I am a smoker of cigarettes and I smoke in my house and yes around my children.
@uniquenorthern (932)
United States
April 21, 2007 5:18pm CST
I grew up in a family of smokers that smoked inside the house and never had a single thought of going outside the house for a cigarette. It never even crossed my mind that they should have had too! Now the government is trying to pass all of these laws trying to ban smoking in public places, bars, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME???, even in my OWN car, if I lived in certain states!
When is this madness and paranoia going to end? How far is it going to go before they finally decide enough is enough? Do you think that the government has went too far this time with the smoking bans or not far enough? Do you think you should be able to smoke anywhere you want? Do you think smokers should be banned from all public places nationwide?I want to invite all mylot smokers and non-smokers to weigh in on this very important and frustrating issue. I will not rate anyone negative or anything like that, I just want to see what everyone thinks about all of this controversy. Thanks!
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11 responses
@gstitzer (103)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I think the goverment has absolutely gone too far. There are far more important things to be worried about then smoking in your car or in public. I too am a smoker who smokes in my car and in public. I do not smoke in my house but thats because I have a covered porch I smoke on.
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Person after my own heart, love to hear it coming out of somebody else's mouth though. Does my ears good. Thank you for the good response!
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@Hobbz05 (84)
• Canada
22 Apr 07
Well i'd like to start off by saying i live in canada and we are not allowed to smoke in bars or within a certain distance from public buildings such as the mall. I do agree with it partially cause its good for the non smokers but at the same time i dislike having to go outside when i'm at a bar to have a smoke expecially in the winter. When it comes to smoking inside my house that's a definate no for me, ever since i found out my ex was pregnant i stopped smoking and not once have i smoked in a house my son was at, i even went to extremes and wouldnt bring my son to my mothers house unless she promised to not smoke inside aswell. I just feel the child should have the right a healthier lifestyle and not end up with health problems because of his parents decisions, it just doesn't seem fair nor right!!!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
22 Apr 07
I am 26 and i smoked for 13 years, just quit last november. Here it is also illegal to smoke in bars, resturants, cafees and so on. What u do in your car, your house and so on is up to you. I have to say that even when i was a snker i loved to go out after they banned smoking, and there were so many more people out.. We also have to respect the people that are alleric, for the first time, THEY can go out just like everyone else...
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
27 Apr 07
First off congrats on quitting! You have a good point on the respecting everyone, that is the whole point. I think that we all have the right to be able to go out. If they are going to ban smoking, shouldn't they put up places where we can smoke? It just doesn't seem right that now the government is taking away the rights of a huge group of people for the sake of another group of people. There has to be a happy medium of some kind. Thanks for responding and giving your opinion it is much appreciated.
@suwandilee (280)
• Indonesia
22 Apr 07
think with your mind, we non-smokers had the rights to breath fresh air, you not just harm your self by smoking in the public area, you harm others, think with your mind, :-s , you are so selfish, at least if you wanna do something not good for you dont harm others, the goverment is right, ill always support the goverment for that
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Normally I would not even respond to a so obviously sarcastic and abusive response to an open opinions wanted discussion, but I just wanted to clarify something for myself and for everyone else that cares to read this:
Did I in any way come across as sounding stupid to you? I was pretty sure that I started all of my sentences with proper capitolizations and ended all of them with the proper puncuation marks. I also went out of my way to not target a certain group on this issue and gave my personal opinion and my personal experiences on this matter. I in no way stated or implied that you or anyone else on this great planet of ours doesn't have the right to breathe fresh air. I just want us all to have the same rights. Which we do not have right now, but we should. You can stand behind the government all the way till doomsday and back again as that is your right. I will wish you luck and hope that they return your gratitude.
I will not resort to slinging names with someone that I do not even know, and I would really appreciate getting the same respect from you and others. Thank you.
@kgreig (18)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I think everyone should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do. I am tired of the government thinking that they know what is best for us, when it suits them. But I won't even get started in about the government.
I don't smoke around other people that don't smoke. However if they come to my house and they know that I smoke, then I do smoke. Depending on the circumstance, if they are allergic to it or have a health condition then I wouldn't.
I am tired of everyone always saying their rights are violated by someone who smokes. But what about the smokers rights too. Everyone always worries about people's rights as long as it agrees with theirs.
I have asthma and sometimes when I am in a store someone has perfume or hair spray on that takes my breath away. That could kill me, so should the government ban all perfume and hair spray in public?
I think the government should get it nose out of state and private affairs.
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I know that here in Kansas City, they are all non-smoking campuses. I have had friends in the hospital that have had to go across the street, off the hospital property to smoke. I think this is crazy, because some of them are hooked up to an IV pole. What if they get hit by a car while they are crossing the street? I just think they should designate just one spot for smokers to go, rather than going across the street. I also know they are trying to keep peoples' health in mind, because of the damage that smoking causes, but it just seems wrong to me to make them go off hospital property. That just seems to be too much a risk to the patient.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
22 Apr 07
Our hospital is not that bad, they at least let the patients stay underneath the drive-thru car shelter for the ER patients drop off. But they also do provide a completely fan ventilated smoking room that is for maternity and swing bed, and icu patients only for those patients that do not get around so well just yet. I think that is the way to go for hospitals. For some of the patients it would be fine to go outside, but I wouldn't like the street part, but at least have some consideration for those that cannot get around too. Yes, they are just trying to keep our health top minded, but they also seem to forget that we have some basic human rights that come first.
Thank you kindly for the great response.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I've been a smoker now for 17 years, I started when I was 21 and very much legal to do so. Before I stared smoking some of the craze putting smokers separate had started, especially for workers at places. That they didn't want people to smoke at all but they would concede to letting them in a segregated area, usually smaller with less ventilation. I disagreed with it then before I ever started let alone now that I do smoke.
Yes I do agree that the non-smoker has a right not to have smoke shoved into their face. However I should also have the right then not to smell their perfume, which for me triggers my asthma along with migraines and they do have chemicals in them that cause cancer, nor should I have to be exposed to the fumes of vehicles which is being linked to cancer and other health issues especially in children. Oh and lets not forget when ever you enter the mall you have to go by the beauty shops and breath in all that toxic fumes for perms, hair dyes and artificial nails. None of which do I think is safe for anyone to breath in.
There are many things that cause health issues. Smoking may be one of them. I stress that because all the studies were not done with any scientific certainty. The statistics are a joke because anyone who has ever studied statistics knows you can get them to say what ever you want. If I wanted to I could give you numbers to show that eating ice cream causes drownings, both ice cream sales and drowning numbers go up at the same time. Does that prove anything? No but I can give you numbers to make it appear so. Until they can prove beyond shadows of any doubt they should not be blaming everything on smoking.
I think the government should back off. Let businesses decide what they want to do. Let them decide what customers they want and what workers. If they want to cater to non-smokers,fine. I'll know to go elsewhere. If they want to have smokers then the non-smokers can go elsewhere. Why should the government determine it. It should be up to the owners, not others. I should also be able to smoke in my own house and in my own car, whether or not I have kids. That jobs should not be able to tell me that I cannot on my own time (yes some are doing this) and that the government shouldn't either. Smokers should not be discriminated against nor should they be made into second class citizens which is happening.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I grew up in a home of non smokers. I started when I was 18, I was the only one out of my brothers and sister to start legally. I used to smoke in my home and then it just got to me. It's nasty, the smell is to much. Just because I have this nasty habit, my family shouldn't have to suffer because of me. It's not hard to put your shoes on and go outside during the summer. Instead of having your house look like a rock video, go outside with your kids and let them run around and play. During the winter, throw on a heavy coat and there you go. That's just my opinion.
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@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
23 Apr 07
This is never a controversy. What we have here is the rights of those people near you not to suffer the smoke that you are spewing. I really don't have any problem with any smoker smoking in public places IF THEY COULD TAKE THE SMOKE INTERNALLY AND NOT SPEW THE SMOKE OUTSIDE.
Smokers who are only thinking of their right to smoke are so inconsiderate of the MAJORITY of citizens who never do. Not unless you can present scientific evidences that smoking is never harmful (and healthful to you and your kids), then I will symphatize with your rights.
You can smoke at the right place. You can even smoke infront of your kids (since that is already your responsibility) but never in public places.
@kgreig (18)
• United States
22 Apr 07
I think everyone should be able to decide for themselves what they want to do. I am tired of the government thinking that they know what is best for us, when it suits them. But I won't even get started in about the government.
I don't smoke around other people that don't smoke. However if they come to my house and they know that I smoke, then I do smoke. Depending on the circumstance, if they are allergic to it or have a health condition then I wouldn't.
I am tired of everyone always saying their rights are violated by someone who smokes. But what about the smokers rights too. Everyone always worries about people's rights as long as it agrees with theirs.
I have asthma and sometimes when I am in a store someone has perfume or hair spray on that takes my breath away. That could kill me, so should the government ban all perfume and hair spray in public?
I think the government should get it nose out of state and private affairs.
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