Principal "suspended" after "nude" pic found on personal website

@Arkadus (895)
April 27, 2007 3:33am CST
well you can find an article about this at: Now, this annoys me. Why can't he have a picture like this up on his personal website? He's a human being just like everyone else. According to the article it's not even "graphic" you can just tell he's nekkid, at a nude beach. Big deal, I can understand them requesting it be taken down on the off chance that a student stumbles across it and realizes they can take their clothes off. (Yes, that's some heavy sarcasm). What makes me mad is that the school pretty much says "give us your computer or we'll fire you" so that they can "inspect it for further threats to students" Seriously, what the hell? This guy has *ONE* picture of questionable content on the internet and he is now a pervert and a pedophile and ultimately a potential child molester. What the hell is wrong with these people's brains? Is it that they've been kicked in the head too many times? Or perhaps they need to take a few to the head to make it start functioning. Re-frigging-diculous. [/rant] So anyone else agree with me? Or do you believe there's justification in what they've demanded of him?
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3 responses
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
I agree to some extent. yes we have free will, we can do whatever we want regardless of whatever consequences it may bear, just as long as you are responsible and mature enough to standvy your decision. but as a teacher we serve as a role model, a person students can look up to for guidance and moral values, next to their parents of course. so if the principal will not give proper sanctioning to the said teacher then students will think that what the teacher did is right and my follow in his/her example. as a role model teachers should be carefull in what they wear, act and do... simply because a child is watching them and idolizing them.
• Australia
17 Jun 07
I agree to everything you have stated... its like why cant a principal be "his own person" outside of school?? I dont know about other people but when i am not working i have a life that doesnt involve anything to do with work...
@Khristie (23)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
well, for me there is no justice for it. Those people who are criticizing him are too shallow minded to have not give him a chance to defend himself. This is something that makes teacher's life so complicated. You must be seemed like a saint and it seems you dont ahve right to commit mistakes...