Social Security and Medicare

United States
April 26, 2007 10:25am CST
It has been reported two days ago on that it is projected by 2041 that social security and Medicare will be broke and when that happens the government will have to pay back what they have borrowed plus interest from social security to fund wars and other such things. As of now about 13-14 % of your taxes and your employers taxes are put into social security. When will the government come up with a plan to prevent social security from going broke?? Will they wait till 2039 to do something at that time it will be to late.The government will never pay back social security just keep borrowing from it fund pointless wars that will never be resolved. Should American citizens start there own private savings so that will be able to retire and afford medications that they need in their golden years? What do you think?
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1 response
• Canada
27 Apr 07
From what i heard most goverment funded program in europe and north america will be broke from all the baby boomers going thru them but there will be savings in other areas to help offset these short falls and also that any program you pay into the money will bether ewhen you are ready to collect that is how most of them are worked they are nto considered taxes but deductions.
• United States
27 Apr 07
Interesting...... I guess the media, like always, is spinning the issue into a bigger problem then what it is. I only being 26 years old, I have already started to put money into a savings account just in case there is nothing for my generation to retire on. So I figured I would either A. have enough money to retire nicely and pay medical bills or B. have enough money to live phat when I'm older lol. Just will very interesting how this issue will unfold over the years. I wonder if their are any other people doing the same as I by saving a little money every paycheck?
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• Canada
27 Apr 07
I have been saving for my retirement since i was in the work force i belive that there is going to be monies there from goverment and all but just want to be sure and it there is that much more able to enjoy retirement .