For multi-pet you pets get jealous?

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
April 26, 2007 6:09pm CST
I used to have a lot of cats, but am down to only two, and of course they are my babies and highly spoiled and pampered. But it's really comically how my one cat, a black cat named Pyewacket wants all the attention. My other cat, Kissy is very affectionate, and likes to cuddle and have her attention to..but lo and behold...if I talk to Kissy, pet her, give her any kind of matter where he is...he could even be in his "bed" sound asleep, and zoom...he has to come running over and nearly knocks Kissy over pushing her away so he can get HIS's hysterically funny--it's like he definitely wants to be the main cat of the house. I can't even talk on the phone without him coming right over..think he's jealous I'm talking to someone other than him. So if you have more than one pet, dogs, cats, both...does one get jealous and want to hog all the attention?
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29 responses
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Scamp - My not fond of pix cat
That sounds like my Scamp! He gets on top of me & kneeds & if any other cat gets too close he will box them. He's not quite as bad as your Pye, but I doubt he's as brave as Pye either. Scamp is one big scaredy cat! Ping & Pong vie for the "face space" in bed (the spot closest to my face.) Before Pong finally figured out that he was going to get tossed off the bed for laying ON my face, he did that! But its amusing to watch them get up and try to lay in the 2 inchs between his brother & my face. Who ever wins generally has to make it up by grooming the loser, Ping, who's a bit smaller than his brother grooms Pong a LOT.
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think it has more to do with his Siamese-ness rather than his black-ness.... He's got more Siamese behaviors than my pointed cats do! Besides, I've got 3 other black cats & found a home for another one in Feb that didn't have this behavoir...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Your Scamp I see is a black cat too..hey maybe it's something about black cats..they want to rule more than others..LOL
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• United States
27 Apr 07
oh yes! my russian blue is EXTREMELY jealous. if one cat is being petted,he will come over and butt him/her out of the way.if that doesn't work,he wails.once in a while he'll smack the other cat that was getting the attention as soon as my back is turned also. he wants to be the one and only baby.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
That's far my Pyewacket hasn't smacked at Kissy...although he might growl at her a bit if she dares to go into his bed--LOL--animals are amazingly funny aren't they?
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• United States
27 Apr 07
they are :) especially that one. jealous,jealous little boy LOL.and yet,he'll share his toys.i guess he has priorities.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I have three dogs and yes, one of them tries to get all of the attention. Lilly, aka Mini Cujo, gets jealous. I will be trying to give KC some attention...Bailey likes being outside most of the time...and she will climb all over KC just to get closer to me. Poor KC!!! I try to not let her, but KC will just give up and walk away. But over time, KC has learned that if she wants to lay with me, she will just have to share the space with Lilly. Lilly will still be right up against me. But KC will be right up against Lilly. It seems to be working out. :) Bailey though...because he has distanced himself and Lilly for some reason does not like him, when he comes near my bed or me in general when Lilly is with me, she will do a Mini Cujo act!!! If I put her on the floor, she will immediately stop. (Mind you, Lilly is a Mini Dachshund and Bailey a full Basset Hound...big size difference and Lilly knows it!) So, yes...there is a lot of jealousy in my house too. And mainly coming from Lilly!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
27 Apr 07
That's exactly what I said to my partner! LOL He seems to think it is also because she is always with us, that she feels that WE are HER pets. ha ha And he has a point too. ha ha We carry her around. She sleeps with us. She eats on our bed because we have to keep them separate in order to control our overeaters....KC and Bailey. So, she thinks that we are the pets and she has the rights to us. Well, we are establishing that we are the Alpha dogs. ha ha Trying to at least. LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Lilly the mini Cujo..that's funny...and a small dog always seems the smaller the animal the bigger a bully they are...maybe because of the small size they feel they have to prove something and be boss--a Napoleon complex??? LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I sometimes wonder what our pets really do think of they see us as strange looking dogs or cats??
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Get jealous? Oh no never. They would never do that (yeah right) If I'm petting one another always comes up. We have dogs and cats so you can imagine how it is. If I'm laying on the couch and one cat comes up before I know it I have three laying on me and wanting love. It never fails. They love to be all over me or anyone else. Oh and if someone new comes in half of them will be all over the person wanting love. You can't give love to just one after all, have to do it for all.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Hehe Oh yeah I know what you mean. I once had a bull mastiff, he would steal the bed. He'd come up between you and the wall, then he's stretch out all for lets pushing you out. He was a big baby but he could be a bed theif. Amazing how they take over isn't it?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I used to have more than just two cats and was a chore trying to sleep in bed..I would have a cat literally sleeping on my head, one near my feet, one up against my other words I wasn't exactly comfortable sleeping.. There were times I think I would've been MORE comfortable sleeping on the floor!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
And it's amazing how we do let them get away with it..isn't it?
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
27 Apr 07
My household is a riot. I have 12 cats, 7 of which are inside. And I have 2 outside dogs. Two of my inside cats, LittleBit and Nemo, are constantly having a contest to see who can get the most attention. If they are on their table, they will literally try to shove each other off trying to get petted. LittleBit usually wins, even though she's smaller. She just kind of gets underneath Nemo and pushes. LOL. My two dogs are both attention hogs, too. I will be standing on the back porch, and the two of them will be wrestling so much to be the first to get loves, that I am the one that practically falls off the steps! One of these days, I just KNOW I am going to end up doing the swan dive off the top step.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
27 Apr 07
ROFL! Yours sound like mine. And as for THEIR table, I think I need to explain that one. The table itself is actually a poker table that my hubby had bought before I met him. It has the spaces for the chips, cards, and even spaces to put drinks. It also has a thick round piece of carpet covering the center. The cats think that that is their own special place to sit, sleep, whatever. I used to fight them to keep them off of it, but obviously I gave up on that one years ago. Hubby keeps threatening to get a specially cut thick piece of plexiglass to put on it instead of the carpet. I keep telling him that if he does that we will have some injured cats and a large vet bill, because (now picture this in your mind) the cats will get a running start at the table, jump up, and end up sliding off of the other side onto the floor. Naturally, being the butthead smartypants that he is, all he responds with is "Good....maybe it'll teach them to stay off the table", and he has a great big smirk as he is saying it! My household is impossible! LOLOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
LOL--that sounds like Pyewacket...he seems to find my computer desk as a place to "skate" on---then every once in awhile, Kissy my other cat loves to jump on the desk to keep me company--thing she has a bad tendency to walk on the keyboard...can't tell you how many unfinished e-mails get sent out cause she walked on a particular key...and off goes the e-mail---my friends understand this...many of them have pets and they do the same thing...not so funny when you're doing a "serious" e-mail response to someone..must think My gosh..this person's looney. LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Your dwelling most certainly sounds like a riot...--I had to laugh..LittleBit and Nemo..on THEIR table?? Do you mean they have THEIR table.....that's funny--that's okay--I understand...I have a beautiful and nice cozy sofa, but of course I don't get to sit there--oh heaven forbid..That's their sofa, and if I do decide to sit on it they look at me as if to say.."Are you out of your mind?" So I often will just sit near my computer 99 percent of the time. The two cats I have like I said vie for my attention...Kissy often loves to hop on my bed with me while I'm stretched out reading before I go to sleep...but if my other cat gets a hint she's up there, he has to jump up and bullies her off the bed..and of course she backs down and jumps off...
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• United States
27 Apr 07
My golden retriver is a sweet girl, but she is so pushy! When I am petting my husky, Goldie will push through and make me pet her too. But I don't think it is jealousy...she is just really hyper lol. And my cats don't get jealous of eachother...4 of our cats out of 7 dont really like being picked up or pet, but they don't like eachother very much either lol. I think my beta fish is jealous of everyone....=P
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Are you talking about my dogs? story. I have two female dogs...older is 8 years old and younger is about 5.5...older dog is ruling the house...and she is very jealous...she is pushing younger away. Sometimes it sounds like she is sleeping and snoring..but always in control...she is not much jealous about kitten....
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
With my two cats it's the would think Kissy who is older would be the boss..uh, nope...Pyewacket is..there's a three year difference between them
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Apr 07
i guess i am now a multi-pet owner being in proud possession of dog, cat and catfish. My dog Nero was a rescue dog and has abandonment issues, he is jealous of any effection we give to the cat and even tries to round up the children lol. As far as i know, niether cat nor cat fish suffer in this way blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Apr 07
I think that is absolutely right, he is very insecure and would follow me all day if he could blessed be
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Since I'm familiar with the story behind Nero, perhaps he gets jealous because of his prior treatment and wants to be reassured that he won't be abandoned again...think??
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• United States
27 Apr 07
LOL - that's funny! I've got two cats too and they get jealous but it's NOTHING like that! They usually just stare each other down or occassionally get into to a rumble with one another. The oldest Leo will sometimes come up and literally lay on top of Moses if he's laying on us! But Moses doesn't mind :) Really though Leo enjoys having Moses around even though the little guy drives him nuts wanting to play all the time. They're 2 years apart. They are really different though too. Moses likes to be around us all the time. If I go to the bathroom he has too to (Leo use to do this and sometimes still does). Leo usually only wants us to lay on us when he wants it and only for the length of time he wants. Moses can be easliy persueded. They're cute and I love them dearly :) I can't imagine now not having cats.
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• United States
28 Apr 07
LOL - That's okay. I do the same sometimes :)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
For all the silliness my cats have given me over the years, like you I could never imagine walking into an empty home with pets...Since I've had pets since I was five it would be downright depressing not to have some little cuddly animal companion
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I meant to say without pets--I'm sometimes typing so fast I do make my mistakes at times--LOL
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@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
27 Apr 07
LOL My parents have a jealous dog like that. When you give any of the other two dogs attention for more than a few minutes, she excuses herself from the room. then she goes into the hallway and pees. It doesn't matter if she just went potty -- she will force out just a little bit. Isn't that weird? To get her to stop, my mom has been taking her out on her own, private walks. She thinks the alone time helps. I have a friend who has a blue heeler that "complains" when you pet another dog! He'll take a really snotty whiny tone with you, it sounds just like he's really talking.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Wow--talk about revenge for not getting attention!
@OURDEW (4809)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Oh yes! My dog is so funny, any time we call our cat, or pet our cat here comes the dog, trying to get in front of the cat. Our dog just pushes her nose on our arm or leg trying to get us to pay attention to only her.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
That's funny!! Wouldn't think animals would get jealous...and "they" whoever they are, call animals dumb!
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
27 Apr 07
I had, in my life, only two dogs. I used to have only one. But when this one was around 15, I got another Dog. The old one was very jealous about the new one. And you know, the old one tried to fight against the new one. But the new one was soon bigger than the other, and as the old had no teeth, there was no blood in these fights. The new one just considered it as a joke! But yes, there were jealousy between them.
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@smacksman (6053)
27 Apr 07
It may seem funny to us but it is deadly serious to them. Take care to share your love evenly and don't tease them. If you have a new baby in the house be especially careful that the jealousy doesn't build to the extent of the baby being savaged. We are dealing with very deep rooted pack instincts here.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I have two daschunds, Oscar and Hans. We adopted Oscar first from a family that did not really care for him. He is a wonderful dog, and I do not regret bringing him home, even though my husband said no. We had Oscar for 2 years before we adopted Hans. Oscar went in the car, slept in our bed, sat with us in the evening while watching TV, we played with him every day. Now, Hans has been in the house for almost a year. His last owners had him for 7 years and decided they did not have time for him. He was very timid when we got him and he would not eat unless you stood with him. But, first thing in the morning they run to the front door, all the while they are pushing, and nipping at each other to see who goes out first. When they are done and they come in they nearly knock each other over to see who gets to be petted first. If one is on my lap, the other jumps on my lap and starts turning around until the other dog jumps off. Then you can see the look of achievement in their face! It really is hilarious! They try to out-do each other in everything they do and they have never really fought, but they do tend to try to push the other one around.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
It almost sounds like sibling rivalry there...that's funny
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@Whisp1976 (488)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I have two English Springer Spaniels called Leo and Jenny. They are cetainly inclined to jealousy. If I play with one the other needs atttention. I am unable to pet one dog with out petting the other. Leo is even jealous when I hug my husband. He insists on making it into a group hug. Dog experts claim that mutts do not get jealous. Their seemingly envious reaction is alegedly just them trying to assert dominance. I'm not buying this theory. I know envy when I see it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Oh, that's funny that Leo is jealous of your husband when you hug him...a group hug..funny!
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• United States
27 Apr 07
I have two male cats that are a year apart in age and they are forever getting jealous of each other when I show them extra attention, which I do often, my big boy Jackson Browne get very jealous of the smaller white cat and will fight with him to get him to move so that he can take over.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
27 Apr 07
We have had our beagle Ladybug since she was 6 months old, she will be 9 years old the 18th of May. We got a new puppy the day before Easter. Shiloh was only 6 weeks old and on the hyper side. Our Beagle Ladybug, wouldn't have anything to do with her. After three days of these, she finally walked up to her and sniffed her. She didn't eat or go potty like she normally did. Now they play like they have known each other there entire life. Now when Shiloh nips Lady on the tail which is a huge no no, she will let her know don't do that again. Lady is more of a daddy's girl,so I really don't have to worry about her getting jealous of me spending more time with Shiloh. Just funny how even animals get's jealous.
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• United States
27 Apr 07
Oh yes i have 2 dogs. and my little rat terrier gets so mad when i pet my other dog which is a mix of german sheperd and something else, lets just call it a mut. my rat terrier's name is whopper, lol i like that name. and my german sheperd mix is named kernal. Whopper would always try to bite you on the hand when your petting kernal. it doesnt hurt, he doesnt bite that hard cause he is so small.
• United States
27 Apr 07
I have dogs or did have dogs that were the same way I find that pretty wierd and I found my say giving up both because they fought way too much and caused a disturbance
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@gizmo528 (731)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Well, right now all the puppies want the attention and fight each other for's a sight to see and it's cute. The rest of my animals are really good about not getting jealous with each other over different things. They get plenty of attention from everyone so they are ok.
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• Philippines
27 Apr 07
well back in the days i have 2 dogs whenever i played with my one of the dog the other one will come and join and played with us i think my dogs getting along great.. i really did'nt feel who's jelous or not... well that's for me.
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