instant Celebrity !!

United States
April 24, 2007 7:45pm CST
When Sanjaya started his journey in American Idol, everyone lefft and right boooed him. Media also did not spare him and people started motions to vote him as the Worst ever candidate !! I must admit that guy had some real courage and thick skin to take this all on his face.. but after the exit finally.. everyone thought Sanjaya news would subside..but rather he is being called as a celebrity on all the known shows on prominent channels. He is making appearance for People magazine with the President !! wow is that all deserving or just channels filling in some air-time ??
1 response
• United States
25 Apr 07
I think the whole premise of American Idol is stupid, not only is it extremely boring to watch, but Ryan Secrez is the most anoyyyyying host of allll time. I personally didn't like Sanjaya's singing, but I don't think he deserved a reaction that bad... As far as him getting lots of air time, whether people are getting publicity good or bad, it doesn't matter, people want to see more of them. People love to hate Sanjaya i guess