this. Alot of the anti-Bush claims are formed from pure ignorance. No offense to you but it's the truth.
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@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Bush cares for nobody but hisself and his family he does not care if families lose their only child he just wants to prove to the world that he is no punk. To me he is a big punk because he will not back away he is not even a man he is like a pitbull going for the kill for no reason at all.He should bring the remaining troops home because everyday more are dying and more children are without moms and dads. He is the sorriest person in the world, he is no leader he is a murderer and may he rot in hell for all the killing he has done even if it has not pulled the trigger.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I see the demonizing and propaganda for the sake of votes in the next run, has really burned a deep path in your neurons.. I suspect there is no use trying to introduce anything different..
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Texas in general has the highest execution rates, not George Bush. He doesn't have anything to do with it other than not pardoning people.
Worst bloodshed and most deaths? Are you serious? You are very wrong...
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Don't mind the sheeple, people.
If you ignore him, he'll go away.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I didn't add an opinion, I simply stated facts....
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@cabergren (1181)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I am not sure he is entirely to blame for all of those terrible things. I think he could have acted quite differently after these things occurred. I do think that he values life and that he actually thinks he is doing the right things. But we all know that he is not. We do need to get him out of office and get a new president and stop the senseless war. At first I was in favor of going over there and fixing things. But it has gone on way too long and more and more young men and women are being killed. We need to stop this war right now.
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
20 Apr 07
I cannot blame September 11th on Bush. I understand that there was a lot of conspiracy theory about him allowing/condoning/helping it to happen but that just isn't true.
The best example I can give to support my thought was told to me by my American boyfriend. He said that on one of the flights (the flight that went down in Penn.) people called home on their cell phones before the plane went down. I am sorry but there is no way that those calls could have been staged. The loved ones would know their husbands, daughters, sons etc... voices I am sure.
Also, I can't say that Katrina was Bush's fault either. I have never heard that any country possessed the ability to start/create/control/ a NATURAL disaster..... As for the killings in Virginia, that was a troubled kid. Bush did not give this kid the hate and anger and sadness that he felt. Bush isn't to blame for that.
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@kanjar (13)
• United States
20 Apr 07
I am honestly sadly ashamed to be part of a country that sends troops out to die for nothing. We have accomplished nothing for ourselves or even for the Iraqis. It is quite rediculous that we went in because of "weapons of mass destruction" and after we found none, stayed there. Look at Iraqi in the hands of Sadam Hussein. I would argue that before we went into Iraqi it was more peaceful than it is now.

@chertsy (3798)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Look at Iraqi in the hands of Sadam Hussein. I would argue that before we went into Iraqi it was more peaceful than it is now.
Iraq wasn't peaceful when Saddam was in control. The people in Iraq lived in fear. You think the so called tapping of phones was bad here. In Iraq everyone and I mean everyone's phones were tapped. Saddam knew what was going on. I have talked to men that left Iraq, They couldn't even call there families in fear that they would be killed. Both men I talked to were shot in the back, had cigerette burns, basically looked like they been in a torture chamber. The scars were so nasty looking. I'm proud to be a American, I don't have to worry about being shot or tortured if I ever try to leave this country. I don't have to worry about going to prison if I bad mouth our president.
If you talk to those same people now they are very happy. They know they can get on a phone and call there family. They know there is still danger there with the sick people that wants to take Saddam's place as a dictator.
Honestly the war in Iraq is better than the Vietnam war. There we went because only God knows why. When those troops came back they were spit on, things thrown at them. Just sad especially when a lot of them had no choice because they were drafted. If we don't control Iraq, and keep the evil out. It will get a whole lot worse. Sad to say it will get worse after Bush leaves office and the new president takes over and brings the troops home. I mean come on who ever takes over as president will bring the troops home and then wish they didn't.
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@moonshadow68 (723)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Have you ever heard of the Iraqi Kurds? The people Saddam was systematically masacring during his "peaceful" regime. Yes, we have accomplished something in Iraq. Saddam and his sons no longer rape and torture the people of their country. The Iraqi government was democratically elected, no matter how much some of the world would like to forget that. We have foudn biological weapons, sarin gas for one. I defy you to talk to anyone who has been a victim of a gas attack and argue that it isn't a weapon of mass destruction. I think several nations of the world would disagree.
Feel free to disagree with the President's stance and even the reasons that we are at war, but if you are ashamed to be a part of the United States, I invite you to leave and see if you can find something better.
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@moonshadow68 (723)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Have you ever heard of the Iraqi Kurds? The people Saddam was systematically masacring during his "peaceful" regime. Yes, we have accomplished something in Iraq. Saddam and his sons no longer rape and torture the people of their country. The Iraqi government was democratically elected, no matter how much some of the world would like to forget that. We have foudn biological weapons, sarin gas for one. I defy you to talk to anyone who has been a victim of a gas attack and argue that it isn't a weapon of mass destruction. I think several nations of the world would disagree.
Feel free to disagree with the President's stance and even the reasons that we are at war, but if you are ashamed to be a part of the United States, I invite you to leave and see if you can find something better.
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