Best site to earn money

April 23, 2007 2:33pm CST
Hi there. I've been looking for a long time for a website that could bring me an extra income, but at the same time, I wanted a site wich won't give me much work. After registering in dozens of websites I've come with this one I'm presenting in this topic. The objective of the site is simple: create a gallery of photos. And each time someone sees a photo you uploaded, you earn some money. It's simple and easy, and it has the best CPM )or rate per 1000 image impressions I've ever seen. Just imagine the amount of clicks you will generate by sharing galleries plenty of photos with your friends, in forums, in your website... Plus it allows you to associate your photos with Google Adsense account which will make you earn even more. Please register me as your referal, because this site is for real. Register at: And if you want to, check out my gallery: Thanks for reading and sorry for my english.
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