Do you care what religion the President of the USA belongs to?

United States
April 23, 2007 9:25pm CST
If a Presidential candidate was a different religion than you, would you vote for them, all else being equal? Are all religions equal, or are there some you wouldn't vote for? For example, I'd have a hard time voting for a Scientologist for President. Going along with that, are you okay with other people doing this, whether or not you do?
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13 responses
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Honestly, I think I might have a problem if the President belonged to some fundimentalist religion. I mean of any brand, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindi (are there Hindi fundimentalists?) I feel that having a religion is fine, but the U.S. is a secular nation & was founded on religious freedom (but not on freedom from religion.) This fact allows everybody to persue their religion (or lack of same) in liberty. I don't think athiests should shove their anti-faith down people's throats on religious holidays like Christmas. I don't see them not wanting to take the time off!
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• United States
24 Apr 07
I think you may have misunderstood my "freedom from religion" statement. I meant exactly what you said about others shoving things down the throats of those who have differing beliefs no matter what they are, if anything. ;) I also wanted to mention that although it really doesn't matter at this point in time - in my opinion...the country was founded on deism, rather than theism...meaning founded by those who believed in God/Higher Power as a singular unit and found the bible (some argue as being the rewritten mythology of Horus, etc, by man trying to gain a following for political reasons) to be a blasphemous injustice to their maker and God. The huge diversity in the way our religions have evolved to meet the changing needs of our changing societies is fascinating.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I didn't mean to imply I thought YOU meant the "freedom from religion" as in the Madalyn Murray O'Hara version. I, however, grew up in Austin, Texas, her home town so I tend to stress the difference between what I thought you meant & what the militant athiests believe. But I'm still wondering if there are fundimentalist Hindi.
@agfarm (930)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I will vote for any President ( of any Faith ) excluding the One that has " Boots on the ground " to further their Religious agenda and / Political motives. If the President has no Faith that's fine too. What he does on his time is his Business . But when he's in the White-House I want him working for me. I accept people of all Faiths. This is not a point of Criteria for Me. Also...If he has a ton of Girlfriends ( on the side ) this does not affect me either. We place too many restrictions on the human side of things. No individual can resist the temptations of power. Greater power implies greater rewards. As long as he maintains that professional Balance of having extra Girlfriends on his time Not Mine , I say..." to each his own " He's got his life to live.... and I've got mine. I have enough on my plate to worry about , and I'm sure he does too. But When he's in the White House.....He's on My Time. I want Better Results.
• United States
24 Apr 07
I've seen a lot of great responses to this discussion, and although this is not my thread, I want to give you a "+" well said!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I could care less what their religion might be. They could not have any for all I care. What matters to me is if they are qualified to do the job. Are they the best candidate for presidency, will they be good for this country, and will they be able to follow through on what they say they will do. I don't care about their religion, gender or race. That to me is not part of the criteria for presidency. It's their abilities and whether or not they will benefit this country.
• United States
24 Apr 07
Very well said! :) I wish more adults looked at candidates as intelligently. As I understand it, some just vote for the "better looking of the bunch" giving little or no thought to anything substantial.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
24 Apr 07
If someone from my religion ran, I'd be rath ecstatic just because it's something I never expected to see. But I would still only vote for them if I agreed with what they planned to do as President! I'm more concerned about what the President actually does than who he/she prays to, or what religion they claim in their own life. The problem comes when so many presidents try to force their religion on everyone else, by pushing laws and such that have no basis other than religion. Overall, I would vote for anyone of any religion if they seemed honest and had a political agenda I could get behind.
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• United States
24 Apr 07
Interesting question...I have to say the thought of a candidate's religious preference has never once entered my mind. It would not matter to me if my kids' school-teachers, our doctors, coworkers, or any elected officials (including president) are Catholic, Muslim, witch, atheist or whatever. The only time I would have a problem with someone's religion is if my kids and I were not allowed "freedom FROM it being pushed upon us". Everyone has their own thing, and I think most people are basically good and following pretty much the same moral values and courtesy as any religion under any "name". No, it wouldnt matter to me.
• United States
24 Apr 07
I'll be honest and say that I am more inclined to vote for a person of my religion HOWEVER I despise when presidents incorporate church and state and when this country was founded upon the philosophy that those would stay separate. I do wish that there would be a Jewish president one day ;).
@pendragon (3348)
• United States
24 Apr 07
It only matters to me when the president uses religious factors in his campaigning.Such as sequestering church rosters and targeting certain members to use propoganda upon to gain votes/support, otherwise no I wouldn't care at all.
• Canada
24 Apr 07
President of the USA, teacher in school, I don't care what religion anyone is, just as long as they don't let it get in the way of their career. If they are in the company of people of that religion who believe what they do, by all means, let it influence them, and be present every day, but if they are presideing over a nation with many different beliefs then they must remain totally neutral.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Its not whether or not he/she has religion OR what religion that may be...thats none of my business as far as I'm concerned BUT it DOES matter to me that he/she keep his/her religious beliefs OUT OF OFFICE...the Prez is in charge of/running a country of MANY..many cultures, many races, many lifestyles AND many religions so unless he/she is goin to pay attention to and give equal opportunity to and most importantly be openminded, accepting and considerate of all those religions and the ppl who follow them when making something as major as a decision to something a little less major like making a public speech etc, his/her religion should be kept in the bedroom/bathroom/kitchen or wherever the hell it is the prez gets personal time/space LOL...
• India
25 Apr 07
I do care ! The President is the strongest person of ,infact the world.Religion must have influenced his life.
@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
No i will not vote president with different religion especially weird ones like sciencetology. I do believe on God. And to those candidates who dont believe in God himself means that we cant expect of any good jobs that he will performed during his presidency.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Because a good job is solely dependent on the religious deity you worship? Well, by that logic, George Bush Jr. must be one of the best presidents the U.S has ever seen. Oh, wait...nevermind.
• United States
27 Apr 07
LOL, haven't you heard? Bush Jr is the Messiah returned to save us all.... and I have oceanfront property in Kansas for sale too.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
24 Apr 07
I honestly couldn't care less about the religion of the president. It's their policies I care about. If a Muslim candidate had more appealing policies than a Christian, Jew, or Athiest candidate, I'd vote for him. I think people that vote based on religion are silly, really. "I'm voting for this person because he's a Christian, and not for the other guy because he's an athiest," is hardly a good reason to vote for someone - especially if that particular candidate has shown nothing but incompetence throughout his or her political career.
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@shinjiao (1457)
• China
25 Apr 07
I care less about the President's religion.What I care about is his policy and his reputation, but not his religion.Every candidate should have an equal chance.