What are your views on Abortion?
@babygurl850406 (1322)
United States
April 26, 2007 1:35am CST
Have you or would you ever have one? What do you feel on this topic? I can understand the young or poor mothers that get one sometimes the situation is understandable but I myself could NEVER have one. Its hard to imagine being in that situation to have to abort a baby! How do you feel about this?
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14 responses
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I am pro-life all the way. Never had one, never will. I have counseled many women who have though.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
3 May 07
That may be your belief which you are entitled to but some do think it is murder. ending a life before it even has a chance is murder in my books. I am not sugar coating anything for anyone especially not a pro-choice decision.

@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I don't really see anything wrong with it. If you want a kid, great. If you don't, then get rid of it. The adoption systems are deplorable and overcrowded in the first place. And secondly, adoption is not a solution to an unwanted pregnancy. Pregnancy ravages the body and not everyone would want to endure that for an offspring they never wanted in the first place.
I, myself, would get an abortion without hesitation. Have no intention on ever having children. Don't like them, don't want them, don't want to put up with them, and I refuse to endure a pregnancy that I do not want.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Do you take the necessary steps to make sure that you do not get pregnant then? Have you had a hysterectomy? To me, one that is so adamant on not wanting them, not wanting to put up with them and refusing to "endure" pregnancy, should take the precautions of not letting it happen in the first place that way no life is lost by having to murder it inside of your womb. You reguard a human life growing inside of a woman like it is cruel punishment. How is adoption not a solution to an unwanted pregnancy? You think murder would be a solution? You are basically making the decision for an unborn baby that their life is ending just because you don't want to "endure" a pregnancy. Oh boo-hoo. I would much rather go through pregnancy then have someone stick a forcep looking device and basically crush the baby to peices and then suck it out of me. What a way to die.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
1 May 07
Well Doctor Gloomcookie, a few doctors (actually many doctors) seem to disagree with you and say by 9 week gestation the fetus is making movement. But I suppose you would pass that off as just muscle spasms huh? How do you think muscle's are controled? do you think that muscle's have a brain of their own and aren't controled by the big thing ontop your head? And according to you, they have no nervous system so wouldn't nerves be sending impulses to not only the brain but to the muscles as well to make them just randomly move? I am no way a doctor nor do I claim to be one but I remember when I took science way back in the days (I am surprised that you don't remember this seeing as you probably just graduated last year, right?). But from what I recall, the brain sends impulses along a nerve cell (which would be part of the "nervous system" that you claim to not be there) which are called "motor neurons" that tell the muscle to contract. What is your explanation of this?
I know for a fact that movements of my son at 10 weeks was not just muscle spasms and "ultrasound jerkyness". I was under special care by both my OB and perinatal doctors which had the latest and greatest when it came to equipment. If it was just a muscle spasm it would have been a "jerk" like movement. But what I saw was my son actually making rolling like movements.
You're right, the growing life inside of a woman can not reason and can not make decisions on their own. But neither could my son when he was outside of my womb. He couldn't reason. He can make alot of decisions on his own now. But did that make him less of a human just because he couldn't do any of that at birth? Nope. He was still just as human as he was in my tummy. He relies soley on his parents for food, comfort, well being just like he did when he was in my tummy.
@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Well, let's see here. A hystorectomy is a discuting thing to suggest. Such a procedure is only implimented of the uterus is cause health effect. Such a procedure is not only dangerous but extremely unhealthy. That's like suggesting you remove a kidney just it case you might get cancer. It's dangerous and pointless. Also, not everyone believes that the precise moment of conception is the precise moment of viable life. I happen to be one of them. A first trimester fetus has very few organs, no nervous system and no brain activity whatsoever. It cannot think or feel nor is it sentient or aware. It's not a person and it has no right to be in my uterus against my will.
And I would like you to explain to me how adoption solves an unwanted pregnancy? Or are you not aware of the difference between pregnancy and parenthood? Unwanted pregnancy means you don't want to carry a fetus to term. Unwanted parenthood means you can't or aren't willing to *raise* a child that is born. How does carrying a pregnancy solve not wanting to be pregnant in the first place?
Also, contraceptives fail. So while I am on birth control (mainly for hormone therapy, but also *for* avoiding conception) I still have the possibility of becoming pregnant. Should that occur, I have no qualms with procuring an abortion(except maybe with the pricetag). I'm sorry, but it's really not my problem that you take issue with my decision as it is just that. My decision.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I believe in every woman's right to choose. It is her body, and her decision. I am not saying that abortion should be used as a form of birth control, i'm saying that if a woman gets raped, or if there is some other emergency that will greatly affect the physical and emotional/mental wellbeing of mother or child, best interests should be considered.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 May 07
I would most definitely get an abortion if I became pregnant anytime within the next few years. I can barely afford to take care of myself, and it would be financially impossible for me to even give birth, much less raise a child.
I'm completely pro-choice when it comes to this issue. There are more unwanted children than there are wanting families, and if we were to force every woman to have a child they didn't want, millions of unwanted babies would be added to the already overstocked pool of children wanting a family. I view this as a far more inhumane fate than abortion.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
2 May 07
so why play russian ruelette and risk getting pregnant in the first place? I mean there are ways to avoid it. It's not like it's cancer where you can't avoid getting it.
@uiwwitch (892)
• United States
26 Apr 07
This is a really touchy topic and a lot of people have very strong opposing opinions about it. Personally, I would never have an abortion.
But I would not judge people that believe that it's their right. As I have said, we have our own beliefs and opinions on this. However, I wish that they would go through with the pregnancy and just put the child up for adoption instead of getting rid of it. Sometimes that's hard for them to do as well.
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
2 May 07
The problem is, there are already too many kids in the foster system waiting to be adopted, and not enough parents to take them all. Subjecting a child to lonliness and a miserable life for the sake of having life isn't the answer either.
@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
4 May 07
Exactly. A lot of parents aren't willing to adopt older children because they want a child from birth. Which is fine, I suppose, for those infants who are adopted right away. But the ones who grow up in the orphanages and foster care system, once they've reached a certain age they're pretty much unadoptable. And I would hate to condemn a child to that kind of life. There is no waiting list, unfortunately, and too many kids are waiting to be adopted. If every mother who would ordinarily have an abortions suddenly decided to place the child up for adoption, there would be no room for all of them and no funding to adequately care for them. They'd be living in third-world country conditions in a short time.
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
28 Apr 07
You know, there are too many women who have been raped and later-pregnant.What is better for them? To make abort or to have a baby as a result of really serious traumatic experience?
That`s why to have or not to have a baby is a very serious choice.And depends of many factors.
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@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
26 Apr 07
God owns us..and we dont have to right to take away life except from God...you did the pleasure and you need to face the consequences of it..
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@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Wow, is this still a popular topic? Well, as for me (personally) I don't believe in it. I wouldn't frown upon someone who did it if they were raped or didn't want to bring a child into the world who was going to have major health concerns, but those that do it just because they say they can't afford it or just don't want it, well that's just a cop-out and it just don't float. There are so many people out there with the money or who would want that child. Also, I don't think a lot of people realize just how that will eventually affect them.
For instance, my best friends cousin had like 3 in college, and now she's married and wants a child so bad it's almost destroying her emotionally. And my best friends sisters best friend had one 2 years ago, 10 months later guess what? Yes, she was pregnant. Thankfully she kept that one. Those children were sent to them for a reason and with out good cause they took away healthy lives. It's sad.
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@Windrunner (477)
• Pakistan
4 May 07
well i feel that abortion is the worst kind of murder. killing an unborn baby , when it is so helpless, that it cant even beg you for its life. the research shows that the embryo starts its first beat in 40 days. and since it can have heartbeats , that shows that it has gotten life. its a criminal act. and i am very much against it.
@stdrst (471)
• Bulgaria
27 Apr 07
Many people say that abortions must be stopped because it is the same to kill somebody. But what can a young girl do if she is raped and get pregnant? Do u think that she is obliged to keep the child. I don't think so... So I am for the abortions. When the woman doesn't want the child she can do it. Of course it is good to do it as early as possible - before the first 10 weeks.
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@merryheart (1)
• Philippines
2 May 07
Abortion is a sin! At the time embryo has reached 14 days to 16 days the heart is developing, thus, when abort even just two weeks of pregnancy it is still a sin. The life inside the womb did nothing wrong, it was his/her parents' choice.
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@pinkcarebear1350 (139)
• United States
3 May 07
I am not personally for or against abortion. I think that it is up to the individual, they have to live with the decisions that they make, not other people. And I think it depends on the situation as well. No one has the right to say that a child would be better off being born or being aborted. I mean, what if the mother decided to have a child and give it up for adoption... That child could go to a home where it's abused or god knows what. I don't think anyone has the right to say it's right or wrong unless you're in that situation.