Dota hero/heroes you don't want to use?
By bluchic
@bluchic (93)
16 responses
@insomni4k (424)
• Indonesia
23 Apr 07
kardel is a newbie hero...
newbies prefer ranged hero, and 90% ranged hero is weaker than melle hero, execpt autisha... I prefer melle hero like centaur, mogul, anubarak, bristleback, those hero are hard to kill (if I use it) aaaaaah discuss this thing makes me want to play bnet but I have to go to collage :(
@domen_ (91)
• Slovenia
29 Apr 07
Sory to say that - but Kardel is not a newbie hero. In fact, Kardel is one of the most commonly chosen heros on clan wars. That is because of his great skills that allow him to farm very much in early game and then buy lots of damage. The only bad thing is, that if opposite team choses many heros with AOE damage Kardel's power drastically falls.
@insomni4k (424)
• Indonesia
20 May 07
2 type in clanwars for hero picking..
solo heroes or combo heroes..
that have to be balanced..
kardel is in cathegory newbie hero because he is easy to use..
@kla55lazers (492)
• United States
23 Dec 10
sniper is not "easy to use". there is a huge gap in skill between players of your low caliber and players who are high skilled. it all depends on how you play the hero which is why I guarantee that my sniper would destroy yours.
@insomni4k (424)
• Indonesia
26 Apr 07
you have to get a good luck for playing ogre magi...
I hate chances skills
@primecrimson (1388)
• Philippines
13 Dec 07
I used almost all heroes in Dota and I love every hero from both Sentinels and Scourges. The only hero I don't usually take is the Undying. The reason why I really not much a fan of the hero is because I don't know how to use him well. Ive got problems on choosing the best item to be equipped and I don't have good strategy for his gameplay.
@domen_ (91)
• Slovenia
29 Apr 07
I dislike hero hunters and late game heros (mortred, bloodseeker, spirit breaker, faceless void, etc) - because if opposite team is skilled they know how to counter such heros (with a fast push). In such situation all of those heros become extremly weak and useless. For example, mortred can kill 20 creeps in front of tower just like that, when ezalor can do it easily!
@leinad_017 (17)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
I don't want to use obsidian destroyer. I don't even know anybody who uses it. his level 6 spell is just too weak. this hero can't kill anyone except the neutral troll berserkers. hehe I also don't like to use the Alchemist because He is so slow
@ee_uze (30)
• United States
24 May 07
hoho, are you sure absidian is to weak ?
obsidian is counter agility heroes and late hero...
try to buy 2/3 mystic staff, and use the ultimate...tell me what happens...ok ;)
and the Alchemist, i think his level 6 makes him faster, and sange yasha staff will make him faster and faster... :)
@kenth1985 (18)
• Philippines
25 May 07
using any heroes is find by me, cause the outcome of a battle does not lie on the kinds of heroes. it lies on the players themselves.
@Acceed (33)
• Sweden
13 Aug 07
I don't like using the mainstream heroes, at least not too much. You always give such a bad impression of being "just another mediocre player, who's skills are probably limited to getting owned by Easy level in the AI version of 6.38" when you pick someone like Rikimaru or Razor.
@furion1 (272)
• Philippines
16 Nov 07
Of course, I don't want to play heroes which I do not know especially in serious matches. Zeus, Morphling, Earthshaker, Syllabear, tinker, techies, alchemist, soul keeper, obsidian destroyer, and voljin are some heroes I dislike. Some of these are heroes I do not know how to use well and some are just plain boring. But I have more Favorite heroes than those I dislike. Kardel is an alright hero. I don't like him and I don't dislike him either.
@klancar (29)
• Slovenia
28 Apr 07
I think no hero is that bad that i can't own with him, but i really don't like chen. btw leinad_017 obsidian is one of the best late heroes. If you make hex+scepter+linken+treads... its gg for most of enemy heroes... Its ulti is imba against str-agi heroes... Try it once... buy those items... it's GG