nErvioUs bREakdOwn:a dOoR tO spiRituAl reAliZatiOn??
By h2o_jhe20
@h2o_jhe20 (37)
April 21, 2007 2:36am CST
a nerv0us breakd0wn is a perfect 0pp0rtunity f0r a pers0n to meet g0d- to fully realize that G0d is there; that g0d is the real refuge; that g0d d0es l0ve y0u and that HE is y0ur 0nly pr0tecti0n.
aS seMi-deaTh,a nErviouS bReakdOwn is gOod beCausE yOu expErience dEatH bEfOre deatH..bEfOre yOu haVe tO leave yOur bOdy,yOu gEt a cHancE aNd aRe rEminDed to taKe sHeltEr in gOd.,it's a gOod oppOrtunity.,.
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