Shilpa Shetty to be arrested

@neilf49 (809)
April 27, 2007 6:46am CST
There are reports that Shilpa Shetty is to be arrested and prosecuted for the kiss that she was given by Richard Gere. I don't think that it is fair that she should be persecuted for the actions of Gere, what are your views?
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1 response
@dorypanda (1601)
27 Apr 07
I think that's ridiculous, I don't see why she should be punished for something she had no control over. I actually don't really see what all the fuss is about anyway, if Richard Gere wanted to kiss me, I certainly wouldn't complain!
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@abroji (3247)
• India
27 Apr 07
dorypanda, you would not complain because it is acceptable to your culture. But India is more conservative in these things.As one of my myLot friends told in a similar discussion started by her "while in Rome do as the Romans do"
@dorypanda (1601)
27 Apr 07
Ah, I see, although I don't understand why they would arrest her, when she didn't do anything wrong, it would be rather difficult to stop a man of his build and size from kissing her.
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@neilf49 (809)
28 Apr 07
Thank you dorypanda for your comments, although I wouldn't want him to kiss me lol. I really do agree also that different cultures see these acts in different ways. I am married to an Asian (Filipina) and I sometimes struggle with the differences in culture although the Philippine culture is a little more westernised than in India and I do try to understand and uphold the beliefs of their country when I am there. I am sure that the outcome will be best for all concerned, especially bearing in mind that Shilpa is wanting to make a break into the UK market which will of course be of benefit to India, albeit may be indirectly.
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