Lies of One Religion About and Against Another - How Harmful Are They Really?
By APMorison
@APMorison (424)
United States
April 23, 2007 7:31pm CST
Do the false information, in some case created from 'whole cloth', do more than just 'keep the flock from straying' to other religions or is it something else?
During the crusades the christian knights were told horror stories about the practices of the muslim - and visa versa.
The early christians were claimed to cannibals by the Roman government.
The catholic church institutionally laid the blame for the death of Jesus at the feet of all jews.
One of the biggest and most enduring bits of propaganda is still that if a belief doesn't follow 'the book' its obviously demonic, satanic, evil and utterly corrupt in all ways. Then again, among followers of 'the book' - if its not their particular interpretation of 'the book' then its is also under the heading of false doctrine, a product of 'the devil'.
I recently came across a discussion that purported to be an open discussion of religion, however, once people were 'invested' in the discussion then the repetitive denouncement of any belief not of 'the book' and the restating of the horror stories taught by their religion about other 'non-book' beliefs - with those concocted stories being retold as Fact even in the face of practitioners of the faith giving corrections as a matter of course. These corrections were then denounced for being the product of false doctrine.
Okay - against an argument like that there is no use continuing the discussion because - its a Stale Mate. The believer in 'the book' won't budge to admit that perhaps there were some inappropriate interpretations of other faiths had been given to them as truth and they now have the facts - and - the believer in 'the non-book' faith is also not going to 'give in' because they are well pleased and content in their faith.
These spiraling arguments are not productive and yet some of us just can't seem to get out once we are in. Occasionally we go from debate to frustration and even forget 'why' the debate started and only want to Win.
I am not a follower of "the book". I have put all the religious labels in small letters because that keeps it in, my mind, all on a level playing field. Quoting "the book" at me will not further this discussion.
I live my life in the open. I take care of my family, I try to be honest, fair, kind, reliable and just in my dealings with others. I am at peace within my mind and heart as it relates to my faith. I answer honestly any questions about my faith that I have an answer for. I don't kill except to eat (I'm not a vegetarian). I am kind to my friends, to children and small animals. When a friend was flooded out during Katrina I took her and her whole family into my house until they could resettle - I didn't insist that they 'convert' or listen to proselytizing of my faith to stay there. My family sent money, clothes, food and donated to the Red Cross for Katrina Relief as well, without a 'notation' of which Religious Faith sent it. When a friend lost her home to a fire just last week - everything but the cat and her car keys was gone - I emptied my closet and took the clothes to her and took away only her 'thank you'.
And yet - because I do not follow 'the book' I am called Evil by people who don't know me at all. I am accused of all manner of evil thoughts and deeds in the name of their religion. I have been harassed when I would not 'convert'. I am repeatedly accused of worshiping an entity that does not exist for me and that argument alone is enough to have the accusers pointing and saying - See, she denies the existence of the one she worships! Proof! Proof! Who else but a follower of Satan would deny his existence?!
Now, admittedly I have been 'outspoken' for my faith so I expected some inconvenience but the bitterness and occasionally the violence of the reaction is, to my mind, beyond reasoned bounds. When someone is ready to ball a fist and strike someone they just met over what has been taught to them about another faith, in this day and age, it is more frightening than you can imagine until faced with it.
I faced similar hatred as a young girl growing up in the South during some of the violence surrounding civil rights. I faced some of the same horror then when I stood up and helped protect a classmate from a mob. Race traitor was the kindest thing I was called for quite some time.
So - I have gone on for some time here - again, quoting "the book" at me is not meaningful discussion - its quoting "the book".
If you have an actual question that is not something like - "so why do you sacrifice animals" - I don't - there all done - or anything else like that kind of question - rethink it and bring up something useful. I will attempt to answer valid questions honestly. Once I have answered, arguing back that 'but "the book" says....." will not be responded to by me - any other 'non-book' types feel free to wade in as well.
Here goes........
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1 response
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Very well stated. I agree that so much is spoken about different religions that are not true. It would be nice if people would actually look into the facts before they begin to accuse or to comdemn . To know exactly what it is they are denouncing. That I have found seldom happens. They go by old myth, legends and the same old superstious accusations that were thrown at other religions for centuries. The fact that they are not valid or that they are a mishmosh of fact and fiction that half the time it doesn't make sense.
I grew up Roman Catholic. I was not happy there. I investigated other forms of Christianity but I knew they were right. When I found Paganism I knew that it was right for me. I began to study it. Do I know everything? No and I doubt I ever will. I will continue to study, to learn, and to expand my knowledge. I also still like to learn about other religions. The best way to know what a religion stands for is to study it. To know the different aspects of it. I've learned a little bit here and there and I've learned more on mylot about them. When one has an open mind and is willing to listen to others beliefs, without attacking them, one can learn a great deal.
I've had my share of attacks. It happens. I'm more open on line about my beliefs then I am off line. More because of how some people are. I also know my parents, although somewhat open mind about most standard religions, would have a fit over the path I follow. I do not feel the need to cause them distress at their age. What they don't know doesn't hurt them. My sister and one brother know and they accept it. I don't feel the need in my life to broadcast my faith to others. I will answer honestly if asked but otherwise I just leave it alone.
@APMorison (424)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I started this rotation as a Fundamentalist Southern Baptist -
I ended up being put out of Sunday School often - for private lectures the the pastor for questioning the doctrine too hard.
Ah well
Yeah, there are a few of my relations I don't discuss religion with, it makes for less indigestion over the family table.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Apr 07
With some of my family I've learned to avoid religion, politics, immigration, taxes, schools, and anything other then very simple things that they can't argue. I have two brothers and a father who are know it alls and always have to be right. Family get togethers are not fun at all usually.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
24 Apr 07
I agree, for some reason people feel that they have to beat others with their beliefs. My beliefs are for me and my husband and children to be concerned with and us only. I was raised with a catholic mother and a baptist father. My mother-in-law is a minister of an independent church. Over the years with things that I have seen, done and have had done to me I found my own path. A mix of pagan and Christian. I am very nervous that my mother-in-law will find out, as her whole family (not my husband, her renounced religion before we met due to the things his mother did in the name of God) would disown us and that would hurt my son deeply. I avoid talking religion with any of my in-laws. My family knows how I practice and they don't care, my mom says how I approach God is my own concern and as long as God hears me that is all that matters.
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