Do you have forgiveness in your heart?
By mamasan34
@mamasan34 (6518)
United States
April 23, 2007 1:44pm CST
Have you ever been in a situation in which you were wronged and were able to forgive that person? Tell us about some of your situations, sometimes it is impossible to find forgiveness in your heart, but I like to think that I can forgive friends and family for most. Tell us about you, have you been able to forgive, or is there something so awful that you just couldn't?
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8 responses
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
i think so..because i don't feel any baggages in my heart and mind..not before when my bf leaved me when i'm still pregnant, and without knowing that he's already engaged to other woman..that makes me feel mad and i hate him of what he has done to me..but it was 2yrs. ago, and all the pain was already healed and i'm happy with my kid and my new bf which has more love, respect and trust on me..
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I am so glad to hear you have a happy ending. That is horrible that you had to go through that. But I always believe that when a door closes the good Lord always opens a window. Thanks for sharing your story with us!
@bluewings (3857)
27 Apr 07
Forgiving comes easy to me and once I forgive,I do a favor to myself.I no longer dwell on the issue and can move on.There might be certain issues that are hard to forgive, but time helps to lessen the pain by fading the remembrances and makes it easier to forgive.Whenever I can't forgive myself ,I try to peep into my future and analyse if I will be as mad at the person after two years as I am at that moment and almost instantly I get a better perspective.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
28 Apr 07
That is great to hear. Not many people are able to forgive and move forward with or without the person in their life. It is a difficult task but I feel as you do. That is a good way to get a better perspective that is for sure! Thanks for sharing that!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Yes, I have forgiven alot of people. I forgave my step-dad for knocking the crap out of me when I was younger. for mentally,emtionally, and physically abusing me and my brother. He was very strick. He'd give you two minutes to do something if you didn't, he'd hit us. He went as far to use a whip on me several times and beat me with a belt and buckle so bad I couldn't go to school for over a week. Yeah, it has been 16 years and I have forgiven him. He is not that way anymore to much. Thank goodness. He is on high blood pressure meds and and Zoloft. Seems what made him so mean was that he was getting cluster migraines and they would last for days and since he has started taking his meds he has changed alot. I have forgiven people for stealing off me. Now I am dealing with a situation that is very hurtful to me. I was told by a few of my husbands family that i am to fat to ride in their cars. I mean yeah I am overweight but cars are made to hold atleast 1500 lbs I think and I don't weigh that at the time they told me this I was 350 lbs... I was so hurt.. I really think they are ashamed to be seen with me being so big. I always clean and dressed nice so i know it wasn't that. It hurt me becuase I thought of these people as not only as family but friends one I thought of as my best friend. So you can imagine how I felt about that. What hurts the most is she puts more weight then I weigh in their car.. Can I forgive this.. I don't know I have tried but so far I can't or I have emotionally not to. You'd think being told this that I would lose the weight at first I got down to 300 lbs just to be told "cool a little more and we can start going places again..well that made me depressed and I put all the weight back on within 2 months. and I have gained a few pounds a month since. to me I'd rather take a beating then to have to go through that again..So here I sit stubbornly overweight. That hurt me o bad that when I think about it it just makes me break down and cry like a baby yeah I need to get a grip and get over it and take my life and put it back together and forgive and forget otherwise I'll not be able to get past it just when I am losing weight I start to think about it and then it ruins things for me because it depresses me if I could I would hypnotis it right out of me then i would be able to live a more emotionally stable life.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Forgiveness is one of the hardest things in life to do. It takes a lot of heart and understanding. I am sorry that you have gone through all that you have. I know that your father took the initiative to take the meds he needs to make him a better person, so forgiveness is not so difficult in that situation. In your other situation you describe, now that is awful. To be told the things you were told, hurts very much so. I can't believe some one can be so calloused. Hon, this is not your problem. Your weight is not the heart of the issue. It is their problem! They have the issues, not you. If you are comfortable with yourself, you love yourself and your husband loves you regardless, then be proud of yourself. As long as you are taking care of yourself don't be embarrassed about yourself. Darling, I weigh 275, the last time I was weighed. I could stand to lose some weight, but no matter what, I am comfortable with me. I am proud of me. My family is on me all of the time to lose weight, I You have to find the love for yourself. These cutting remarks were not necessary and were said to be hurtful, to get you to lose weight because they are embarrassed. If they don't love you for who you are, then to heck with them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life. You lost 50 lbs, so you know you have the willpower, the courage and strength within you to do anything you want. It is hard to do that! I know! You need to find the love within yourself, so when you hear these remarks, you can just speak right up. Don't let them bring you down. You be you, regardless of how big or small you are! You sound like a very beautiful person and a very caring and giving person. I want you to know, if there were more people in this world like you, the world would be a better place. It sounds like your husbands family is very shallow and self centered. I know those remarks hurt something fierce, but you have the power to allow them to hurt you or to let them bounce off of you. If your husband loves you and you love yourself, that's all that matters. Take care and if you ever need to chat or talk, email me!
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
24 Apr 07
Hello,mamasan, I would always forgive other people as longas they will not do the same mistake later on, I think you do not feel good to hold a grudge in your heart,by forgiving other people, you just release yourself and other people will appreicate your generosity.
I was cheated by my ex-boyfriend before, at the beginning, i was angry,but i forgave him as the situation would not be better even I did not pardon him for cheating me.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Apr 07
You are so right. Not forgiving certainly doesn't ease the pain in your heart nor does it help the situation. I know it was very difficult to forgive your ex-boyfriend, but it has given you the opportunity to move forward and not carry that into a new relationship. Thanks for commenting!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I agree! This short statement says it all. If the Lord can, why can't we? Thanks for bringing that to the table. It is important to think of the man who gave his life to forgive our sins....that is the ultimate sacrifice!
@cindyd (34)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
If I have encountered this question six years ago, i would definitely be negative about the idea of forgiveness. Forgiving was one thing I couldn't do easily. I don't know, maybe I was just too proud then that I always wanted the other person to say sorry to me first. Especially if the person who wronged me used to be a dear friend. Before, i thought of forgiving as forgetting, if i don't get to see that person more often, or if i don't see that person at all, then i would be able to forgive him/her.
As i matured more, i realized that forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. Forgiving is more of accepting the fact that somebody has done mistake. I also learned from some unforgettable experiences that a simple misunderstanding should not be a reason to break a relationship, or a friendship. Saying sorry and forgiving should always be put into consideration to settle the differences.
But more than forgiving others, the best thing i learned about forgiving was to forgive myself first. I was too hard on myself before, maybe that was also one of the reason why I find it hard to forgive others. Letting go of the grudge simply made me feel refreshed and optimistic.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Apr 07
That is a good way of looking at things. Forgetting is not forgiving. I too thought this way, but facing the problem head on with love, consideration and understanding always helps. I know as you said, if this were six years ago, it would be different, I believe as we mature, that we understand these things much more! Thanks for commenting.
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I try to forgive and forget. I have, though, done something that I was forgiven for, that I didn't think I should have been forgiven for.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Well my friend, we all do things that we don't feel we should be forgiven for, but apparently the person who forgave you, didn't feel that way, so rest your weary mind! I am sure this person, realized that you are a special person in their life and your friendship/love is more important than the deed that was done. Carrying guilt is not easy for either party and unnecessary! Take care and try not to worry so much about it.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
23 Apr 07
The more you can forgive, the lighter your heart. It is never impossible to forgive, unless that is how you see things. Hanging on to that anger and hurt is doing you no good. The situation that you felt hurt from is long gone, in the past. Why hang on to the past? Let go of it, release your feelings of anger, and see how wonderful you will feel. To forgive is always a choice you can make. There is nothing stopping you from forgiving but yourself.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I completely agree. I used to hold my anger and was unable to forgive. Now, I do forgive freely. It is a waste of my energy to hold those kinds of feelings in and not be able to say "I forgive you". I have many friends and family that are so hateful and will hold a grudge for ages! I do'nt see the point of it. People make mistakes and if they are genuinely sorry, then I say forgiveness is necessary for us all to move on with our lives. Thanks for the comment!