Do you Snitch On and To Your myLot Friends?

United States
April 26, 2007 5:57pm CST
I find myself self in a dilemma sometimes as I have responded to a discussion started by one of my friends and then later (sometimes only a few hours) I get another notification from another of my friends on the same topic. The heading may be worded differently but the topic is exactly the same so do I answer both with the same answer just couple of words switched around. Do I give them the link to each others discussion? Now I know these people are not cheating they have made an honest mistake (I have made the same one) and their friends are probably different from my friends so have not been made aware of the double discussions. However some one who is not a friend and does not know the integrity of my friends may think they are cheating and even report them . Personally I would appreciate being made aware and and given the link then I could PM the other person, explain and perhaps apologise. What would you do???
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25 responses
@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Something I do in this case is check that person's other discussions, if they have done it repeatedly, I make that decision, I've never really noticed it with my friends, just other mylotters, and I have reported it, because it's in the guidelines not to copy others discussion. I'm mainly talking about some that I have come across where the person has copied everything, even misspelled words and grammar. If it were a friend I would probably say something in a PM, just to see if they realize it.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
If they came up with the same topic independently, I don't see the issue. I know when I first started back here the other day I started a topic without doing a thorough search. I realized later the topic had been posted about a bazillion times. My mistake.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Well, If they have already posted the discussion when you tell them that someone else beat them to it, does it help? I usually just go ahead and respond where I can, when I have enough time that is. If the wording is different then I don't really think there is a big problem!
3 people like this
• United States
27 Apr 07
I would do the same as you would in a situation like that. Sometimes it just happens. And I believe on some occasions without knowing it people can think on the same wavelength at times. I may even reply to both with something similar as before or revise what I last said. Mistakes to happen and people shouldn't be penalized for it everytime.
• United States
27 Apr 07
I would not report them. A lot of times it is a honest mistake and I would not want to report someone who honestly did not know that the same discussion had been started. Think about how many people come here and the odds that a same discussion is going to be made are pretty large.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I would also not report them. I tried to make it clear that I was referring to snitching on them to each other not snitching/reporting them to myLot.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I would do the same thing. Just direct them to the link of the common discussion and make them aware of it. There are so many people on mylot with so many discussions and it's hard to go through and make sure noone has posted the same discussion of you. I'm sure I've been guilty of this as well and I would appreciate someone letting me know and probably apologize to the original poster unless it was posted months ago.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
My thoughts ezactly. I also feel that if it was months beween the discussion then I am not sure if I would be inclined to apologise as that would not seen like a coincidence because it would not be a hot news topic or such.
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
Mistakes will happen and it is best we learn from them.Your friends may just be on the same wave length and I think I would let the second person know of the previous discussion.This would allow them to put a retractor,apology or prepared for any negative feedback from people that do not know it was an honest mistake.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I guess I do not do either. I might mention in the second one that I have responded to a similar discussion, but I figure it will come up as a similar discussion and they will see it as well. I would answer them both, as uniquely as I can, if they both are from my friends.
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I've had that happen a few times, two friends with the same discussion. Usually it's regarding a news type event and that just occurred or something like that. I just comment in the second one that "I just responded to a discussion about this..." But I don't post the link to the other discussion.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Apr 07
Hmm, if the topic was almost exactly the same, are you sure one was not cheating? I guess if it was a news item, it is possible the wording could be the same. I mistakenly started a discussion once, & then found that someone had started the same one just before me. I think it was you & I PM you with my apologies. If you are sure there was no malicious intention in the two almost identical duscussions, perhaps I wouldn't bother PM anybody. If at all in doubt, perhaps you should let your friend know that someone is "sort of" copying them.
• United States
27 Apr 07
Thanks Jenny I know you did and I appreciated it. We both knew that these things happen.
@mummymo (23706)
27 Apr 07
I would probably mention in my reponse that I had answered another post on the same yopic and if they wanted to know anymore they could ask you! With so many people it is inevitable that there will be multiple discussions on the same subject ! As you say at least you know there is no cheating going on!xxx
3 people like this
• United States
27 Apr 07
I would do the same, people do make innocent mistakes and I don't see any reason or purpose to punishing those people. If it is a person you don't know you still have to approach them to find out if it was intentional. The more people you get on mylot the harder it will be to really pinpoint the true cheaters and the chances of having a unique topic are going to be pretty slim. But we can carry on as best we can.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I agree that the best action would be to send them the link to each others discussion. Maybe add a little humor with a few quality sentences on how this can happen so easily and earn a little for being helpful. This may help others who might be a little too quick to report them to think about it a bit. And who knows, some really good discussion might come out of this little oversite on their part.
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@pengqing (217)
• China
27 Apr 07
Explained to him that was his understanding.Said you were not intentional.
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@weemam (13372)
27 Apr 07
To be totally honest pal , if it were me who had put almost the same discussion I would want you to tell me , I try to check if what I am writing about has been done before , Once I did do the same as someone else and they mentioned it and I apologised and they knew it was an innocent mistake on my part , I would like to know if I had done it so as I could go and explain to the other person that I didn't realise it was the same until a friend pointed it out , I think all honest people would prefer to do that , but then that is just mY personal opinion xx
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I'd just say something like: "Great minds really do think alike. You and my friend So & So just started a discussion on the this topic. Check it out."
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@cicerone (95)
• India
27 Apr 07
Check out if it was just done Intentionally,if yes just give him the link and ask them not repeat.I no give them the probable solution and ask them to check out the related discusssions before making a post.......
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@denden (802)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
I think its a honest mistake because me,i have a clean conscience that i dont copy and paste the discussions of others so,we must confirm it before reposting it to the admin or whatever.because we cannot deny the fact that we had mistakes here.I think i would just dont mind that situation i will let the admin to decide about it.
27 Apr 07
I guess with so many people on this site now it is quite a regular occurence for topics to be posted frequently. I doubt if either of them realised this at the time. I would probably send a light-hearted and humerous message.
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@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
I will do same as what you did.I'm just wondering why some mylotters are very judgemental.When they saw topics similar they think someone cheated and they right away report that person.Why not investigate first instead of complaining right away.They have to understand also that it's possible that two or person must have the same thinking of what topics to write. I'm proud of you for not tolerating this issue.You did the right thing.:)
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