At what age was your child potty trained? How did you do it?
By Dana5881
@Dana5881 (609)
United States
April 26, 2007 1:15pm CST
My son will be 4 this summer and he is still not completely potty trained!!! I don't know what else to do. He can wear underwear and will go pee in the potty throughout the day but will not poop in the potty. He will go hide, poop in his pants and then come tell me about it. The daycare where he is at doesn't want him wearing underwears if he has 2 or more accidents a day which sometimes happens if they play outside and he forgets to ask to go pee.
I still put pull-ups on him at night because he might wet the bed but during the day I want him to be completely potty trained for both pee and poop.
What do I do?
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13 responses
@Allieloopy (84)
• United States
27 Apr 07
We adopted my daughter when she was 3 and it was until she was four when she was fully trained. I still don't know how I did it, I think she finally did it herself!
We tried new panties, prizes,candy, money, the sit in the bathroom with books until she has to pee method. Nothing seemed to work with her.
I do belive it is a control issue with my foster kids.
I have a 3 year old who we are trying to train right now.
She will hold it until she has to let loose but won't go in the potty. Although I am not too motivated because the birthmother has mentioned several times that she is expecting me to have her pottytrained by the time she is returned home. I might just let her slide until then just for spite ;). If I can stand changing the diapers.
If it was a birth child I would just let them run around bare butt during the day, so I could catch things when they happened, but you can't do that with foster kids!

@Allieloopy (84)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Well I mostly have girls so I guess it would be different.
With my cats I wouldn't let a boy run around without underware either.
Hey a new cat toy!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
26 Apr 07
You are probably going to think I am terrible, but this is what I did. My son was almost 3 and he was just like yours. He would go pee in the potty,but hide when he had to poop. It was really close to his birthday and I played it up for weeks. Daily I would tell him that we were having a big party for him and everyone was coming and bringing him presents. I kept telling him, the only way you can have your party is to go poop on the potty, not in your pants. It came down to the day before the party and I said that I would have to call everyone and invite them to the party but only if he would go poop in the potty. I guess I got lucky,because he finally sat on the potty and tried to poop. When he pooped on the potty that day, I had him right with me when we started making the calls. (the party was actually already set for the next day, so if he didn't go, I would have been screwed! ) From that day on, he never had another accident in his pants. We celebrated his birthday and being totally potty trained all in one big party.
@Dana5881 (609)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Wow that is pretty neat and I don't think it was terrible at all. I guess I need to spend a whole weekend with him and follow him around to make sure he won't go hide and try to poop. We are going to be more strict about having him sit on the potty for 5-10mins a couple of times a day and see if that does anything.
@lvhughes (545)
• United States
27 Apr 07
my little boy actually potty trained himself. he always followed his dad around so that is how he learned the go pee in the potty. but one night he got sick and had diarria and he just woke me up and said he had to potty. thinking he had to pee i couldnt for the life of me figure out why he wanted to sit on the potty. boy was i suprised. i couldnt believe it. but he hasnt used it in his diaper since.he had just turned 2 and had been peeing in potty since he was 9 months. he also quit the bottle by his self so i got very lucky.
i have a nephew that well be 5 in september and he refuses to potty train.
try takeing him to the bathroom with you when you go and let him set on his potty maybe that will give him the idea of what to do. praise him for just sitting there. keep telling him that he is suppose to poo in the potty.
Good luck.
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
My son was totally trained from the time I actually got him to go on the potty. He was 2.5 years. I had been trying since he was about 18 months, but it wasnt going so well (he would scream and cry when i put him on the potty) so I thought that he was just not ready. I would try him on the potty every week, still getting the same reaction. Finally one day, at 2.5 he sat on the potty, went pee all by himself and the rest was history. It has been about 2 months now and he has never had an accident. I didnt really do anything special, I guess I just had to wait until he was ready. I had a sticker chart and when he went he got to put stickers on the chart and he got 2 gummie bears. We had a whole routine which i think encouraged him because he loved doing it. He went to the bathroon, flushed, got up on the chair and washed his hands, then got down to dry them. He found this amusing and was more than happy to do this. He then went out to the kitchen table to put the stickers on the chart. If you havent tried this, maybe u could try that for the poop issue...might give him some insentive to actually use the potty. I also would suggest that you maybe talk to your childs doctor...maybe he or she will have some suggestions. Good luck!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
26 Apr 07
my daughter was trained by 2-1/2. she also didn't want to poop in the potty, but i only took a few times pooping in her pants to realize that she didnt like it. So i got kind of lucky with her. my dad always told me that when my sister pooped in her pants he would let her sit in it a little bit and she also quickly decided pooping in the potty was better. We are getting ready to train our 2 year old soon and i'm not sure how it will go. have you tried a bribe to get him to poop in the potty? like matchbox cars or a small toy that he likes?
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
27 Apr 07
My son who's now 5, was totally trained for pee by about 3, but withheld his poop til he was close to 4. He would do the same thing, go hide and poop in his pants instead of using the potty.. we tried the bribe thing-even a trip to disney world. Nothing worked. Finally he started doing it, only when I didnt make any mention about it. I ignored it when he pooped-just changed him without saying a word. I didnt complain when he had an accident, and within like 2 weeks he was pooping on the potty. So strange, but that's what worked for us, either that or he was finally ready.
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
26 Apr 07
My son is 2...will be 3 in october. We just got him completely potty trained. We have been working with him for a little while. At first we started out doing the underwear during the day and diapers at night time. My aunt, who has worked with head starts and daycares since she graduated college, told me that that could be confusing him, because he wasnt getting the concept of going to the bathroom. So I finally just got rid of the diapers all together. Yes, we had a few accidents. But after about a week of making a big deal out of his wetting his underwear. Its been about 2 months with absolutly no accidents.
@some1sangel (17)
• United States
27 Apr 07
My son will be 4 in November and is still not totally trained. He is allergic to dairy so sometimes can be very messy.When I know there is going to be a problem I will put a diaper on him to keep the mess from getting all over the house.
@copperkitten (3473)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Dont put diapers/pull-ups on him. Your confusing him. Your saying its ok to pee/poop in his pants. My first son was pretty easy to train. We would reward him for going on the potty. He got a quarter everytime he went. When he had a few dollars we would take him to get a toy with his money. My second son is a pain in the tucas. He wants nothing to do with it at all. I have tried everything and he just wont do it. Tell him hes a big boy and big boys use the potty. Try rewarding him, either money, a treat, ect.. Other than that I dont know what to do either. Good Luck!!!!
@nexis777 (133)
• United States
26 Apr 07
My son was potty trained just after he turned two. He probably could have been trained earlier, but His sister was born when he was 22 months, and there was just too much going on for me to try and do that too. I had already practiced putting him on the potty when I knew he was going to poop when he was 18 months old, or maybe a bit before. He was pretty regular about when he pooed so I would just wait till I knew it was close to time and put him on the potty. He went several times, which is why I say I could have trained him earlier. Anyway, when it got down to it, I honestly had him run around the house all day with out pants or underwear or diaper on and caught him really quick if there was something "happening". There were definitely some messes to clean up, but it gets them in the hang of it really quick. I kept a little potty down near the kitchen/livingroom area so that I could have him sit on it regularly, or would have a place to put him if an accident was in progress. I have a friend who nannies for a child that used to hide when he needed to poo. They finally made a break-through the other day, so I'll let you know if they figure out what exactly worked. I would recommend just making sure you don't let him hide. Keep a diaper off of him and keep him close so he can't hide. Get a potty you can keep in the areas he spends most of his time and have him sit on it for several mintues every couple of hours. Hope that helps! Good luck!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
27 Apr 07
My first was 3 1/2. She was almost trained at 2 1/2 but then her little brother was born and she regressed. Then I almost had her trained just before her 3rd birthday but we moved...finally we got everything settled and she trained really easily. The next two trained easily at 3. Right now I have an interesting situation. Two boys, one turned 4 almost 2 months ago the other is 2 today. The four year old will pee in the potty everywhere but at home but won't poop in the potty at all. My two year old started sitting himself on the potty about a month ago. His timing is still a little off so it's usually too late but it's a good start. My two year old likes wearing underwear even though it gets a little messy, my 4 year old refuses. I've taken pull ups away and made him wear the underwear but he throws a major tantrum every time. Bribes, rewards and praise don't seem to work with him. My next step will probably have to be a doctor visit. My nephew had IBS so I'm starting to wonder if maybe my son's pooping problem really is out of his control.
@bingbelarm62 (138)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
My kids were potty trained before age one, I really did not pressure them, they did it by themselves.
@simon0574 (6)
• China
27 Apr 07
my nephew is four years old, but he can wear the close by himself and and pee in the WC by himself.I think you should encourage him do things by himself.what you need to do is teach him and encourage him