Do we, can we create our own realities? Is it truly about perceptions, or
By nowment
@nowment (1757)
United States
April 26, 2007 4:19pm CST
perspectives, or is there more of a karma thing, as in it is going to happen regardless?
Vega recently asked a great question on whether or not the world is worse or better, and this lead to the opinion that it is a matter of perspectives.
I feel that we can create our reality, with our attitudes, how do you feel about this? Can looking for the good, and expecting to find it, lead to finding more good than negative in life, and therefore lead to a better life, and better outcomes in our lives?
And if this is true does this mean we are in fact creating our own realities?
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4 responses
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
21 May 08
I think it is true to some extent. And I do think we have a hand in forming our realities. In the past when I trusted the universe, everything would fall into place. I moved to CA and got a job I hated through my temp agency . Although the agency says if the job isn't right, they'll find you another. But they kept telling me to keep at it. I made good money, it was customer service for a credit card company and my starting salary was 13,14 dollars. But there were too many people working there - and it was noisy and there was so much going on visually that it muddled up my thinking and made me a bit anxious.
I even talked to the manager there about leaving and he said that I'd get used to everything. So I took a day off. And my cousin - really my mom's cousin, calls and just offers me this great job in his law firm.
And, just as my sublet ends, I find a permanant place. And soon after, I get a dreamy job at a hot springs resort.
And this is just one example. I've jumped right off of cliffs - moving to another state, and and the other side just reaches out to meet me and I land on my feet.
At these times too, interestingly, people are drawn to me. Strangers want to have coffee and go on hikes and offer me their business cards. Actually - there seems to be a yearly cycle to that. At times people are attracted, then others the opposite as if my polarity changes.
Anyway, the adverse is true as well. When I don't trust the universe, and I worry, the universe answers in kind, gives me what I expect, and I jump off the cliff to a hard fall below. Negative attracts negative and a cycle starts up.
Just as, when I trust in the universe - COMPLETELY - positve things happen, and positive begets positive.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
21 May 08
Thinking positive and having faith I feel is a big part of it, I mean have you ever noticed that those people that worry all the time about the what ifs of things that can go wrong do in fact keep having the very things they worry about go wrong?
So I know what you are saying, my mom was such a worry type person, and I would always say but mom, it always works out for the best, which I feel it does. Til I got her to realize I was right.
Example, we needed a new apartment, rent was to high etc. We found one that as decent, good rent, etc, well the guy said yes we could have the place so we went back to meet with him and leave a deposit, only to find out that his wife didn't know he had said yes to us so she rented it to someone else.
Well the neighbor hood was ok not great but ok, and it was close to tracks.
So we didn't get the place, right after that we got an apartment that was a 3 family house with the tenents on the two upper apartments almost never home, place had a front door and back door, the other tenents never used the back yard so we had a back yard to ourselves. The rent was lower than what we would have paid for the other place and it wasn't across the street from tracks. In a great neighborhood.
So yes sometimes when things go wrong, there is a good reason for it, and things just fall into your lap.
I do however think that you had faith in the good things that would develop and so they did.
As for that part about how there are times when people are drawn to you, and times when they are not, and that your polarity changes, it is interesting since there is an idea of the cycles our lives go, that we have repeative cycles, where we will have times of endings, times of beginnings and times of say preparation, a kind of in between time, from the endings and beginnings as well as times for things to be building up in our lives.
I looked into this one time, and thought wow. Because after doing the calculations based on this theory of cycles in our lives, I had come up with the idea that I was in a cycle of endings, which means I may find that people who have been in my life would not be there such as friendships of long standing ending, or people passing away or losing a job, etc, LOL well I laughed about that. Because well yes the math was right, based on my birth, I was to be in a cycle of ending, of losing things, of major changes.
During that cycle, the company was sold for my part time job so I lost my job, then a month later the company was sold for my full time job and I lost my job, 2 months after that my mom passed away, 3 weeks after that my grandmother passed away, 2 months after that friends of mine moved out of state. hmm yeah a year of endings for sure.
I do agree positive begets positive, I do think however there is some kind of fate or destiny or karma involved.
However my idea of karma and someone else's may differ to me it is not such much that we lose our free will but that we make a choice before we are born to have certain things happen in our lives for specfic reasons, or lessons, and so sometimes when it seems like things are spinning out of our control or hands as if there is some unforseen force creating our reality, it is in fact that we are doing it our sevles either consciously or subconsciously to fulfill those lessons we decided we would learn so that we can have fate take a role in our lives and free will at the same time, since it was our own free will which set us up for those fated moments.
However you put it well when you trust the universe things go well, it is not so much that you are forcing that things happen as you wish them to, but that you know it will happen for the best, and so it does. But when you fight this energy and don't trust then things kind of get messed up.
I like how you put that.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
22 May 08
As for the thing with your place, finding it, I don't believe in coincences it happened so you could find that nicer place.
Would be interested in hearing of your "calculations"
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
22 May 08
Indigos have been around awhile, but my baby is only a year so he should be a crystal. But if he's been waiting....
She knew, not what we were thinking about then but lately, that I was thinking of an environmental career and my husband politics - that shocked me as my husband is not the most outgoing, social person. He loves screens more then people (currently, I'm a WOW Widow) - yet he'd been reading a book about how to become mayor.
Wow, ten kids, that's alot. However, I've thought of adopting that many! That's pretty cool about your grandfather! And the mentalist must have had some skill if he knew. I would think the offer of an adventure like that would have been wonderful - knowing, although he made the moral choice, that you have options -and the option was quite an adventure.
Sounds a bit like astrology, in that it goes by the year, they always want to know the hour of my birth and exactly where I was born. If you put in Brooklyn - where I spent my first six months - they offer up several choices, which my mom doesn't remember.
It be interersting to find out more. For my babys birthday I originally wanted to do a full chart but we never got around to getting that.
I love seven!
I will certainly check out the site. Wow you've turned out to be the most interesting mylotter by far.
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
In practice, people are their own realities, and are in an eternal state of creating and adding to their existences. Mathematically, each person is an integrated part of a greater thing. But higher reality (meaning an actual state of existence) can't leave out bits of itself, so this interacting process of subjective and objective reality is pretty much inevitable.
Perspective is a matter of inputs and outputs. To that extent, what you put out naturally affects your inputs. "Good and bad" can be entirely subjective, entirely objective, or a mix. The integration creates situations which affect the individual, and it's really a matter of understanding that.
Naturally, people create their own realities, whether they realize it or not, through this interaction. However- looking for the good is the better option by far. If you don't achieve some sort of idea of "good", your reality can be a pretty confused, disorganized, thing, and inputs which aren't good are more likely, because they haven't been recognized as a problem, things to avoid.
I think a better life is ultimately the one you can call your own, and consider it a good thing of itself.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I like what you have said, and how you put things, I do consider much of what we live subjective, and it is at least in my view a perceptual issue as to what are realities are.
Your answer was deeper than that which most people would go more philosophical, but then the entire issue is philosophical.
I was a kid, and we broke down, got a flat, rather than see the situation as oh we got a flat bummer, my grandmother saw it as we got a flat right in front of a junk yard where we could get a new tire to fix the flat rather than someone on the road [pre cellphone days no ready calls to make] So we could change it, and fix it quick enough because of that.
I suppose it is also a glass half full or half empty issue, yet when ever they asked me if the glass was half full or half empty I was told I was being a smart alec, when I replied it is well balanced.
@porkrind333 (288)
• United States
26 Apr 07
I have learned the hard way that negative Karma and a poor life attitude can and will eventually create its own reality. Now I smile no matter what and live by the motto "Fake it til ya make it".
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@nowment (1757)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Fake it til ya make it sounds good.
I like that.
I agree, I have learned that when you are miserable you only get more miserable, but when you are happy, people want to be around you, and they also want to be happy so that you and they are usually having a good time.
Or that if you look for the good in people, expect the good in people they will try to live up to your expectations, since they don't want to be less and enjoy being more.
@flowerhorn (1008)
• Malaysia
22 May 08
That is what the book with the title Secret of life is all about.If u think u can,things will happens.For example,if u try to find a car park and have a postive one will be available,then the chances of it happening will be very high.
How we interact with the environment is what made us. We just have to be positive and optimistic to pull through and make this world a better place to stay.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
22 May 08
Yes the book The Secret is just the latest in such books, the Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale written years ago is still being printed and read today.
Also Creative Visualization by Shaktai Gawain
Other books same idea
Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks
Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier
Law of Attraction Workbook by David Hooper
The Life of Your Dreams by Cindy Day
Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
and many others. It is a general theme that has been writtenabout for a long time the secret is in fact not revealing a secret so much as rehasing the same stuff that some may have over looked.
@flowerhorn (1008)
• Malaysia
23 May 08
Wow! You must be die hard fan of self help and motivation books fan
With all those books,it can keep u high