What stopped Philippines from progressing?

@tombiz (2036)
April 24, 2007 5:51am CST
Our country Philippines is endowed with so much natural and human resources making us as one of the rich nations in terms of potential economically. unfortunately, this potential had never been satisfactorily converted into true economic benefits for the greater majority of the people. While we are making inroads in some areas of the economy, we are still facing a gargantuan battle againts the menace of poverty. In my opinion, there are so many factors involved for this failure of the country to truly tafe-off and fly among the eagles of Asia. Underlying all these factors is the lack of the greater and over-all VISION as to where we are going and how to get there. Filipinos have the tendency to set up camps further dividing the fragile unity of the nation. Well, as they say, Pinoys are so intelligent we don't want to follow everybody wants to lead resulting sometimes into chaos and disunity. Like a boat, we could not go forward if we have opposing directions to follow, we will just be going circle. In your own opinion, what are the factors involved why the country remains a basket case in Asia?
7 responses
@Deane_2005 (1644)
• Philippines
21 May 07
I do think that the problems with our country is not the country itself but the people governing our country. We are rich in everything but we have no resources to do it. We have natural resources but we have no machineries that are capable of converting it into something useful. We still depend in other countries inorder for us to make used of such resources. We are moving backward rather than forward in terms of growth in education and also economically speaking although our economy is improving we could not still feel it because most of the people in our country are prone of crab mentality.
@JoeDeath (142)
• Philippines
30 Jun 07
Well deane you have a point but I guess its the government and US whose has its fault. WE should have taken out all this politicians doing nothing and getting fat cheques so they can do what they wanna do with our country. They should be taken out of office and change it with people who really love this country. I hope someday somthings gonna happen and changes will be for the good of the people and country.
@alia_12 (79)
• Philippines
24 Apr 07
We Pinoys have yet to overcome some general mindsets in order to progress. First is crab mentality, which is intensified by the fact that other Pinoys are not united enough. We tend to bring each other down rather than help each other out. This is evident in the political situation where political bickering overshadows what the leaders actually do for the country. Next is colonial mentality where we are still stuck in a desperate effort to mimic what other countries do or have. This is not entirely bad if it leads us to development, but admiring foreigners too much tends to steer us away from appreciating our own culture, our own products, and our own potentials. Consequently, we are not able to use our capabilities as a nation enough to lead us to progress. And one other problem is overpopulation, where too many people don't get enough jobs or become underemployed, too many families go hungry and live in streets, wages are insufficient, leading others to leave the country and appreciate it less.
@JoeDeath (142)
• Philippines
30 Jun 07
Dude thats what you call FEUDALISM. In the early times of Japan, they had that mentality. Every part of Japan had kingdom's which had lords and kings. In our case right now, there's some guy who leads the group. I hope we can change this and be as one people.
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
The leadership that has vested interest is the major problem. Cory Aquino accidentally became President of the Republic of the Philippines because of the failure of Enrile to take it from Marcos. Cory Aquino had no vision for Philippine progress and wanted to retain power and erase Marcos from the minds of the Filipino people and implemented the Provisional Constitution then the Constitution made by few people appointed by her. Her administration focused in erasing the memory of Marcos and was even unable to convict the culprits in the assassination of her husband being President for more than 6 years when they were shouting before that they have all the evidence. Ramos of course worked for his personal image and travelled around the world so many times in his tenure as President of the Republic of the Philippines. Marcos went outside the Philippines for major travels only 6 times for the period of 20 years. Erap undoubtedly won the elections but the oligarchs did not approve of such and naturally worked to oust him and seated Gloria as she was the Vice-President and so GMA for vested interests has been clinging to her post and trying to retain power and doing everything for that. So how could we expect our country to progress? We can do our individual parts for the progress of our country but we need a strong leadership sincere to envision and implement everything for the progress of the country.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
What we lack is discipline, discipline and discipline. We are not law abiding citizen. We have very low standard of character. If we overcome these from ourselves and teach these to our children and then we will be ok. Plus, we need a lot of help. We need to be kick around to wake up.
@a_ce_e (1422)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Most of the factors are very well said by other comments here. I will just add most filipinos like the way of easy making business by means of giving money =( "padulas system". Lack of discipline in their home country but abide the law in other country. Lack of nationalism and patriotism, filipinos always love imports, that's why local suppliers are gone by now. Lack of government support to filipino inventors and genius, that's why these inventors tend to sell their inventions to other country. I don't believe that Philippines are lack of machineries, because Philippine can be able to provide it if they really wished to. PHilippines is trying to cope up with global industrialization and had not giving emphasize to its agriculture wherein it is where philippines is known, thus result of importing rice from other country =(.
@JoeDeath (142)
• Philippines
30 Jun 07
DISCIPLINE!!! Thats what Filipino's lack. Even if they know they are not doing the right thing they would still insist doing it. Filipinos have this saying "Baka makalusut, lulusut". It's sad that we Filipinos have this mentality. I hope this would change not just for the people but for the entire country. If we have this then im sure the Philippines will be a very very rich and everything will workout very well for us. I also believe that the Philippines has potential to be a super power, it just lucks discipline.
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
24 Apr 07
Like Philiphines, India also rich in natural and human resources. For the overall progress of the country, human should use the natural resources more scientifically and efficiently.