"You're Fat!" said your boyfriend.
By galatea
@galatea (686)
April 24, 2007 1:23am CST
I'm 5'1, 140lbs. I do kickboxing and yoga every other day. I jog every week. I try to eat a balanced meal every day, usually skipping the meat, and piling up on veggies and fruits.
Today my boyfriend tells me that I should lose weight. I got irritated and hurt. It's not like I'm not doing my best to lose weight. I don't want to lug around this weight for the rest of my life, I also want to be a drop dead gorgeous head-turner. And most of all I want him to take pride in the way I look.
What a bummer. It's halfway through the day and my confidence and self-esteem just went to hell.
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37 responses
@hartnsoul (558)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
Hi galatea! If my boyfriend said that to me... i'd say thank you, with a smile. You should not kill yourself to please other people with your appearance. COntinue your exercise and diet and eventually everything will pay off. Being lean and staying lean takes time and discipline. Not because your boyfriend says your fat you really are fat...
Another thign i can say is re-think your wardrobe.. Wear something flattering for you that way you can strut your assets and not sulk on what you don't have at the moment. Accepting yourself with who and what size you are is the start of really trimming down those unwanted numbers on the scale. :) Goodluck.
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@galatea (686)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
There are just other ways of saying things that wouldn't break a heart, you know? And yes, I try to wear clothes that flatter what ever asset I have. I just feel so ugly whenever anyone tells me that I'm fat. It's not like I don't see myself in the mirror everyday. And it hurts more because the person you are trying to please most, to look your best for, is the one who puts it right in your face.
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@hartnsoul (558)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
I couldn't say I understand exactly but I do sympathize with you. Its the person you love the most that seems very difficult to please in the entire world. However, I learned recently that if your are not appreciated by one person no matter how much you feel for them, they should be more accepting of you and encouraging of you more. Tell him how it made you feel. Perhaps he is not aware at the gravity of hiw words.
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@galatea (686)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
I told him how he made me feel. Of course I've heard the same rebuttal I got from others, that I'm too emotional and sensitive. Maybe I am, but I think how I feel should be respected. It's not like I'm bawling my heart out and kicking and screaming, I'm just trying to reason out, to explain my physical state. I really like the thoughts you have shared, thanks a lot.
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@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
24 Apr 07
That was not a very nice thing for him to say. You should try not to let it get to you, although I am sure that is not easy to do. I do not think he meant for it to come out that way, but sometimes people do not think things through before they say them. It might help to tell him how it made you feel. Maybe at least he might think about it before saying something like that again. In any case, do not let it tear down your self-confidence. Keep up with what you are doing towards reaching your goals, and in time you will reach them. If he wants you to be healthy, then he should not want your weight loss to be rapid, so just keep it at it slow and steady and you will get the results you both want.

@galatea (686)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
Thank you for your kind words, you've summarized the situation and provided good explanation too. It'll be great if I can just snap my fingers and wake up to a great bikini body but I know it takes time, I hope he'll get to understand that too.
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@jencai (3412)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
In my part, it would not matter if my partner is fat or thin. As long as he is healthy I would be more happy. Do not deprive your self for someone who wanted you to be someone else. If that person really loves you, he would accept you for who and what you are. But still, you can have your proper diet. Goodluck!
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@galatea (686)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
Sometimes I wish I had great genes to start with but my parents are both overweight. So I have to work extra extra hard only to judged abruptly. I'm really in the dumps right now. Maybe it would have been better if I was born to be pretty and sexy but brainless, people tend to tolerate a decrease in brain activity more. I could even join a reality search for aspiring stars.
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
That's bad, you need to tell him that it hurts your feeling when he call you tah. He should be sensitive on commenting about appearance as most people get hurt about it. My wife also, who is thin, get irritated when ever somebody commented on her appearance. It's just normal to feel that way.
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
Thanks for responding, I noticed a majority of those who responded are women, aside from one who aspires to be my trainer, advising me that it's good to skip breakfast :0
Is it true that most men are too frank? I don't want to generalize but I'm getting the feeling that most really speak first before thinking of the ramifications of what they said. Anyway, I love my boyfriend and I'm giving him a chance to understand the situation. I also had to apologize because as he said I shouldn't have posted our problem here.
@sebringgrl24 (75)
• United States
25 Apr 07
Screw him girl..... you are a beautiful person from the inside out..... sounds like you are working your but off and eating right...keep up the good work...and dump his but...he'll regret it when you walk into a room all slim, tone, and sexy....the only weight you need to lose right now is his negative but....bet that will make you feel 110% better.....keep up the good work and don't give up
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
Thanks for the compliments, the encouragement, and the smile you gave to my tired self. :)
About butt kicking, I don't think him calling me fat is enough grounds for me to leave him. After all he has said and has been trying to say a lot of nice things and do a lot of nice things to me.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Apr 07
No offence, but I would tell him to stick it and if he doesn't love you for who you are then tell him to bugger off. Thats a mean thing to say to you and I wouldn't tolerate it if it was me. I hope your not going to do double workouts and eat less just because he says your fat? You should be losing the weight because YOU want to and not to please him!
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
I was about to, at that moment that he told me that I wanted to throw up everything I ate and spend the rest of the day doing crunches. But I snapped out of it and figured, I'm the one with this body and as far as I know it's not so gross as to be rashly told that I'm fat. Very few fat people deny that they're fat, we don't need to be told, we see ourselves everyday, we feel our body every time we bathe, and we carry our weight every single second.
@mariyamaka (931)
• India
24 Apr 07
hi galatea
i have read few of your responses so i know you really love your guy very much and on the other hand you are even trying to loose weight!! i agree he told you the truth that is good but girl he should even understand and appreciate what you are doing even though you are not much sucessfull in loosing weight he should be happy that you are trying just to please... no doubt you love him but if you are thinking of a long term relation then you sit and think once again... will you always be able to take such attitude in life??? if i was at your place i would have atleast made him realise how it hurts!! and you dont give up keep trying hard work always pays!!! and a tip: include soya beans in your diet but consult your doc/dietion before. it works!!!
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
Your right I do love the guy. We're pretty new in this relationship so I'm trying my best not to judge him so harshly. I guess that got back to me fast. I hope he tries to see what really is me rather than just skimming through the surface. I'd like to think he fell in love with what is inside me as I did to him.
And about the soya beans, I am doing it now but mostly in the liquid form. I love it better than milk. There are a lot of variations like green tea, chocolate, vanilla, and all of then are fat free and sugar free. Love the stuff. Thanks for the tip!
@jollyjeangiant (219)
• United States
25 Apr 07
I think you need to drop the boy! If he's concerned about your weight because of your looks, he isn't worth it. If it's for your health, then from what you've described, he's overzealous. He needs to take the log out of his own eye, etc., and consider your feelings! Good luck!
Also, I'm female and straight, but from your pic it looks like you have a lovely smile, so I doubt you have anything to worry about. Just one girl helping out another. :)
@londongirl (207)
24 Apr 07
Can I ask if your fella is perfect? because if he had said that to me I would have pointed out all of his bad points and said but don't worry about it because at least I love you!
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
25 Apr 07
What your boyfriend said is just mean. do you tell him things that are wrong with him? not everyone is perfect.
are you happy with your body? your opinion is the only one that should count. fat, skinny,tall, thin....everyone is different, he should value you the way you are. too many people gain an eatting disorder to please someone else. your boyfriend might or might not always be there, but you're the one that has to live out the rest of your life with yourself.
dont let someone elses opinion get you so upset.
I'm sure there are other great things about yourself that you like. is he with you only because of your body?
did he say this because he is worried about how you look or is he worried about your health? there's a big difference in the two.
@Lady_Justice (969)
• United States
25 Apr 07
One of my daughters is nearly the same height and weight as you are. That is NOT fat! She is perfectly beautiful with a curvy figure and I bet you are too. Men that want ultra skinny women are not concerned about the woman's "health." For Heaven's sake, you wouldn't even be in the "fat" category on a stupid BMI test and those things are ridiculously inaccurate, making everyone seem heavier than they really are. Even if you were overweight, so what? If he doesn't accept you the way you are he's not going to cherish you the way he should not matter how skinny you get.
Dust off your self-esteem sweetie, and tell that boyfriend of yours to stop being so shallow. I'm sure plenty of men would find you adorable if he doesn't appreciate what he has.
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
24 Apr 07
He should have said it in a nicer way. Of course he mean't well, but when a comment like that is made from your boyfriend, it hurts like hell. You want to be pretty, not for anyone else, but from him. So im sorry your feeling so low, your gorgeous dont think any different. He has diarhea of the mouth lol (like my boyfriend) he means well but the what he says come out all wrong. If you want, maybe you should tell him it hurt your feelings, then move on.
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
25 Apr 07
I got him a bit mad, posting the topic here in mylot but my basic purpose is for him to see the different opinions that other people have about weight problem and diarrhea of the mouth, gotta love that term.
I've moved on and I've joked about it too much I think his ears hurt by now.
@dragonart25 (280)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
nice! but this is my story reverse to you! i have girlfriend before when im was in college days... so one day he told me he want me to gained weight, because im too slim.. so i eat alot of foods but still it didnt work... i want to gained weight!
@galatea (686)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
That's a point I wanted to raise too. Some people are just genetically slim or fat. It's not like I'm making it as an excuse but still that should make people understand that I don't sit around gorging food but I'm actually trying my best to lose weight.
I've a lot of friends who are naturally thin and they've done all they can to gain weight to no avail. Maybe you should try protein drinks?
@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
24 Apr 07
Let that motivate you for weight loss and not to get you down! That was very rude for him to say and let him know it hurt you. I looked at your pictures on your profile and I don't think you are fat at all! you are a very pretty girl. Do what makes you happy and lose weight for yourself not for a boyfriend
@Stiletto (4579)
24 Apr 07
I looked at the pics in your profile and there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look - you're very pretty and you certainly don't have a weight problem. Men can be so insensitive sometimes - they just open their mouths without engaging their brains first! He probably didn't really mean it to sound the way it did. I will tell you though that one thing I have learned as I got older is that your confidence and self-esteem should never be dependent on the opinions of anyone else - no matter who they are. That's a more important issue to focus on than losing weight.
@shorva (923)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
You know men can be insensitive at times. And the funny thing is they don't admit that they're insensitive but saying that women are too sensitive and emotional instead. Does he know that you've been working on losing weight or getting fit? It's probably just to motivate you more. Last night my husband told me that my leg's hair are getting too thick and asked me to shave jokingly. Of course I know it's half meant. I've not been shaving because I just stay home lately after I resigned from work so I thought it was unecessary. Anyway, I was hurt a little bit, I felt ugly and unattractive all of sudden, but I've gotten over the feeling because I know he just wants me to look good. Don't always take what your boyfriend says in a wrong way. Like I said they could be insensitive at times.
@recycledgoth (9894)
24 Apr 07
Hey hun, if my guy said that to me I would say, "Thanks for your comments and close the door on your way out" The nerve of the guy, I bet he's no hunk. Seriously don't let his comments upset you,
@yanjiaren (9031)
24 Apr 07
Take care and don't let any one get you down, I bet he isn't perfect.
@sloanjosiecat79 (299)
• United States
24 Apr 07
normally i'd give a longer answer but in this case i'll keep it short and sweet. tell him in the nicest way to shove off.