Would you tell your mature friend her clothes are to sexy?
By CookieWookie
@CookieWookie (136)
United States
April 26, 2007 9:27pm CST
I have a friend who is 54 and is so nice but she dresses like an eighteen year old she is very thin but not fit at all, she will buy the shortest shorts and tiny tiny tube tops and wear super short mini skirts so her bottom shows. I went to the mall with her one day and she wore a see through skirt with a red thong :( She has asked me to go other places with her but I am afraid of what she will wear! Her son who is 32 wont go anywhere with her, It is so sad! I hate to see people laughing behind her back, she has heard them too but told me they are just jealous :( I cant bring myself to say anything to her and have wondered if it would do any good she seems so set in her ways. I am also afraid she might lose her job because of this, yesterday she wore a scrub that was hanging off her shoulders so her bra would show. We work in a hospital and have an image to uphold she has already been warned. So would you tell her or keep out of it..She is just such a nice person...
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6 responses
@sumofalltears (3988)
• United States
27 Apr 07
She needs to be told by someone that cares or it won't mean anything. She has the ability to shrug off the reactions of perfect strangers so it is up to the people that know her to bring her into the light. If you have to get harsh or rude then so be it because she just doesn't seem to see things that she should. Consider it an act of tough love.
@CookieWookie (136)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Thank You so much for your reply! I will have to say something to her it is really going to be hard. Thank you for the advice.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
it is really an act of love if we make the effort to let her know, as to what will be the best thing for her to do. it may require sufficient courage to do it, but there has to be someone to tell her outright as to the unfitness of the way this woman dresses up.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
Have you realized that this woman is giving out a distress signal? She feels that she is not being loved and noticed anymore that's why she is doing this. If you will take the courage to talk to her about this properly, she will accept your word and will learn from you. Give her some assurance that she is loved and well noticed as she is, and that she did not dress up that way. Tell her that she will be more lovable and acceptable if she will dress up and act her age.
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@CookieWookie (136)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Yes I realized this when her son talked to me a few days ago he asked me for help he loves her very much. Her husband passed away 5 years ago and she is trying to get a new boyfriend. But I think she is going about it all the wrong way. She knows I think the world of her she is a great worker and I just love her. I do need to have a talk with her about the clothes and that most men will respect her more if she dresses a little more modest. Thank You so much for the Reply!!
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@sutan74 (1112)
• Philippines
27 Apr 07
You must be gentle when telling her about this for she might be offended. Explain to her that men would notice her if she dress her age. At 52 the men that would notice her will respect and admire her for herself. Not by how she dress and look. This attitude are for teenagers only, what she would get will be men playing with her feelings. Point to her the disadvantage of her dressing like that. Hope this helps...
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@HeavenUnaware (1757)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Oh my! What a tough spot to be in. I'm at a loss of words as to how you should approach her with this.
I agree with you, she shouldn't be dressing like a tramp - at ANY age let alone at an age when she should know better. It's too bad too since she is such a sweet person but giving off the wrong signal. I bet she would meet more respectable men who give her the right kind of attention if she would just dress the right way.
I think if I was in your shoes, I might invite her over for a girls night. Make it a fun night to hang out and just enjoy each others company. Snacks, movies, drinks, junk food. At some point I would maybe ask her how the man hunting was going and then lead into telling her that I think she is beautiful and sweet but there's been something on my mind that I wanted to bring up because I really like her and care about her but I do not want her to take it the wrong way. Of course she would want to know 'what' and I would, as nice as I could, tell her that the way she has been dressing lately is gaining her the wrong kind of attention and I don't want her to attract the wrong kind of men. I would tell her that I think she looks so nice in normal slightly sexy clothes rather than the full blown 'show it all' clothes. Men like when there's something left to the imagination and I just think showing your thong or wearing see-thru clothes makes her look like she's wanting the wrong kind of guys.
I might start the whole thing by asking her if things are o.k., like I was really concerned about her. Maybe bring up the fact that she had been reprimanded at work and ask her why she has been all of a sudden dressing so differently. I would probably approach the whole thing as if I was really worried that something else was going on to cause her to start dressing like that and wanting attention from the wrong kind of men.
Or I might even say that (not sure, might make it up) at some point a really nice stranger had asked about her (when she was with you but not right next to you) about her and said she was really pretty but it's too bad she was showing all her goods because he wasn't interested in women like that.
I don't know - this is such a hard spot to be in. You want to help her but any way you put it, she's going to be insulted. You just have to really make it clear that you love and care about her but that people are saying things about it and it's making you mad but you can see their point.
Let he know that even her son is having issues with it. Ask her if she wants to go shopping one day and try on some other types of outfits with you and see what your opinion is on them. Sometimes it's hard to really see what we look like in the mirror and it takes a good friend to tell us what does or does not look good on our body.
I wish you lots of luck with this one. If you think it's going to be too hard, then just let it go and hope that at some point, she gets the hint and tries something different with her clothes. Personally, I'd find a way to drop the hint without straight out telling her but then I'm a chicken like that when it comes to my good friends.
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@CookieWookie (136)
• United States
1 May 07
Thank you so much for replying! Wow you sure gave me some great ideas! I sure hope I can get up the nerve to tell her but so far I am really chicken too! She has not been to work for a few days so I have some time to practice what to say.. I really like what you said about what we look like in the mirror and sometimes it takes a friend to tell us..This happened to me one year I was getting ready to go out and put on my favorite yellow blouse and my friend said to me "Why do you keep wearing that Blouse? It really makes you look so much more heavy" Omg I was crushed! It was my favorite! And I thought I looked really good! But now I see in pictures it was not so and she was right.. I got so many good ideas from everyone! I have never been one to tell anyone something like this..But I worry about her when she goes out to the bars by herself..If she gets to mad well at least I tried. I will be very careful of my words and tell her what a Wonderful beautiful person she is even if she does not take my advice I will still be her friend nothing will change that.
Thanks again for replying!
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@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
1 May 07
First of all you are such a sweet soul.
I think you are in a hard situation.One hand your friend will be hurt inside because she think is still young and when you will say somethihng she will get very hurt...other hand you have to warn her if you are a true friend...
My advice is to talk with her,and to use all diplomacy you have,to look in her eyes and to tell that you say just for her own good...
I don't know you but all i know is i am able to succeed in a situation like this...
I wish you succes,and don't forget to say all time you love her...
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@CookieWookie (136)
• United States
2 May 07
Thank you So Much for replying :) Thank you for the Sweet words and the advice I sure needed all of these replies to help! I love the part where you tell me to look in her eyes! I always watch for this when someone is talking to me! Thank you for the Well wishes (((Hugs)))
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@amydawn11 (906)
• Canada
27 Apr 07
She is your friend so I would tell her. I always try to be honest with my friends. Just tell her in a really nice way. I am sure she would rather here it from you than anyone else or end up loosing her job, that wouldn't be good. I would tell her.
@CookieWookie (136)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Thank you for replying :) I am going to try to tell her I just have to think of the right way to start the conversation, it is going to be hard because she really believes she looks good :( I sure would want someone to tell me!
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