Do you think Rock and Roll is a tool of the Devil?
By Monica
@momoftwingirls (859)
United States
April 26, 2007 4:23pm CST
Do you think many of yesterday and today's crimes are due to the lyrics in these songs? Many of these crimes look like satanic crimes and I swear, it has to be due, in part, to what our children are listening to on the radio that seems so innocent.
I mean, I used to love rock and roll, but in 1998, I stopped listening to it cold turkey and just listen to Christian music, classical music and smooth jazz. I also listen to christian talk radio.
Do you agree, in part, that rock and roll has contributed to many of our nations crimes? I do believe free will can be impeded through satnic lyrics.
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26 responses
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
26 Apr 07
I believe that kids that are in unstable environments will be influenced by a whole lot of different media, such as movies, rap, video games, and yes, rock music. I don't think however, that these things can influence kids exclusively. I think that if children are not taught morals, values, and the difference between right and wrong, they're are going to go down the wrong path no matter what kind of music they listen to. I don't believe that rock music is the tool of the devil, I think it's a convenient scapegoat for parents who don't do their jobs.
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@cancatis (406)
• Brazil
26 Apr 07
Let's look at the history of music and religion.
Percussion instruments (of any kind) were forbidden at church music during the Medieval and Renaissance ages, it was considered that they give too much rhythm to music, so it becomes sensual and remind people of their body and the "devilish connection". So you couldnt have the SAME opus with timpani or cymbals.
Church is always connection the body to a devilish condition. This is a CHURCH position towards the human aspects (soul and body), not a social view. Rock n roll was the choice of the "tool of the Devil" banner when it came up, but this was already signed to Blues, R&B and later to Heavy Metal.
I feel very sad that some religions say that ________ (any kind of music) is a tool of the Devil and then, IF you get some religious lyrics and use the SAME KIND of music, they accept it. It happens to almost any music genre. This is sad, I think.
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@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
26 Apr 07
Even in my church, the music does have rythm and a beat to it. I listen to this one pastor on my radio who talks about how today's christian music has gotten away from the hymns that used to be good and pleasing to the Lord.
Even in my church, we use electic gutars, drums and a keyboard. At first, I used to love it, then I realized, this is not pleasing to the Lord's ears and is only meant for us. Also, this sounds more like secular music. I think as christians, we need to be set apart from the world and not give in this rock n roll because it can be used as a tool for the devil indeed.
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@cancatis (406)
• Brazil
26 Apr 07
momoftwingirls, I know what you mean and understand your point of view.
But isnt *anything* suitable for either ends? I mean, Santos Dumont, who invented the airplane, was in despair when he knew about using airplanes in the WW. Music is just "another thing", you can use it the way you can. So is Rock n Roll. Well, I'll get a little "heavier" so you can get the picture of what I'm talking about.
There's a music genre called "white metal". Although the name seems a bit racist, in fact, "white" is meant for religious bands, that has god-worshipping lyrics. It's there, it's praising the Lord, it has a lot of fans (and a lot of religious people - even some I know - really like it) and EVEN it draws attention to the religious side, so someone can really start going to church because of it.
I guess it's a bit too harsh to say "all rock n roll music is devilish". It's like saying someone who doesnt follow your religion isnt going to heaven. Or that "all (erm....) Polonese people are bad". It's a big big generalization.
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@Golden_eagle (234)
• Italy
27 Apr 07
Absolutely not!!!! Rock'n'Roll is my life but I am against the Devil O_O
Rock is passion... is liberty... only crazys can think so. (or who don't know the rock :P)
@mememama (3076)
• United States
27 Apr 07
First I think many parents need to pull their heads out of their rears and listen to what their children are listening too. I also think music displays what is going on in current times, so it's reflecting the crimes. Don't just blame rock and roll, there's violence in rap, hip hop, and country too. I grew up knowing right from wrong, so I can hear a heavy metal song and have the power to not go on a shooting spree. So I don't think rock and roll has contributed to crimes, stupid people do it themselves.
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@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
Cancatis, wow! Thank you! Your response was so knowledgable.
I do have to say that I don't think it is rock and roll that is bad.
I grew up with music in my house. My dad listened to artists like: Creedence Clearwater Revival, Rolling Stones, Beatles, etc...
My mom listened to lots and lots of country.
My cousins introduced me to Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne when I was 6 years old. I grew up listening to what would be called metal or hardcore music. But I ahve never robbed, killed, raped, etc.... I do NOT have a criminal record. I have never thought to kill anyone and I try not to hurt ANYONE. I listen to "black" metal and "white" metal because I love the heavy beats and the artistic nature of it. I am a huge fan of Marilyn Manson and System of a Down.
There is NOTHING wrong with me.
I grew up in a Catholic household, I went to church every Sunday, I was in a Catholic School, I have read the bible several times. I do not recall any part of it that says music is BAD and SATANIC.
A few other people have said that it is not music that influences people but their situation and I agree.
You are shaped by what you grow up in, who your parents are, who you are. What life experiences you have.
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@cancatis (406)
• Brazil
27 Apr 07
Thank you for the compliment, I'm glad you liked my comment! =]
Me and my girlfriend listen to music such as Dufay and Bach (who also was victim of the "devilish conection" thing) all the way to Epica and Symphony X, I sometimes listen to Pantera also, for a heavier sound. I can't say you won't, but it will be hard for you to see a lot of couples who respect God's law as much as we do (and by "God's law" I'm refering to "love every one as much as you love yourself" / "constant love and positive attitude towards the world"). And of course, we've never killed, robbed, raped or anything that "rock n roll can suggest fans to do".
@rocklover (4)
• Chile
21 Jun 07
LOl No way!, Rock And roll is from the heart and from heart are room for love or hate, so its like everything in this life... i dont think rock and roll is evil by itself, if the people fell anger they can be anger in any situations not only listening this kind of music.
@djarkangel420 (50)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I've listened to Rock, Metal, and the like most of life and I have never committed any crimes other than speeding. To blame music, or any other mass produced media for the actions of an individual, is silly. That, to me, shows someone is looking for a scapegoat in the situation.
When the shooting at Columbine happened, everyone blamed Marilyn Manson and his music. I have several of Manson's albums and while his lyrics and sound aren't for everyone, I don't blame him for what happened.
We, as individuals, are responsible for our own actions.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Apr 07
This is a crock. I am sorry. I grew up listening to rock, rap, country and pop and I grew up just fine. Just because someone listens to rock music and dresses in black alot dosnt mean there is something wrong with them or that they are going to have mental problems and go on a killing spree.
Why do Christians always blame the music or the tv our kids watch when something goes wrong with our kids? I would really like to know.
@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I'm sorry, then you are living in a dreamworld.
There are actual stats on rock or punk music and satanic crimes in america and abroad.
If you choose to stick your head in the sand, that is your business, but the reality does not change.
Go to and read what it says about rock and the occult. Then, go to and finally
I can not convince you of this crimes and facts, only you can take the vail off your eyes.
God Bless you....
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Blaming music for a crime that a person commits is about as legitimate as saying that every person that wears black is a Satanist, everyone that reads Faust is secretly sacrificing animals under a full moon and if you have tattoos you are going to hell.
Did you kill anyone when you listened to metal?
Did you know that every serial killer that was interviewed by the FBI and CIA claimed that they listened to opera, classical and Christian music but never mentions rock or metal.
Yeah .. there's some food for thought.
@recycledgoth (9894)
27 Apr 07
Sorry but I have yet to hear any*satanic* lyrics in rock music. I have heard worse lyrics in rap music, which seems to glorify rape, murder and violence towards women.
My partner is a rock guitarist, who has studied jazz and classical guitar for many years and he writes a lot of his own material, none of which can be construed in any way as*satanic* and he is also had a strict Catholic upbringing too.
There has always been a train of thought that equates rock, goth and metal music with*satanic* imagery, yet almost all these lyrics, if listened to properly, reveal that they are little more than a tongue in cheek poke at the genre.
In some ways I feel that free will can be impeded by the so-called Christian cults who brainwash their followers, so it seems a little hypocritical to blame rock music.
@FrancyDafne (2047)
• Italy
27 Apr 07
Wow.... if the Devil uses the rock and roll as a tool I have to say that he has really a good taste.... :-)
I don't think at all. If rock and roll was really the guilty we would have thousands and thousands of young killers. In truth today's crimes are due to a lot of causes, we live in a crazy society and many killers never listened to rock and roll.
Me too I love classical music, my favourite artist is Mozart. Mozart lived a not Christian life, he was married and full of lovers, he was Mason and not a good example to our children, and yet he never played rock and roll.
I think that the most important is the education we give our children, if we work well with them they'll be able to listen to every kind of music, but they will always have respect towards everybody.
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
26 Apr 07
Great opic. I was watching TBN today and on one program they spoke about this. They had interviews with a lot of people and most of them said no. Then they played some of the lyrics of these songs and showed interviews with some singers. The singers atmitted that they send messages out and they are glad to see kids doing what they say. I do not want to mention names and incidences, but it is a reality. They had an interview with a guy from the church of satan and he confesed that it is a fact. The devil deffinately uses music and he also blinds people so they do not see him decieving them. This is what the Bible teaches as well.
On the other hand, we find that Christian Rock 'n Roll also do the same, but not for the negative rather for the positive. If Christian Rock 'n Roll are used by God for His glory and to send a message, what stops satan from using people who openly declare their hate for God. Blessings
@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Yes, I used to watch TBN, but once they nixed Hal Lindsey, I had to refrain from their programming.
Yes, I have been hearing lately that anything with a beat, is primarily of the devil.
That is why I would now, prefer to listen to hymns. I heard about this from Dr. Noah Hutchings from Southwest Radio Church Ministies in Okalhoma.
You are right, what is to stop Satan from corrrupting Gods children if some christian music is written to worship and praise their creator.
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Excellet disscussion! You're not only looking at the crime rates go up, but look at how people are treated...those close to you. It's hard to respect a person when all you hear is how the woman are ho's and the men are pimps. Come on, that's not what we want for our children. I tell my children to stay away from that nonsense and to continue to do well in school.
When the music beat is played to the rythme or less of the human body, the person is able to heal faster as well as having less stress. But when you increase the beats per minute, the heart rate goes up and the stress level increases.
@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
28 Apr 07
That is very interesting information about the rythme. I had not know that. Thank you....I can see why now so many people are on edge.
So, maybe if I stop, even listening to "christian" music, I may or will heal from my M.S. symptoms. I do have this one audio CD about healing from this one christian pastor. Maybe I need to listen to it again.
Thank you so much for your knowledge.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
27 Apr 07
Haha, you are misunderstanding everything.
Do you think music makes people kill? Or lack of instruction does? You must teach your son how to disguise a music from the world. People that kill because they heard it in a music are stupid people, or they were not instructed correctly. Therefore, the blamed one is not the music, but this kid's parents.
So, all you are saying is that the rock stars were sent by Satan. That's not true.
Satanic lyrics... Oh my God, those lyrics were created by humans like you and me. There is no Satan nor God evolved in the creation of these lyrics.

@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
27 Apr 07
Yes. You just said the point that I'm trying to show you: they are MOVIES. If they are based on real life, it's because you must not repeat these scenes.
MOVIES are one thing. Now, trying to do like in the movies, is another one. If you kill someone because you saw it in a movie, believe me: you are sick.
@cancatis (406)
• Brazil
27 Apr 07
It reminds me of other arts. You said about distinguishing between music and the real world.
So what about theater or movies? A LOT (if not ALL) of the classic masterworks (from greek drama through Shakespeare works to Agatha Christie's tales) are based on killing or has something to do with it.

@FSCAries (881)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Absolutely not. I've always listened to Rock as well as a lot of other music, and I haven't ever been inclined to commit any violent crimes. As for it being a tool of the Devil... anything can be a tool for the devil, if placed in the hands on one that wants to do harm. It takes a different kind of person to commit these crimes and I don't care what you put in front of them, they will find some sick and twisted way to use it. To blame it on music is absurd.
@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Well, as a youth, I too always listened to Rock and Roll.
But, the older and wiser I got to the words being used and learned how rock music can be used as mind control, in 1998, I decided to remove my heart and mind from this music that is not uplifting to my spirit.
And, I too know there are other tools used my the Devil, but in this discussion, I am only talking about rock and roll music.
Sometimes, the truth about our favorite past time or everyday thing, can hurt.
Right now, I would rather listen to nothing, than fill my heart and mind with rubbish that will fester in my heart.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
Yes...I do think some music can influence youth. Especially the real heavy metal...there have been a few crime commited and publicized from youth doing what these rock stars were doing onstage or singing in thier lyrics. I don't listen to rock..and neither does my son...but sometimes my boyfriend will...especially in the past...and I never really liked it...the lyrics and singing was sounded more like screaming and someone being tortured to couldn't understand half of it?
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
27 Apr 07
I think that if a child is brought up by responsible parents, than rock music isn't going to turn them bad! And neither will video games etc..I just think that people look for someone or something to blame when something happens and rock and roll music etc are easy targets, I think the family should be the culprits.
@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
27 Apr 07
Yeah i agree with you . rock can be some influence on us and evry 1, but not all crimes are because of those songs! i mean ppl in some areas do not listen to these music but still as as horrible as evry 1 who does listen and get influenced. i too like smooth and good music, rock just irritates my brain cells
@limalimon (638)
• Mexico
27 Apr 07
i don´t think so, the music is only music, the other interpretation is personal, i recognize that some music is satanic but it´s a personal choice listen or not. not all rock is satanic, besides it´s exist christian rock.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
I don't believe in any of that crap. Rock and Roll has no more to do with crime than Christian music. People who do crime and are capable of nasty things would do them regardless of the music they listen too. I have listened to Rock and Roll my whole life and it hasn't made me crazy or wanting to do something bad. Music is music and it isn't the music it is society and the way kids are raised. People have always tried to blame Rock music and that is just the stupidest statement I have ever heard. No offense meant of course.