has evolution affected men's behaviour in the world of monogamy?

April 21, 2007 12:05am CST
I want to open up a topic that has been a source of confusion as to any possibilities of making an exception to the rule: "men are born polygamous". I still believe that theories can be disproved at some way or another. But most people say, theories are formed out from a series of general facts..... Anyone who can say something about this?? Please share your ideas... thanks!
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1 response
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
21 Apr 07
Of course we are polygamous . It goes back to when the women were in the caves and we were risking our lives to feed them and the children. I know evolution has changed a lot of things, for a start we do not live in caves any more, but it is still in our blood and an uncontrollable instinct. You may love your women but there are other women out there who have the right to experience you, and you, as a man do not have the right to refuse them. I soon realized that I was here for a purpose and that I could not deny women their right to the experience of having met me and enjoyed me as I have loved and enjoyed them. I think I will go and lie down now, I feel quite exhausted.