Mamas hooked to their cell phones
By mememama
@mememama (3076)
United States
April 26, 2007 7:28pm CST
Just an observation I made today at the playground, it was a playground for toddlers only. There were a few mothers who were on their phones the whole time that their children were playing. Their kids were hitting and knocking down other kids, the mothers were clueless and kept chatting away! Why do moms ignore their children like this? Do you think their children behave like this because their moms not looking or are they neglected at home from their chatty moms. My son has a tendency to want to hug every kid he sees (he's 1 1/2), so I am near to remind him to be gentle, plus he thinks he's superman so I need to remind him that he can't jump off things.
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19 responses
@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Some people need to get a clue. I mean really, why would you take your child to the park and not play with him/her? Isn't the whole point of being there so that you can play TOGETHER? Children at that age need to be watched constantly. It only takes a second for them to get into some kind of mischief.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Cell phones are a wonderful thing, but it amazes me how many people abuse the privilege of having one and forsake all courtesy, grace and manners when their phone rings. Today I was online at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for my daughter and the lady in front of me takes a phone call just as the cashier is ringing her up. She proceeds to chat with her friend slowing down the process so myself and everyone behind me has to wait until she finishes her phone call. I can guarantee you that those mothers who talk on the phone at the playground also talk on the phone while they are driving, with their kids in the car. Clueless!
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@joyful888yes (2)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I have a cellphone to and sometimes its a distraction,not sure it can benefit the person or tare them apart,expressly relationships, I am Married so I know,but need advice about wife sometime too, most cellphones are extremely costly. I mean physically,emotionally,so we have to make a choice Its ME OR THR CELLPHONE.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Personally when I go out of the house one of the things I like is the fact that I cannot be reached by phone. That I can concentrate on other things, including my neice, without someone calling and interupting. I do not and cannot understand the fasincation some seem to have with cell phones. Yes they can be nice in an emergency but otherwise? When I'm out and about I don't need someone to call me. I'd rather talk without having strangers eavesdropping on me let alone giving me strange looks. Or worse like the situation you described causing others to be in danger; either my child or if I was driving other drivers.
People need to realize that there are more important things in life then talking on a phone. That they are missing out on a lot because they have that glued to their ear and unable to interact with the world in other ways. The fact that they'd rather talk with someone on a phone then enjoy some time with their child is just wrong but it is also an indication of how our society deems talking on the phone as being more important then anything else. It's a growing situation that I see more and more of and it makes me wonder if it will continue to grow or if society will wake up and turn off the phone to enjoy other things in life.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I know what you mean about thinking people are a bit nuts at times. I'm not one to use a cell phone. I actually don't have one and don't see the need for it. I like being able to get away from the phone now and then :)
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
I don't understand why anyone would take a child to the park if they were not there to witness the joy in the child's face . The children should be watched closely in places like this because there are other children around who may harm your child or to watch that your child does not harm someone else .
I am the type of mom that would be standing there with a camera to get all the expressions on their faces as they played as this is an exciting time to all children . It is a way to spend quality time with your child and to do something fun for both of you .
Taking your child somewhere so they can have fun but not taking the time to watch them is like expecting the park to be some type of babysitter for your child and an easy way to lose your child if you are not keeping a close watch on them as it would be easy for a child to wander off on their own or even with someone else . I would never be able to take this chance .
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@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I have noticed this also. It drives me crazy. One day when we were at the park a little boy pushed my daughter off the jungle gym. When she fell she was all scratched up and crying. The boys mother never even took the phone from her head. I had to go up to her and say something I told her maybe if she paid more attention to her son then her phone then he wouldn't act out to get attention.
I can't understand who would be so much more important on the phone then their own children right in front of them.
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@nica269 (1395)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I don't know, but I think that alot of mothers think that if it's a 'toddler only' playground that the other mothers will watch their kids. Or maybe they're just selfish and don't care about their children....I really don't know what their problem is. Sorry i wasn't too much help. :o)
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@nica269 (1395)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I wouldn't trust strangers to do that either. Strangers are the ones who TAKE your kids. I'm sure I'm going to be one of those over protective moms, but I don't care. I don't want anyone harming my child(ren) in any way shape or form. Besides, I take responsability for what my obligations are, and caring for your child is an obligation, not an option.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think it really just depends on the individual kids and parents. I don't take an eye off of my son for a moment, if I am there with him by myself (and of course his little brother would be in my arms) if My hubby is there, we take turns, one holds the baby, the other watches the oldest. My son loves to run, he'll run around the whole park, the entire time, and we are constanly watching him, to make sure he doesnt run in front of the swings, or knock anyone over, or that a stranger doesn't take off with him. It's too easy these days to loose your children, I would never forgive myself, if something happened tohim, and I wasn't paying attention. ALso, I saw a little boy fall off of the play ground and break his arm, and it freaked me out, his arm was out of place and it looked awful, since then i have been a little paranoid about the play ground. Oh, about your son thinking he's superman, he'll outgrow it soon. My son did the same thing, once they hit about 2-2 1/2 they learn not to jump off everything. (usually) Hopefully your's does soon enough, I remember I hated taking my oldest to the park when he was that age, just b/c I could never trust that he wouldn'tjump off the playground at any moment. (:
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@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
27 Apr 07
If am the mother and my child is in the playground, I will have all my eyes to my child and interacting with her. You have to keep an eye on your child if they played outside the house because there are children much bigger than your own child, many are rough and run around not minding smaller children. Plus, you just don't know if there are perverts lurking around so you must be vigilant. When I am out of the house, I will tell the caller than I can't talk coz am watching my baby in the playground, etc. When you are inside the house, and you know your child is safe and you are still watching her, but at least you can relax and chat on the phone.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I hate that. I feel guilty talking on the phone when I'm home with my son and he's up playing in the same room as me! I can't imagine taking him somewhere that has such great potential to be unsafe (getting taken, pushing another kid, being pushed, falling off the slide, etc) and not paying attention to him!
We do take the cell phone with us when we go out, but we only answer it if it's a call from Daddy if he's not with us, or a call from his work if he is. The only reason we answer it if it's Daddy is because it might mean he's home early and looking for us or something. If it's my husband's work, he has to take the call, because a lot of times that means it's a recall or something, and he has to go in. If it's anyone else, that's what voice mail is for.
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@superchook (1786)
• Australia
27 Apr 07
I don't understand why they wouldn't want to get involved with what their children are doing. I am sure these parents have plenty of times to chat on the phone. If you are going to take them to the park, you might as well interact with your children too, especially if they are hitting and knocking other children over. This is the perfect time to teach them not to do things like this. Some parents these days just seem to have no time for their children and this is so sad. One day their children will be grown up and these parents will think that they have missed out and regret it. Children grow up really fast, so you have to enjoy every moment you can with them. I just wish that some parents would forget about their phones and actually enjoy and appreciate their children.
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@Joslyn77 (374)
• United States
27 Apr 07
It's really sad that the whole world has become like this. Not just moms with small kids,but everyone and young people too! We had a little parent orientation to our child's Jr. high school and while walking around the school I couldn't believe how many student helpers had cell phones hooked to their hips or in their pockets!!
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@juiceofine (144)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think it is so totally wrong! Anytime i take my kids to the park or anywhere im constantly keeping my eye on them my children are very important to me and i would never do anything to put them in harms way i dont think its right for those motherd out there that do that.then when something goes wrong then its to late.
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@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I agree with you all, I do not understand what conversation on the cell phone can be more important than watching your child and how they interact with other children. When my son was young this was one of my favorite things to do with him. I have a cousin who is constantly on her cell phone and pays no mind to her 6 year old daughter, no matter where they are. I pulled up at her house one day, she was on her cell, and her daughter who was only 4 years old was in the ditch right by the highway! This is in the front of the house, and mom was on the back porch. There are many wrecks there along their road, there is a sharp curve and people going too fast lose it and end up in their ditch! there are constant tire marks there, but she was not paying attention, because she was too busy on her phone. It is amazing how much people miss out on, how rude they are when they have that phone connected to their ear, especially in public places.
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@snoopy04 (718)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I think some moms are just plain clueless. When I go to the park with my four kids I dont have time to sit down much less talk on a cell phone. For me going to the park with my kids is playing and interacting with them. I enjoy pushing them on the swings and sliding on the slides with the. I am still a kid at heart you know. But I think some moms feel like when their at the park that the moms can take a break and let the kids run wild. Its a shame though because you are missing out on some great fun with your kids.
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@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I have noticed this too. I try to leave my phone behind in the car so that I won't be tempted to use it. Kids really do want to know that we are watching.
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@navtech (1773)
• India
27 Apr 07
TV and cell phone brought a revolution in human behaviour and understanding and also provided room to be irresponsible. My wife when she glued to TV she used to forget the milk in gas. All milk will get evaporated into thin air. When she talks to over cell phone she forget the whole world. We can do nothing. Good things has also have negetive reuslts.
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I talk on my phone every now and then, but i'm always keeping an eye on my son at teh same time. Some mothers just don't understand multitasking, they need to be paying attention to they're children. I'm the kind of mother that walks over and says " don't you pay attention to your heathens over there? You'd better get them under control or i'm gonna start pushing your kids over" I really dont' believe in not making your children mind, if your kids hurting my kid you better be ready for a but wippen.
@workathomeunited (22)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Oh no I hope I am not one of these moms but I do talk on my cell when we are at the park! Sometimes it is the only time I get to call back my customers and do my business work without "mommy mommy" the whole time. At the park my daughter will go and play and so I take advantage of that time to make some calls. But I do have to say I keep a good eye on my daughter too but I dont know some moms who hang up and then are like ok where is my child. My eyes are always on my daughter even if my mind and ears are not!!
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@papinprincess (40)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I am a mother who is guilty of being on a cell phone but I am aware of my child at the same time I sees when he does something and I put the person I am talking to on hold so that I can discipline him. I guess I'm like that because I have fears of someone taking my child, but mothers should especially no how to multi-task they do it each and everyday but I guess they say a few moments(hours)for themselves is what they need.