our country is the most corrupt country..
By cherriemae
@cherriemae (3370)
April 25, 2007 11:06pm CST
yes, it's so shameful to admit that our country is the most corrupt one..there are lots of poor people who can't even eat once a day..i think it's because of the leaders who make our country so poor and makes the people so sick..i hate it because even in myself, i can feel being so poor..with additional vat in our products, i dont like it..i'm so sad of this situation..i'm jealous of the country that leaders are not corrupt..
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48 responses
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
i strongly agree with that cherriemae!!! its so embarrassing!
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
hello, daryljane, please do not be misled by surveys, concepts of others, and the way the media pictures our country. this country is not as corrupt as other asian developing countries. it just so happens that in other countries they are forbidden to speak ill of their country because it will hurt the economy if tourists population which come in each year will drop drastically. if ony you know how much corruption is being carried out in other countries and how blatantly they do it, you will be surprised. you will be so very surprised and get the shock of your life.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 Apr 07
yup. i agree with trinidad.
the media is stressing so much on the negativities of everything. psychologically, people who watch this negative news all the time will soon embed in their systems how bad for them the country has become.
so, i often wonder... the economy of the philippines is slowly progressing and yet, i haven't heard good news on tv about it. if so, it is just aired for a second or two and then gone.
so, in the philippines, basically, good news isn't news at all. but bad news is always on the headlines.
sad to know how our mentality has lead us through.
p.s. no hard feelings on this issue. we just air out what we feel about it.
@mogie_systems (70)
• United States
27 Apr 07
excuse me but america is the last superpower on earth, but what does that mean? Ill tell you what it means , we protect the corrupt, we fight for the wealthy as we are doing in Irac. Its so sad to say but america is not what it claims to be, I think we are 12 in the world in living standerds , we lost so much when raegan became president and we havent regained it back.
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@unisis (1673)
• Indonesia
27 Apr 07
I agree that the Philippines is one of the country which has corruption but certainly not the most corrupt,also in my country a lot of the politician and goverment they are corrupt ,i live in your neighbour country.
Although the Philippines have some politicians who are corrupt, it would be better if the citizens would choose politicians that could do right things for the job and not because of popularity or false promises they make. Perhaps there is still hope for the Philippines but I am not sure if there is a hope for Philippine politics. It is because there are politicians who are not doing their job and some were proven that they manipulate votes in election but they were not convicted
In my country a lot of people starved and got disaster and the goverment live happily in the capital.
@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
27 Apr 07
Corruption is not an isolated affair in your country alone! As per the studies it is more in poor countries. Corruption and poverty are interrelated. Reduction on poverty and economic growth are impaired by corruption. All these result in to a poor governing. The democratic process of a country is at risk where the three evils, viz. corruption,poor governess and poverty, are present. The key elementsto fight the corruption are
* Political commitment to fight corruption.
* Coordinated anti corruption stratrgy.
* Creation of anti corruption institutions.
* Awarenes with in society on negative impacts
of corruption.
* Focus on corruption prevention.
* Improved ,transparent, finance management.
* Strengthening of legislation to increase the
risks and costs incurred by corrupted people.
* Creation of an active civil society to act as
* coordinated efforts frm all directions to fight
against corruption.
But I do not know how sincere will the government work on fighting against corruption unless they are forced by the peop;e's movements.
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@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
27 Apr 07
Your country may be corrupt. But I cannot agree it is the most corrupt. You'll are no match for Sri Lanka. We already have the world cup in corruption. There is a nice story comparing our politicians with Indian politicians.
One new Sri Lankan minister went to India and met an Indian minister. He was astonished to see the Indian living in comfort and found that he was from a poor background. The Sri Lankan asked the Indian minister how he lives lavishly with his meagre salary. The Indian called the Sri Lankan outside and asked whether he can see th Airport in the distance. "Of course!", said the Sri Lankan.
"Well 10%" said the Indian. The Sri Lankan minister was so happy that he has learned something new and returned. After one year the Indian minister visited the Sri Lankan. Our man was living in much more comfort, with Ferrari's, swimming pools and a golf course in the garden.
The Indian minister could not believed it. He said that our man was 100 times better than him and wanted to know the secret. Our man took the Indian outside and asked whether he could see the Airport in the distance. The Indian looked all round but could not see anything.
"Well 100%!" said the Sri Lankan minister.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
hahahahahaha.. i guess we are from the same country then.. yeah.. but what can we do? it's there already..maybe we will just have to contribute in our own ways how to improve this devastated country. the election for the senatorial candidates will be this may, guess we will start from there. choose the right people to be sitting the senatorial seat. those we can really trust and have a conscience.. that's the only way to do it..:) good luck to us! there's always hope, we will just have to trust and work to earn it!:)
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Apr 07
cherriemae, we all feel that way for our respective countries. sadly, even as i speak some scam is being unveiled and another being committed in my country!! this is reality, a stark one! we are worst sufferer.
however, having said that, i feel, grass is greener on the other side. we curse, we are outraged and we feel sad. all because of our love and involvement with our nation. i know, you love your country as much as i do and hence this post. i really appreciate. i would urge you to try and work on the shortcomings and create mass awareness, trust me it's all not that bad. we all can do a little bit for our countries, don't we?
good luck!
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@lov_hacker (121)
• United States
26 Apr 07
i am amazed ..thinked every country is corupted ....it is not a matter of shame ...name a country ( regardless of fw) which are not corupted and are away from bribe and all such sort of things ? is that so ? ......you should be sad ...but you can do your part in not involving in such activities .........!! you should be jelous ..no doubt ....after all good countries ....are a symbol to learn from them ..from tehre prosperity ...!!
but leaders just knew one thing they ....are eating the countried destroying earth and doing nothing for PEace ....COruption is a part of life one had to accept ...force fully :( sadly speaking ......
we all must not involve in anyway ....in coruption ....may be a small effort can help on a small scale to reduce coruption ....!after all a drop makes ocean !!
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@aweins (4199)
• India
26 Apr 07
HI Cherriemae, i never said anything about my country, anything means, anything bad sort of. it was because when i was abroad, i feel people when see you, they carry the image of your country. the way you'll tell about your country they'll know it well. so where i went, i made a poit never to speak a word bad about it outside. inside, in my country, when i m with mt friends, we all know where and in which type of country we are living. i m also an asian and i know that my country too is corroupt one. but i would not like to spread any bad word about it , especially when i m abroad. i would never like to give such a picture of my country abroad because people will loose its image and then tourist from all over the world, who visit us, which helps and increases our economy and image, will stop coming.
Politicians if u are saying, they may be more corrupt in my country then yours. Politicians are such type of people who have no value for anything. yhey can never be good in any country as far as i know and i have met.
So, dont be jealous, do good, feel good and you'll be happy. being jealous will only harm your health and burn your blood. so be quite and calm.
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@c45hfl0w (77)
• Latvia
26 Apr 07
You`re from Philippines? Well I don`t think that there's even a 1 country in the world where's no corruption. I`m from Latvia and guess what - coruption is at high level here. And we`re poor here too. It's like everyone who's got the power, will get dirty sooner or later.
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@Kaagyudan (11)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
Yes, it's really very shameful to have a country as such. Oh what have happened to our beloved country who used to be an industrailized one now became the most corrupt and country. When I joins every program and the Pambansang Awit is being sang, I cry to my heart how have our voted leaders utilized their previliges that such a beautiful country became this poor... I love my country I really do but I cannot afford to see my children (who were not yet concieved and yet have so much debt to pay) wandering into the streets begging for food and money, craving for good education and asking for justice for our countrymen or even to themselves... I plan to leave for other country. In there, my labor for sure will be paid enough enduring the racism just to have something to give my family to feed their hungry stomach. I will pay tax and that tax will go nowhere but to a pocket of those alligators sitting like an honorable king...
That is why, I HATE TO VOTE!!!!
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@garry7 (49)
• India
27 Apr 07
if you are talking about corruption in your country is sick, then just visit INDIA, you will realise what is the exact meaning of corruption. Here every government offical is so corrupt that even a wistle blower is not spared alive, this is sick as this just dents our morale and passion for the country and makes us fo in search of oppurtunities in other countries.
@dineskie (155)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
What country are you talking about? Are you talking about the Philippines, I can't do anything else but to agree with you. Many politicians are corrupt. Aside from helping the Filipino people, they are most likely throwing up issues on their opponents. I mean, they waste so much time in arguments like that. Why don't just they do actions in helping the people.
I agree with you I'm jealous of the countries that don't have corrupt officials.
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@sabwinner (499)
• China
26 Apr 07
Philippines is corrupting these years but do not think that is the only corrupting country in the world. There are more countries are suffering the politic crisis and war. Do not disappointed!There are some people can get succeed no matter what kind of society they are in. Just be yourself, and do you best!Don't worried about anything you can't control, right?
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 Apr 07
i believe that change should start within ourselves.
i felt sad that our country is being rated as a corrupt one (not the most corrupt though). but instead of feeling sad and angry, i decided not to waste so much of my effort on it. if i will just keep on blaming others and pointing fingers to those who are in positions, i am just losing my will to go on and improve my life.
corruption is everywhere, not only in the philippines. however, in some countries, i guess the leaders are more clever in finding ways in sipping money from people. so, we feel that they aren't corrupt at all and that people from such countries are lucky.
i belong to a poor family. but the negative system of our government did not stop us from working hard to earn success. we worked hard to where we are now. we might not be millionaires, but we are proud that somehow, through the struggles we've been through, we made it and we're in a better state of living.
change should start in ourselves. there are lots of opportunities out there waiting for us to work on.
i believe that hard work, honesty and determination can really change one's stars.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 Apr 07
by the way, i am not ashamed that i am a filipino. i love my country even if most people hates it. it's where i was born, i grew up and molded into who i am now.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I don;t know any country that does not have some form of corruption in their government.
There is so much most governments do not let the people know.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
26 Apr 07
yup. i agree with winterose. there are lots of hidden agendas in other countries which are hidden forever. it's just that in our country, not all things can be hidden from the people. so, aren't we a lot luckier in some ways?
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
at present, the philippines is not really the most corrupt country in asia. we only get this bad reputation because of the way media and the activists picture us. those people who conduct the study do not really go in depth of what is truly going on in a country. they only do surveys of what people think.
if only you know how blatantly corruption is being carried out in other asian countries, you will get the shock of your life. this is the reason why foreigners who come and visit our country are surprised at how we carry out our lives here. it is entirely different from the way that trimedia thing and the socalled activists have been picturing us.
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@romel_ece (1290)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
Yes I agree with you that our country is the most corrupt in the whole world.Let's just cast our votes to the true leader and God fearing politicians.
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@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
26 Apr 07
It is common in any county,corruption is also common.If you are in that position ,you maybe a corrupt officer.Dont be angry. Anyone couldnt solve the problem by himself.
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