Insomnia, Do you deal with this??
By dcroome2005
@dcroome2005 (1210)
United States
April 23, 2007 8:55pm CST
I can go to bed at 10 and not fall asleep until 1-2 am . No matter what I try, I can't sleep until 1-2. This makes me sleep until 8-9 am. I don't drink cafffiene and haven't in over 2 years. So I know it can't be that. Is anyone else out there like me who has trouble sleeping? Anyone had this problem before but either got medicine or tried something else that has worked to put you to sleep earlier? It's driving me nuts and has been going on for about 5 months. I don't think I am under any stress so I don't know what it could be. UGH!!! Can you help with any tips or advice? I would love it.
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24 responses
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I will try walking at night and see if that helps. Thanks for responding.
@asmurthy (2461)
• India
24 Apr 07
Insomnia is caused by a decrease of Melatonin in your brain. I myself suffer from insomnia. Here it is almost 5 am, and I'm still awake and online. Doctors have Melatonin capsules that'll increase your own, and help you fall asleep. Mostly though, I think that it's electronics and stuff that keep us awake. We are so busy during the day that we want to watch tv or play online. Taking a warm bath, drinking sleepy time tea (that's what it's called), or reading a boring book will help put you to sleep. Sometimes you may have to play soft music to help also.
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Thank you both for your responses. I appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I will keep you updated as to how all these opinions help me.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
25 Apr 07
The more you try to sleep and push it, the hard it will be to go to sleep. Once you start getting into a pattern, it's hard to break.
So, change everything around.
First, do not do exercise before bed, or do any bills.
Second, change your bed time up an hour or two if you can. You may be going to bed too early.
Second, I suggest sleep tea, it's natural from the market, or a warm glass of milk.
I have this problem, and these things I mentioned to you have helped me a lot. Good luck my friend. Another + rating for a good posting. Keep it up sugar.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Thanks. I went to the doctor today and she told me that I won't be able to get any sleep meds until I get a sleep apnea test done :( This sucks. Thanks for sharing your opinions!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I have the same problem except I have to get up at 5:30 A.M. to be at the hospital with students!!! Of course when I get home at 3 or 4 in the afternoon I am dying to nap. I used to give in and nap but I don't now. That has helped a bit. I keep a sudoku book and crossword puzzle book in the nightstand and I do those until I can't keep my eyes open. That helps me a bit too. Good luck!
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Ah ha.. puzzles. That may help do the trick. When I am out tomorrow, I will grab some. Thanks so much. I appreciate it!!!
@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
25 Apr 07
After crossing 40 so many men-women have this problem of insomnia.
Some time for women it is due to menaupose and for men over work, worries, drinking habits or uneven sleeping habit like things are responsible:
Mostly deep breathing exercise helps to the person. It is a simple remedy of taking breath properly. Try to do meditation for 30 minuts to make your self empty fromm any kind of worry or stress or tension!
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Well, I am just about to turn 30 next month so , I still have a while before that. I do know that because I have PCOS , I already have hormonal problems and this could be one of the reasons I can't sleep well. I will try meditation. Thanks a bunch!
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
25 Apr 07
I suffer from bouts of insomnia too. I have tried all kinds of pills that my doctor has prescribed, but they either seemed to make me more active or knock me right out to the point that I would sleep for 10 or 12 hours, missing my alarm clock.
I find that if you are getting to bed late and sleeping in, this is what I suggest...
Make yourself wake up early (let's say 7:30 am) Make yourself do this for 2 weeks. It will be BRUTAL but, then you will tire yourself out and you will end up going to bed earlier. After awhile you will have conditioned your body to want to go to bed at an earlier time.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Wow, great advice. I will try that. I appreciate you taking the time out to help me. I think you are right about this schedule. Thanks!!!
@Stiletto (4579)
24 Apr 07
My problem is that I'm naturally a "night owl" so if I go to bed at 10pm I usually don't fall asleep for ages and if I do fall asleep quickly I wake up at about 3am - and I mean I'm really wide awake! I usually go to bed at about midnight, read for maybe an hour or so and then don't wake up until about 7.30am. I'm trying to get myself into the habit of being an early to bed/early to rise type person but it's not easy!
I would suggest you try having a bath shortly before bedtime, watch what you're eating and drinking in the evening and particularly avoid eating anything after about 8pm. Also you might try a herbal pillow - I have a friend who swears by her herbal pillow! She says she tried lots of other things but this really helped her fall asleep much quicker.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Oh wow. Never heard of a herbal pillow. Off to search on that now. Thanks a bunch. Also, I try not to eat anything or drink anything after 8pm unless it's water.
@SandStroM (139)
• India
24 Apr 07
Dude i dont think Insomnia is what you describe about ... It's even worse then that ... atleast you find yourself in bed after some time ... but there are people who dont sleep even after lieing on the bed for several hours .. think about them ... and regarding you i think it's only the pattern or the habbit that you have developed ... you can eventually get rid of it if you try ...
But if it's your habbit then it's really hard for you since ....
"A BIT" REMAINS ... AGAIN IF YOU REMOVE "A" - "BIT" REMAINS ... AGAIN IF YOU REMOVE "B" - "IT" remains.. So try your level best !!!
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I believe it is insomnia. I do think about people who lie in bed for some time and still can't sleep because THAT is me. It's not a habit. I totally disagree with your post. Sorry, but true.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I sometimes get this when I am really wired. One night I had to work the next day from 6-10am for 4hrs. We got home really late and I was going to sleep at 1am. But even though I had almost 3.5hrs of sleep I COULDNT sleep. I was wired from the trip to the theme park and MAYBE got 1.5hrs of sleep that night! It sucked man! Sorry for sleep issues though. Maybe check with a doc to see whats up.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Yeah, I am heading tomorrow to find out. I have a sinus infection so I thought I would bring the insomnia up as well and kill two birds with one stone.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Sometimes our minds just won't shut down. I keep my radio with headphones next to my bedside and listen to soft music or sometimes, talk radio. It lulls me to sleep often. On those night when I have a problem that lasts after a certain hour, I take two benadryle. They knock me out within fifteen minutes. I sleep through the entire night but am alert to any uncommon noise. I don't wake up groggy or foggy the next morning. It works for me.
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Wow, I will need to try that. Thanks for sharing what works for you :)
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
24 Apr 07
yes i have the same problems.It is caused by stress and many times when it happens it's like when you go to bed you keep on thinking about some things.Maybe that's also why you cannot sleep.
I'm doing meditation or just try to clear my mind.My doctor didn't wanted to give me medicine because it's not the solutiuon.
But you can try to think about nothing and then go to sleep.It's not easy i know but it's worth the try
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Thanks. I know that medicine isn't the answer but I really think if I try it for a bit, it may help me break the cycle and then I can get off the meds. :)
@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I have some sleeping problems, I tend to use sleep aids. If your looking for someting to help you try lunesta, its beena good help for me. Just talk to your doctor about it.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
yes, I have seen information about Lunesta. Will definetly ask the doctor about it tomorrow. Thanks!
@confusedheart (207)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
i once dealt with insomnia before. i can't go to sleep until its past three am. it made me so sleepy until 11am and it frustrated me so much. i guess what i did was to do a bit of exercise and relax myself throughly. i drink hot chocolate and listen to some music of my favorite band (anyway my band's type of music is slow rock). then i try to pray then i tend to get sleepy na
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Oh, never thought about drinking hot chocolate. I am really surprised that works because chocolate has caffeine it. Maybe there isn't enough to hurt though.
@sebringgrl24 (75)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I have had this problem on and off for the past couple of months also. What I have found to work is to work out in the evening around 6 or 7 pm (i.e. walking/running). It seems to get out all the extra energy that I have built up, even though I don't feel like I have energy at that time of night. Also I found taking a hot bath and drinking a warm cup of coco to also help chill my body out from a long day. If that doesn't help you could also try taking Tylenol PM. Hope you get some sleep soon!!!
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Thank you so much for sharing some tips that work for you. I am on my way to sleeping better with all these tips. Thanks a bunch. Have a great day!
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
24 Apr 07
I know exactly how you feel. I have tied going to bed early but just tossed and turned. Have you tried blocking all the lights, including your alarm clock? I have to have complete darkness and silence or soft music playing.
Curing insomnia and getting back to nights of natural sleep can be difficult but, for a lot of people, the answer lies in the use of time-honored traditional herbal remedies like valerian root. (Check with your doctor before taking)
Valerian, a hardy perennial flowering plant with sweetly smelling white or pink flowers, can be grown in various parts of Europe and Asia and now also grows naturally in areas of the United States.
Here is another sight that might help for Women suffering from insomnia.
@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Wow, thanks so much for this. I will look into it!!! I appreciate you taking the time to chime in and help me.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
24 Apr 07
I have fibromyalgia. This is quite common with people with fibromyalgia. I take a prescription sleeping medication and I still cannot go to sleep if I go to bed before midnight. If I happen to go to bed at 11pm and do go to sleep, I will wake up at 4am and not be able to go back to sleep. But I go to bed at 1 or 2 am, I could sleep anywhere from 9am to noon. It doesn't make much sense really. But as someone said, melatonin is lacking. Light reduces the production of melatonin. For example, if you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you turn the lights on, you may have trouble going back to sleep. I never turn a light on when I go to the bathroom.
I also have ringing in the ears which can be one of the reasons I can't get to sleep. I have used a sound machine and it has helped. I prefer to sounds of waves. I need to find a battery operated machine though.
Reading really helps me get sleepy.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Aww thanks for sharing. I have a friend who has fibromyalgia and she told me the same thing about the lights. Hope you can get some sleep more often. Thanks for chiming in for me and helping me out. I will try the reading.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
24 Apr 07
I have insomnia caused by suffering clinical depression. it's been going on for around 3 years now, maybe a lil more.
I found a lot of helpful advice about aromatherapy, and so I tried various things out.
Burning some Lavender essential oil in an oil burner in your bedroom for about 30 minutes before you go to bed is a good idea. Just make sure you blow out the candle before trying to sleep. Lavender is well known for it's relaxation properties.
I hope you find this helpful.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Oh cool, thanks so much. I make candles/soap etc and have Lavender so I think I will make me up some Lavender candles and start burning them at night. Also, I will take baths with Lavender Bath Bombs and Soap to help me as well. I appreciate it!!!
@mickidmw (992)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I hate not being able to sleep! I had to stop drinking coffe in the afternoon and it helped a lot!
Take a nice hot bath, it has been proven to help you fall asleep quicker, drink a nice cup of cocoa, it is warm and the chocolate is a 'comfort' food. Every once in a while I take tylenol PM if I can't go to sleep. I wish you luck!
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@mofelorn (611)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
I could not sleep too during college. It's really hard for me to sleep. I was searching anykinds of remedy but all were failed only listening baroque music and meditative sound made me to sleep. Try to use holosync music it's good too. Just search holosync to your favorite search engine, holosync. Read it. I hope it can help you too.
@SereneSecrets (166)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I too suffer from insomnia. It can be so frustrating. Mine is probably caused by stress and anxiety. I know you might be hesitant to take medication for it, but not getting enough sleep can cause all kinds of other medical problems. Medication might be the answer, it was for me. Hope this helps.
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@dcroome2005 (1210)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Thanks, I am going to the doctor tomorrow at 9:30 to see her about me being sick, but also going to ask her about my insomnia. :( Thanks for responding