Alec Baldwin Accused of Child Abuse.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
April 21, 2007 7:55am CST
I have just watched a discussion on the "Today Show" regarding Alec Baldwin called his 11 yr old daughter the dreaded "pig" word. As a result his visiting right to see his daughter have been curtailed. I have use the "P" word in a not very nice way describing my children and grandchildren's eating habits, cleanliness, etc. I have also used it in a nice way cut little piggy toes, bank, etc. I would hate to think that some of the other choice words I have used, brat, pest and much worse could be taped and broad casted to the world. I have never been a fan of any of the Baldwins but I think it is ridiculous to say this is abuse when millions of children are being subject to much worse than this. So the man lost his cools I heard the complete tape and I think the whole deal it just a tool Kim Basinger is using against her ex-husband. What do you think?
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25 responses
@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I listened to the whole tape recording, and had to sit and think for quite awhile before able to respond to this discussion. Although I am quite shocked at what Alec said to Ireland and don't in anyway condone such things, we don't know the whole story and probably never will know everything, except for what we are fed by the media.
To me it sounded like a frustrated, hurt, and very angry father. However I am not trained in analyzing such things and in no way standing up for Alec. True, no name calling should have been involved when in fact leaving a voice message to a child, however adults do tend to say things they don't mean when angered. Does being angry make it right? No! But it will and does happen.
My other thoughts on this issue, whoever leaked the voice recording should feel very ashamed for doing such. Not only has the whole world heard Ireland's father calling her such things, but all her family and close friends as well. This will not make things better for Ireland, but could in fact make things a lot more difficult for her and can only imagine what the teasing is going to be like. There are very cruel people that live in this world and like using everything and anything to get at people.
Before this was ever released Ireland's well being should have been first in foremost in everyone's mind. Releasing such things was not, in no way, thinking of Ireland's well being and these people should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such things to be aired for the entire world to hear.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Excellent response, thak you, as far as I heard it was his ex wife or her lawyer who released the tape.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
You are so right. Thanks again
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
21 Apr 07
You're welcome! If it was Kim who released such a thing to the press, I think it should be her who loses custody of Ireland.
Now from a point of view that I got from a friend of mine I was talking to about this, she says that Kim could have possibly been wanting to show the world that Alec was no angel. But in fact I believe the world already knew that Alec was no angel. No one is really we all have negative aspects of ourselves that we are not so proud of, but show up from time to time. So no matter what the reason behind releasing this to the press, it should have never gotten out and stayed between Alec, Ireland, Kim, lawyers, and the judge over the case.
This was a very personal matter, and it seems while trying to prove something to the world, Kim forgot about the only thing that should have mattered, and that is her daughter and her well being. At this point if I had Kim as a mother I would be very upset with her.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Check the link that jeweledblue rose gave. You can read and hear it all.
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@Arkadus (895)
• Canada
22 Apr 07
That was the one I read. But I do see that mentioned briefly at the top now. i thought the sound clip might have disappeared but I see now it's an image link, rather clearly marked. Opinion still hasn't changed much though, it's nowhere near harsh enough for me to consider it verbal abuse. If it qualifies then let me tell you I had *THE* most traumatic childhood ever.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I heard the actual tape he left his daughter and I think he needs to learn to control his anger when it comes to his kids/daughter. I would never say some of the things he said to his daughter to my kids and I don't think any parent should.
But, do I think he is a bad father for it? No, I don't. I think his daughter has ran him up a wall and might even be a spoiled child and I believe Baldwin just lost his temper. He did state in the message he left his daughter that he was tired of this happening over and over and that she has walked all over him for the last time.
I don't know. Some parents have different ways of talking with their kids and Baldwin was a little harsh, but hey, that doesn't make him a bad father. He has a bad day. I think he should still be able to see his kids/daughter.
And according to his daughter, she loves her dad and they are close.
I think the mother is just trying to make things worse.
Oh well... Maybe he can take parenting classes or something or an anger class, but don't take his rights away.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
22 Apr 07
It seems to me as if he has had problems contacting his daughter, could be the mother is doing this, but as you say it doesn't make him a bad father
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I listened to the tape and it wasn't just what he said. It was the angry, vicious, meant to maim way in which he said it. No man who would speak that way to an eleven year old child should have custody. His little tirade was as abusive and damaging as a beating. Maybe even more so. It was verbal abuse at its very worst and he could do real harm to that child. That man needs psychiatric help.
Sorry, Heather, I disagree with you on this one. I think as a mother, Kim Basinger has every right to use every weapon she can get her hands on to keep that man away from her child.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Both of you gave excellent responses. I agree his tone was a bit over the top and I don't condone what Alec did but I still think Kim was also being cruel to let the world hear everything. I must admit there have been times when I got so mad I sounded like screaming banshee but I always regretted it later and apologised (just as Alec did) now my child is a mother too and my "abuse" did not destroy her life.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Like I said before I don't condone what Alec did, but neither was what Kim did any better. She allowed for this message to be aired for the whole world to hear. The teasing that this child will go through will be a lot worse than what Alec had said to her. Plus I have heard of parents calling their kids a whole lot worse things than what Alec called Ireland and I don't see them being broadcast all over the place or people putting them down.
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@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I listened to the tape and read about it and heard it on the news. After listening to the tape he does sound like he is tired of jumping through hoops. He has been going through hell since the divorce getting visitation rights and I think that Kim probably was just delighted when he left this message. She has tried everything she could to keep him away from her. It is sad. It sounds like this is not the first time this has happened. He is given a time he can call and talk to her and she is not available. Again and again maybe. He probably did not mean what he said he is just angry and mis directing his anger. It is really sad that it had to come to this. He loves his daughter or he would not have been putting up so much of a fight to see her over the years. This has been going on for some time. I think that he should have been calling Kim a thoughtless pig. She probably is the one that turned the phone off.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I agree that it is ptobably Kim you has been making it difficult for Alec to talk with his daughter and your right it should have the ex who deserved his rant
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
22 Apr 07
She deserves it, otherwise the poor father wouldn't have done what he did. Call him exasperated, angry, fuming mad.. in my opinion it could only be because his daughter has really been mean and bad to Baldwin. Otherwise, no parent would ever do that to an obedient, responsible child. Of course, such verbal assault would have a negative effect on the 11 year old daughter. But would she do better next time? I don't think so. At eleven years old, she should already know that her father may have really been mad as a result of what she did. And judging from his voice, he really means business. Children should still respect their parents, and they have to respect in order to get respect in return.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
22 Apr 07
You are both correct. I think he was exasperated and to my mind was acting like many father do.
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@caribe (2465)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Kim B. shouldn't have released the tape but on the other hand, I have a totally different picture of him now. I think it is very abusive the way he spoke in the message to his daughter, not only the very hurtful words, but the tone in which he said them. Hearing this kind of thing is very damaging to a child's self esteem. Why would you make excuses for such behaviour? Psychological abuse is every bit as painful as physical abuse and it lasts for a lifetime.
@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
22 Apr 07
So someone(anyone) can be accused of child abuse for saying one word to their child while hundreds of thousands are being physically abused by a parent/guardian/trusted one on a regular basis?This sounds like another case of something being blown out of proportion as a result of it involving a "name" person.I do not believe that a parent should be using a child as a means of retribution on the ex.
@recycledgoth (9894)
22 Apr 07
I really don't think this could be termed child abuse, it's not as if either parent has physically beaten or hurt their child. This seems more of a ploy for sympathy between two angry people. I have called my son a pig before, usually because he has been a little pig, simple as that.
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
22 Apr 07
my sympathy then goes to baldwin, everyone can lose a temper say bad words but words that uttered by him were not as bad as it is seem, but maybe since he was a celebrity all eyes and attention are on him, maybe kim his ex-wife got motives for doing such complained.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I agree. I think calling her a Pig was going a bit too far. I have never called my kids names, however, if this child was misbehaving or acting up, the rest of what he said was totally justified. It was just the one word he said that was a bit too far in my opinion. But, you get carried away in anger sometimes and might say something you regret. I know that if someone taped the way I will get onto my kids or punish them sometimes, then I would get in trouble too if kept up to these standards. LOL I am NOT mean to my kids AT ALL! But, I can raise my voice and get angry sometimes. As I said, the use of the word "pig" on his 11 yr old daughter was over the top, but nothing I would consider ABUSE or a reason to take his visiting rights away.
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@curvychick77 (1084)
• United States
22 Apr 07
It is wrong that he called his child names and it was hurtful to his daughter, but it was even more hurtful when it was brodcast for all to hear. This situation should have been taken care of privately, but maybe Kim wanted to embarass him, not realizing it also embarrassed their daughter. I don't think it's fair to the daughter in my opinion. Alec did wrong and so did Kim.
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@student7 (1002)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I have a 12 year old and at that age, they are very sensitive about how they look. To have your own father call you a pig is just screaming eating disorder. I can't believe that a father said that to a daughter. I was called fat as a kid and now I have problems with food. I can go all day without eating and not notice it.
As far as Alec Bladwin, I don't like him as a person very much. With what he said to his daughter, it just sickens me. I hope that little girl knows better than to believe it.
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@bostonbroker (4)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Wow I can't believe this. I honestly didn't think it was so bad until he called her a pig. That was really bad. I can't believe he said that. Its really trippy to get inside the head of "stars" like Baldwin, you realize he's not so different than everyone else, and maybe handles custody battles a lot differently than John and Jane Q citizen. He was seriously losing his sh*t. Coming from a divorced family, I can understand the emotion behind the call, and even him lashing out at her mother (Basinger) and telling her he was going to "straighten her out" but calling her a pig at the end was crossing the line to me. I was uncomfortable hearing that.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45940)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Pig? He called her pig and is not being denied of having visitation? Have to roll my eyes on that one. Whatever the reason behind the parents breakup, they should not punish the children by denying them contact with their mother or father. I haven't heard the tape of the conversation. Why was his conversation being taped in the first place?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Yes the voice message was taped and released by his ex-wife Kim Basinger or her lawyer.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Rose thank you for an excellent link. I think it show just how vindictive Kim Basinger is being...just my opinion and yes I did vote no.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
21 Apr 07
It's actually a voice message he left to his daughter. Here a link to the story if you wish to read and hear what he says
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I suppose it depends on how he used the word but I've often told my kids they live like pigs when their rooms are ghastly and look.... well.. like a pig sty! LOL
Unfortunately when people divorce they tend to not think straight and use the kids as pawns and the end result is messing up the kids. I hate to see when people do this. They should be happy that their spouse or ex spouse I guess, wants to continue to be active in parenting with them.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Apr 07
I am amazed at the amount of time the news actually talk about this. There are so many worse things going on, and actually kids get abused in far worse ways.
Sure he did wrong, but to call it childabuse - nah - like someone else said, we do not know the whole story behing that call...
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I don't think this was a case of child abuse but I DO think it shows how much he really things he should have his own way all the time. He was caught having a temper tantrum!
He need to adjust his attitude and stop thinking people owe him ANYTHING!
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@honeyangel (1991)
21 Apr 07
i was watching a program about this,i was shocked how dare he talk to is 11 year old kid like this,calling her a little pig was bang out of order,no wonder kim doesnt allow him to see their kid.This is child abuse,i hope he never she`s his daughter again
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Don't you think never seeing his child again is rather harsh. Have any of your children ever got you angry and you have said something you may regret later?
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