Is Quitter a Loser?
By noyida
@noyida (795)
April 25, 2007 11:06pm CST
I had a small discussion with my supervisor at work yesterday. It a one to one talk after the grading for our appraisal. I had been working hard at work but my supervisor rate me a so so. I find that it is no point for the management to talk to us after the rating. Its all just a "picture perfect" way of showing that they concern.
Now, it has been 3 consecutively he rate me the same..I felt very upset and find that all my work is not being appreciated. I'm in dilemma now. Should I quit or should I stay and proof to him that his judgement on me is wrong? I'm very very upset and dissapointed. I felt like strangling my immediate reporting supervisor who gave bad response about my performance to my supervisor who assesed me. I thought that I being treated unfairly. I'm being rated on other person perspective and feedback. If you are in my position, would you call it QUIT and make them think that you are really a LOSER or you STAY and proof them that you are worth it?. Help me .. I'm really frustated and cannot think straight.
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17 responses
@mystery5 (350)
• India
26 Apr 07
You haven't mentioned what you spoke about, to your supervisor. I think you need to ask him WHY he finds you just average, and ask him for his tips. See the way he talks to you.
Sometimes, we think we are doing a good job, but maybe the boss expects something from us which we do not know, and hence end up disappointing him. Talk to him and see if there is anything like this. In that case, just go ahead and do what he expects from you.
It could also be that your supervisor is simply not too fond of you, and thats why he's not rating you well. In such a case it will be quite wise if you could talk to your company management and aks them to put you in another division, or simply get a change of job.
Quitters are losers - in most cases. Here you're not quitting, you're thinking of leaving your job, which might just bring you better opportunities! But before that, make sure you ask your supervisor how you can improve, to understand whether he has your welfare in mind. All the best!
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
26 Apr 07
Noyida....If I were you, I wouldn't quit. I would continue doing my very best. The reason why your immediate supervisor is doing so, he/she felt threathened by your presence. They had to give you a bad assessment as they felt that their position is at stake. It always happen dengan orang kita... Sad to say this... Kita tak akan bagus no matter what in their eyes...Ada aje yang tak kena.... I've been through this before and I was even maligned when my name was up for promotion.... That person(orang dia) mati-mati tak mau I naik, she went all the way to report macam2 yang tak kena about me to the MD and all...Geram semacam... Tapi nasib baik I had an ED(Mat Salleh) who knows my contribution and hardwork. I finally got the promotion but she made my life hell as ever.... I did not quit immediately thereafter... I'd continued till I had to go oversea with my hubby for a year.... They did call me back to work there but my heart dah terkilan.... You see Noyida, kalau you quit, nampak sah kita orang Melayu weak.... so be strong.... Do your best and try to outsmart that burger.... Cos frankly, kalau you ada lobang tempat lain takpe...sekarang ni susah untuk orang kita cari kerja even kalau ada experience... I ni yang ada degree nak minta kerja lepas duduk kat rumah for 3 years pun susah... So think about it my friend... Tkae care and good luck!! :
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
Thank you very much. Agree with you. Org kita memang susah nak dapat tempat di atas. Lagi lagi I work in a stat board. Naturally, I'm not the sort of person yg suka saka. I find that hipocrates.
Ya, I shouldn't quit just because of my grading. I should take it positive, which I had for the last year, and strive. Perhaps, Allah have better plan for me. Belum rezeki agaknya. I was very sad earlier and start blaming and asked Allah, why keep punishing me like this. What did I do wrong towards others that HE set my life like this. You know, after posting this and receive all the response, I'm more tenang now. ONLY HE KNOWS, and MAYBE this is the best for me. May Allah give me perserverance in facing the coming year. I pasrah now. Thanks once again.
@syain1972 (1011)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
Alhamdulillah..... Kesabaran itulah adalah separuh dari Keimanan..... So work hard and strive to be better.... Biasalah.... they always have this theory, one go a dozen replacement will come... So don't give them this benefit...Sometime, they're just testing waters but I think you should actually have a one on one conversation with that immediate supervisor and ask him/her to point out your weaknesses, better have it written down. Then, you work on that weaknesses. Come the following year, if the same thing happens again, you show that piece of paper and tell them you've worked on those weaknesses and asked them again the problems.... We have to beat them at their games... It's all about tactics. Have you read the book Sun Tzi, Art of War? Should read it... Another book you should read is The 48 Laws of Power (Concise Edition) by Robert Greene... I think these books will help you do some strategies... All the best....
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
26 Apr 07
You must be feeling very distressed about the way you have been treated by your supervisor, knowing that you have been diligent in your work for your company.
Don't play into their hands by quitting though - stay there, and prove to them how valuable you are to them (because I know you are). Show them you are someone who is worth their weight in gold. You can do it!
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@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
26 Apr 07
erm.. are you from malaysia? you look like a malaysian.... i think it's quite common for supervisor to rate their staff a so so.. they refuse to give you good rate because they're afraid that their staff will be better than them... it happens everywhere and not only to you.. i think many face this problems too.. in my opinion, you need to have confident to talk with them.. if you're confident that you have the quality... then you can tell them.. and if they refuse to acknowledge your ability.. you can leave them.. you're not a loser by staying.. but you're always a winner.. a person being rated as bad doesn't mean they're bad.. it's just in majority point of view they're bad.. a smart people is not just good in studying right? they must be good in critical thinking too.. if you see someone get good grades at school.. but he's quiet.. do you still think he' really that smart? a smart person must know how to manipulate his knowledge.. make good use of it.. not just study for good grades .. agree? :)
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
First, Thank you for your response. No, I'm not a Malaysian, but I'm a Malay. I did have a talk with my supervisor but the outcome is still as what they rated me. They had sterotype me. But then, as you remark, perhaps they knew that they are not as good as us then to boost their ego, they rate us otherwise. I will not make or take their remark as a defeating and also I wont manipulate anyone. Perhaps I would just do my best and be myself.
@iamconfused (12)
• India
26 Apr 07
If u lose any thing then u r not a loser but if you u give up then u r really a loser b' coz one quits only when he don't have the courage to face da difficulties standing in front of him ......... if 1 wants to succeede than he must fight the challanges of life wiyhout any hesitation keeping in mind the positives aspects of the results.............. SO a quiter is definately a loser......... thx.
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@phatrick30 (10)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
Well i have read something that Giving up or Quitting is not sign of weakness it's simply showing how brave you are to know what is wrong and to make it right for you. For me think first before quitting, think the future what will happen if you quit think the possible odds what would be the effect.
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@PatriciaL (2080)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I can understand the urge to quit in this situation. With feeling that you're not appreciated and possibly that you would be disrespecting yourself. But I don't think you should quit. I think it would be best if you stayed and just do you best as usual.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I get a performance review as well and as long as it says that I am performing in an adequate way or better, I'm just fine with it. I wouldn't worry about how you are rated unless you think it's going to affect your position at your company or prevent you from moving up.
In my case, I found out that to get an above average rating or better I had to really do much more than my usual job. Perhaps this is the case with you. I would ask your supervisor what you can do to improve your rating, if it is possible. If he's difficult about it, just ignore it and do your job. I've had supervisors say totally wrong things about me and I am still around and they're not.
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
He said that my work is not enough to justify for any better grading. Alas! I told him that among all his stuff, I'm the one who have a lot of portfolio. Other people cannot cope, throw the things to me, I always take the challenge. So how do you thing I felt?
@noyida (795)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
I did ask him, how can I achieve better rating and what exactly their expectation on me. It seems that they want me to work extra hard to earn that promotion. HARD LIFE, it just unlucky star that had been shining on me. So do anyone have anything to help the lucky star to shine on me?
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I am unsure if quitting at this point would be considered a loser, it seems as though you will never get a good rating or the opportunity to earn your capacity or grown and develop into the employee they want with your immediate supervisor always bringing you down. I would quit and find someplace else that is going to appreciate all your hard work, hard to move up when you have a big bully standing in your way.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
26 Apr 07
Let me tell u i faced the same problem as u. Somebody may tell u that just talk to your supervisor.but i know, there is no point in that. i did get no positive results. managers have their words and excuses ready for u. Better would be try for another job and when u leave, make them think. i did the same. Cheer up to searc new opportunities.
@recidivist20 (348)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
i think you try to talk to your sup and ask which areas you need to improve on. . . i just would assume that he became a supervisor because he knows what he's doing and the company promoted or got him to that position because he knows how to supervise. . . it might be frustrating, that's understandable, but i would like to think that the supervisor also went through the same process and now, he got to where he is now. . .so, i guess that should answer you whether or not to quit. . .
now, if there's a personal thing that's the reason the supervisor ranks you so-so, well, that's a different story.
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@noyida (795)
• Singapore
27 Apr 07
I'd talk to him and he admitted that there are a lot of improvement, but management just need someone to have the low rating and I'm the one that they selected. How fair is this?. Nevermind, thanks for all the support. I read all the response and felt that if they think that I not so good, then I will proof to them, I can do better. You all really give me courage. Thanks.
@ladyjava (1184)
• Malaysia
26 Apr 07
If I understand the appraisal process correctly, the immediate supervisor normally appraise you for a period of time, perhaps once every calendar year. After his evaluation, he would normally sit you and talk with you on what basis he evaluated you on and then discuss how you could do better next year. Some supervisors even suggest "HLA" or "high level activity" that you should aim for going forward in your career and then next year evaluation would then be based on those "HLA".
I suggest if you have an issue with your immediate reporting supervisor, then you should take it the issue up with your supervisor who assess you - especially if you feel you were not treated fairly. That is a very serious accusation so be prepared to give "evidence" or situation that supports your claim. For eg. perhaps you can highlight your achivements for last year and explain why you think you were entitled to a review for that.
Quitting is always an option, especially if you feel that you are not happy with your job. However, how does that solve the problem? You would always face superiors who for some reason or another have issues with you. Sometimes confrontation is the only way... At least your assessing superior would know that somehow are you being treated unfairly.
Hope you feel better my friend :)
@dineskie (155)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
All I can say, quitters should be more shameful than those who really lose. Quitting especially if the reason is that they don't want to be put to shame if ever they lose. What they don't know is quitting is much more shameful than losing. Losers who still continue the game are also winners since they tried to bring the best out of them but quitters can never be winners. They will always be losers. If ever they quit because someone had an injury or any accepted reason, that would be okay. But quitting to run away from shame of losing, we'll you lose big time.
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@IbeBruce (8)
• United States
26 Apr 07
First off, I would ask the immediate supervisor on how they score the reviews. There must be several areas they score you on. Find out what you are strong in and in particular what you need to do to improve on. If you are still not happy with the response talk to someone up above if possible. Should you quit? I dunno. You cant decide to quit based on what they think of you. You cant stay on a job just to make a point to them that you are not a quitter.If you really think things will not get better, then maybe its time to move on.The decision has to be on how you feel. Do you like your job? Is it worth it? Is there a future there? Can you find a better job with more pay and benefits? I am sure its not an easy decision. Ask around your co-workers and try to find out how they feel about the review process. Wishing you the best.
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@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
If im in your position i will stick it out and accept it and try improving more my attitude towards work, maybe for you it is oustanding but for the eyes of the others it is not, regard is as a constructive criticism and reinvent yourself,quitting the job is a wrong move.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
27 Apr 07
That's annoying really, especially when you are already give your best performance. I would say that you must stay first to show them that you are good. Especially to supervisor that assesed you. I won't care less about other's people opinions and judgement, as long as you already give your best performance. But if that's happened after couple of times, I think you can go to other supervisor and complaint about it. If that doesn't work, better quit ! That's the last option if other things did not work out. Your supervisor that rating you low, they must be not knowing how hard your work is.