whats the feircest wildest animal you have ever been chased or attacked by?
By ddzdvd
@ddzdvd (361)
United States
April 22, 2007 12:23pm CST
my experience was on the st.johns river in florida.one day while fishing ,i was in a canoe,rather close to shore(the bank)when a water mocossin(cotton mouth)snake was swimming innocently by.why i decided to mess with it i will never kmow,but i did,by hitting it with a boat paddle.the snake then proceeded to come up out of the water into my canoe as i jumped out of the canoe and into the water looking behind me the whole time with a look of sheer terror on my face and to my dismay saw the snake was just as determined to get to me as i was to get away.i glanced away from the snake for a split second to get my bearings and then looked back for the snake which was now in the water again and bee lining right for me.the water i was in was at chest level to me and i headed for shore real fast.the water got shallower the closer i got to the shore and the faster i was able to go.the snake was still on my tail so as i hit the shore i had to keep right on movin fast and as the snake transfered itself from water to land it too continued to move fast right after me and it wasnt untill after about a 40 yard sprint though splinters, saw vines, and bushes did the snake finally give up.after a few curses and thank you lords i eventually mustered up enough energy and courage to retreive my canoe,but had shaky knees the rest of the day.has any one else had a animal chase or attack them?if so please feel free to share your experience with the rest of us inquiring minds.
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2 responses
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
4 May 07
When I was a very young girl about 20, I graduated college with a Forester degree. I must tell you I am a city girl all the way and the only tree I had ever encountered were pine trees growing in my yard. As a very young kid we rode bikes through a trail in a few wooded areas, but other than that I was not an avid woodsperson.
So after my college degree I went to work for a Big company and they put me in the woods to cruise timber with a partner for many months. After getting my feet wet they decided we no longer needed a partner and could go it alone.
So on my first day out to the woods alone, I was busy doing my work, plotting my course and trekking through the woods. I came to the spot I needed to set up to take a sample of the trees. I flagged my center spot and began pulling my tape measure to my first tree. This is when I heard a horrible sound behind me. I was in a fairly cleared area, not many trees and good sound firm soil. I looked behind me and to the sides of me and saw nothing. This sound was like a snort and an army of something running in the woods. My heart started beating hard and loud. I was about 2 miles from my truck and had no idea what was coming through those woods. I walked back to my center plot and started getting my gear together to leave the area, when all of a sudden here came something charging at me and snorting, squealing and running fast. It looked like a medieval creature. There was no where for me to go but up! There was a very small tree in front of me, only about 8 inches in diameter. I ran up that tree which was only about 12 feet tall. This horrible thing started butting the tree and making this horrible noise as loud as possible. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It kept butting the tree, then I saw it, about 6 little creatures came scurrying past me and the mama. Once they got out of my sight she left and ran in behind them. This thing had sharp looking razors on its back, and only stood about 2 feet tall. I had no idea what the heck it was. I ran back to my truck and called in out of service.
I composed myself and found my ex partner. I told him the story and he went back to the site with me so he could find this creature.
It took us most of the day but we found her and her babies. He laughed until he fell out on the ground. It was a mean mama razorback/warthog pig! This is only one of my many funny adventures in the woods as a female Forester.
@Nardz13 (5055)
• New Zealand
23 Apr 07
hi ddzdvd, The most fierce animal Ive ever been chased by was 3 pig hunting dogs, I was 12 and walking home from school, they spotted me and chased me and ignored their owners command, me not knowing the "dont run rule" at the time I ran, so naturally they would have thought I was the hunt. Really scary they never bit me or anything, just the feeling of being chased was enough and hearing that ugly noise of vicious dogs.
@ddzdvd (361)
• United States
23 Apr 07
beleive it or not i have empathy for you.when i was a kid and went to visit relatives in south carolina,there was a section of woods that mean idiots dropped off thier unwanted dogs and these dogs reverted back to wild and usually ran in a pack so we had to always be armed when walking around in the woods there.though i was never chased by them ,they did stalk me a couple times which was creepy and thank you for sharing your story