
@dixie1 (1330)
United States
April 22, 2007 1:29pm CST
Is you husband, if you are married, a nester? Mine tends to be and loves to work around the yard and house.
3 responses
@mansha (6298)
• India
23 Apr 07
Mine too, he helps me around the house and kids a lot. Infact he and my son finish the dinner first while I feed the baby and then he takes my daughter and tucks her in to the bed by singing a lullby and I finish my dinner in peace while he takes care of her. Why I am tellig you this is because day before we had ordered a takeout dinner and all of us ate together and I was sitting watching T.V after dinner and my daughter was playing as it was not yet bed time. My hubby was in other room, suddenly she started rubbing her eyes and crying and got off my lap and started to crawl on the floor towards the room where my hubby was. she crawled and then sat and rubbed her eyes and made little crying noises , I was amused as I realised she was feeling sleepy and was going to my hubby as she has fallen in the routine that my hubby is going to tuck her in to the bed. Since she has been born somehow my hubby has taken upon himself the job of doing laundry in the washing machine on regular basis. Leaving me free to pursue mylot in my spare time. I guess he does qualify as a nester.
23 Apr 07
Nester? I.e works on building and keeping a home a nest? I'm not sure of this, as I've never none anyone to say it. I am a family guy though, I love to keep my parents house tidy as well as the garden. It's always a fun thing to look out for things like this and work on keeping the home a happy one. It helps keeping myself above board, with my emotion check. lol ~Joey
@caribe (2465)
• United States
22 Apr 07
My husband does work around the yard and house but I wouldn't go so far as to say he loves it or that he is a nester. He gets bored easily and wants to be out going here and there seeing what everyone else is up to. He can't stay still in one place very long unless he is working on a car or something like that to keep his mind and hands busy.