Lose weight or lose inches?

@nica269 (1395)
United States
April 23, 2007 2:04pm CST
which do you prefer? Is it better for you to lose inches or weight. If I can fit into the size I want, I don't care how much I weigh! How about you?
7 responses
• United States
9 May 07
It's best to look at the inches as the scale can be deceiving. Reason is that muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less room. So, during a weight loss period you may only see 2 or 3 pounds off and maybe 20 inches...indicating that your body may be losing fat and gaining muscle. If getting the proper nutrtional value from what your eating, the body will heal itself and bring you to a healthier place. Your body decides what it needs and responds to it, wether it needs to lose or gain weight. For instance, the program I use led me to a weight loss of 15 pounds and 40.5 inches in just 23 days. Is this safe? Absolutely! Why? Because the program has all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals needed to sustain the body without causing starvation or muscle loss like traditional dieting. Awesome stuff! You may read more about it here if you wish to... http://www.WowYourBody.com Have a swell day everyone! Terri Higgins 866.998.9579
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
10 May 07
Thanks for the info, i'll definetly look into it.
• United States
10 May 07
Your welcome! You may see other links and info at ... http://bizpreneur.com/Terri You can view short video at ... http://areyoutoxic.net Have a swell day! Terri
@mememama (3076)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I rarely weigh myself, I set goals by pants size. I'm now in a size above what I wore before I got pregnant.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I think that's what I should start doing. I just sometimes get caught up in the whole weight thing and it drives me nuts. I hate the scale!
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Since muscle weighs more than fat I am more concerned with inches. If you are building muscle, the weight may go up initially, but will eventually drop when that muscle starts burning the fat away. I would rather look fit than skinny and weak.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I agree that I would prefer to look fit than skinny and weak. It's not what i'm looking for.
• United States
24 Apr 07
I don't really care what the scale says...I care about the way my clothes fit. So I would have to say that I care about losing inches and not really about what I weigh. I want to fit into my 'skinny' clothes!!
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I too want to fit into my skinny clothes!
• United States
23 Apr 07
Inches are easier to count and it makes it easier to see how much you lost, a scale is only numbers that can vary, but inches are more stable and encourage you to excercise and do more.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
23 Apr 07
I think so too. Thanks for your input
• China
24 Apr 07
In my opinion,I'd like to lose inches!cause it can make you look good.It doesn't matter what your weight is.
@nica269 (1395)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I too agree. I think weight is not quite fair, because there are many body types that are fit and healthy, but that don't meet the 'healthy' requirements.
• Malaysia
25 Jan 12
Dear Nica That an interesting question, if I may say so. Actually what you are asking is some form of 'chicken or egg' dilemma. If you want to lose inches on your waist line, you need to lose weight. If you insist on reducing your waist line with artificial method, you will lose inches. And your weight will remain the same. My best advice to you is to go on a long term diet to get off the extra weight and the extra waist line. Believe me, by going on a diet, your body will shed the extra pounds and you may find your dresses fit you well. This is my take for now but do contact me again. OK? Thanks Love: Bro. Joe. GBU