Do you think teenagers are more rude today then when you were one????
By babyangie27
@babyangie27 (5176)
United States
April 27, 2007 3:04pm CST
I mean I know I wasn't a very nice teenager but what happened to me today was very rude. My friends teenage step-daughter came here after school to use my phone and call her step-mom(my friend),she didn't knock she just walked in,then started to let her friend(who I don't know) into my house! I have 2 dogs and with people they don't know they bark alot and jump on people,which can cause problems. So I told her you can't let your friend in,and she looks at me like "who are you" I mean she's in my house to use my phone!
Do you think teenagers are just plain rude nowadays?
Any thoughts? She said something on the phone to my friend about "we'll talk about it when you get home" do you think I should talk to my friend and tell her my thoughts and feelings?
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29 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
27 Apr 07
If this behavior is continual I would speak to your friend. If it hasn't happened before, I wouldn't say anything to your friend. You don't want to have her feeling bad for something that might be a one time thing. If it does happen again where her step daughter is disrespectful to you, then I would definitely tell her about both instances.
I do believe that teens today have no respect for anyone. They feel that they rule and do no wrong. It is sad to say, but society is accepting this behavior in teens. I know many teens in my area have gotten in trouble with the law and get off with a hand slap. If they would be held accountable for their actions, maybe they would straighten up! Good luck with your situation.

@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
28 Apr 07
These kids are going to get a hit of reality sometime and it isn't going to be fun for them. I remember back in grade school when we learned to respect our teachers and the parents in the schools. If we didn't we got a good spank from the principal. Now the teachers have no control over these kids because the kids know that there is nothing that can be done to them. It is so sad.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Thank you and well said,there has been a gang of teenagers here that where starting fires and they were just told to move,that was it! I think because the world is so dangerous these days we are afraid to speak harshly to our kids,I know I sometimes feel bad when I do but there must be some way to make these kids see the road they are going down is only going to make their lives harder.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
28 Apr 07
That is very rude of the girl. My own teenage daughter is rude, to me and her grandmother, but never to anyone outside our house. It seems that kids in general are less mannered and rude nowadays. I hate it. I have been on and on with my duaghter about her behavior inside our home but she watches these shows on tv where the kids are just dwnright rude to the parents and it goes in one ear and out the other what I am trying to tell her.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yes I have a 16 year old step-daughter and she gives me and her Dad problems sometimes but never to anyone else. I think every teenager goes through a time where they don't want to listen I know I did,but I don't think it's ok to go around being rude,because they may not grow out of it.
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
28 Apr 07
im only a teenager and well i try to be polite, because thats just how i have grown up and been taught to treat others etc.
i know my parents are always saying that teenagers now just dont care as much as when they were teenagers, my parents say teenagers these days just have it to easy but they also say that some parents have it to easy as well. because when my parents didnt work they didnt eat but now people can sit at home on their bumbs and not do a thing and still eat etc.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yes times where a bit harder even when I was a teenager,I didn't get a computer or internet until I was 19 but I think that the teenagers who do act this way need to realize how much this behavior will hurt them in their future.
As an adult I must say I have not had an easier time then my parents but every sitution is different,thank you for responding.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
27 Apr 07
Absolutely I do, teenagers these days have not been abused since parents are not allowed to spank these days, at least not like our parents used to spank us, so they have little respect for elders since they are so used to getting their way. I have grown children that I am constantly getting on to about respect and being nice, just now one is almost 30 and she is getting it that she gets alot more from people with kindness than with cursing and being mean. Just took her awhile.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
27 Apr 07
At least I'm not the only one who has had some trouble with teenagers,not all but some. I'm 27 and I know I was not always the nicest kids especialy when it came to authority figures but I have seen so many down right rude kids. But I have also ran into rude parents and people in general,thanks
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
28 Apr 07
She was very rude and yes you should talk to her step mom. It is your home your rules and it is about time she was advised about the rules in you home. I personally have serious doubts about our teen agers, and their attitude, I wonder where it comes from and even more how to get them to lose it, But I really believe that is a case of you have to be kidding.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Thank you and I too worry about our youth,I have a 4 year old and I hope she never acts this way to anyone. I think society in part as become rude. When I open doors for people I don't even get a thank you.
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@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
27 Apr 07
Sorry, but you can't blame the whole of the young generation if someone you met was rude to you. I am a teenager and I do have a lot of friends about whom I have never heard a single complain from anyone, so what should I consider, that we are better than what our ancestors were. It is not the right way to judge a whole group of people.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I'm sorry I didn't mean the whole age group just some I have a 16 year old step-daughter and she has her moments with me but she is always polite to other adults. I am really sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone,I was just upset and in the moment.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yes. Teens today are so much more rude than they used to be. I am only 19 but still they are worse than they were when I was a teenager. I wasn't a very nice teenager either but I'm nicer than these kids. That was rude what happened with that girls friend today. She shouldn't have let her come into your house. That girl could have gotten hurt by your dogs if they were vicious or anything. I wouldn't let that girl use your phone anymore. She was giving you those looks in your home. I mean you went and let her use your phone when you could've said no. Teens in my area cuss out their parents in the stores or in public. They talk back to others in authority. Playing their music as loud as they want to in their parents house. I would definitely talk to your friend and tell her what her step daughter did. I'd also ask her how she would feel if someone did that to her.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I will be talking to the girl also because I think she doesn't realize how it made me feel. I always try to be nice and help her out when I can but I feel lately she is just using me and I think it's mostly because she has seen her step-mom my friend use me in the past. I hope I can brake the cycle now.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yeah I agree they seem ruder. Its not nice to state that. But its true. Rude Rude. I wasnt that rude growing up. I was too quiet and obessed with guys to be rude. I guess its how the world is now. Internet and cell phones and ipods. Can they help but be locked in a world of themselves and be rude? I dont know. But I know its who they are, and its not fun indeed.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I know it is not nice to admit but maybe if we talk about it we can all try to help teens see what they are doing and help get them to understand what it can do to them long term.
@derek_a (10873)
28 Apr 07
I would say yes, they are more rude...
The other day I saw this kid reading a newspaper and after he finished it he just threw it straight to the ground even though there was a litter bin a few yards away from him. I merely pointed it out to him that he could pick it up and he rolled his eyes and walked on ignoring me. And he was one of the more polite ones!
A few years ago there was this teenager pushing a stick into the back of my 10-year-old who had not long had a kidney removed and this kid knew it too. I yelled at the teenager to stop it and he just laughed and ran away screaming obscenities. Luckily no damage was done, but what if I hadn't come along at that moment?
I was a teenager in the 60s and we weren't angels, in fact we were quite rebellious, but we did have compassion and didn't deliberately go out of our way to hurt people. And I never shouted obscenities at anyone other than my peers if we were having an argument. There was just this automatic respect for adults.
I would certainly broach the subject with your friend, but one thing I've always found avoids a confrontation is to keep a smile on my face if I'm complaining about a sensitive issue. Kids are what kids are these days and parents can be very defensive even if their kids are in the wrong. I don't think it's worth losing a friend for.
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@derek_a (10873)
29 Apr 07
Yes, I agree. I would like to know about it too, for the child's future. If they continue to act this way, they could end up as very lonely. And you know the situation better than anyway and what counts here is what is appropriate for you to do. Good luck and I hope everything turns out well.:-)
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I'm afraid if I don't say something this child will continue to behave like this and I just can't stand by and watch that happen. If I lose my friend I will just have to move on. I know if my step-daughter was doing this I would like to know about it.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I would be outraged...the nerve walking into your house uninvited and with a stranger in tow....and then act "put out" .........Oh yes, I would have a talk with my friend, she would have to hear how I felt about this behavior....what would you do to your daughter???? Mine would not see her friends or the light of day for awhile.
I know that teenagers are in their own "space" but we have to live here too. Oh, I sound so mean tonight but really that goes beyond rude in my opinion...
My red hair flamed as I was reading this, YES, please talk to your friend....don't want this kind of thing becoming a habit....
Good luck with your discussion with your friend; should you decide to talk to her....myself, I would have to.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Thank you my friend for feeling my frustration with this matter. I will be talking with my friend from what I have noticed since it happened last night my friend hasn't wanted to speak with me,so I see it as she has started to take the side of her step-daughter,but I will still make sure I am heard on this. Thanks.
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
27 Apr 07
My my that's just plain rude. I'm only 22 and wow she is just such a b***h. I think you should just tell your friend about her step-daughter's behaviour. I'm not sure about sharing thoughts and feelings. I think reporting the behaviour and asserting your rights is more an important matter than looking for assurance. Tell her that its not acceptable.
I don't know about you, but I would tell her about she not allowed in your home unless she has permission and that if she does it again, you will report it to the authorities. I mean ok so she goes to use the phone, what's to stop her from coming to steal something in the future? Maybe she might sneak into your house whil
e you are upstair and make expensive phone calls or something.
Do you know you can actually arrest her for trespassing? I do wonder if she asked to use your phone.
You should tell the girl that is not allowed to come into your home unless she is given permission. Be sure your friend knows that you've warned her step daughter as well.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
27 Apr 07
yes I will be speaking with her today,I told my husband what happened and he knows this is not the first time this child has done this. She feels that because her step-mom is a close friend of mine she can do whatever she wants when it comes to me and my home.
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@windhair (498)
• Germany
29 Apr 07
Ok, I also think this is true now a days. It maybe a new revolution of the teenagers' behaviour. I see many teenagers drinking and skoming in public, some of them are still in elementary school. This may be the result of family education, for instance, they give too many TV and gaming time to children, especially some of the manga. But as we can see, with the new technology of communication, handy, internet, child can easily touch about all of this. The effects of that are for the whole new generation.
Any point is, divorce is really terrible thing to a family, worst to the children. We should always hold the responsibility to the whoel family, not only ourself.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Thank you,it is so true that times now are so different and we soemtimes let our children try to raise themselves by watching too much tv,internet and such. But I know we can still try to help our teens. I know I will make an effort too.
@roxyranelli (33)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Definately, I fell some teenagers are a little more bold or rude than in past times. I think as parents, some of us discipline easier and go a little easier on the children. I am not saying that physical discipline is the answer, but there needs to be a line between being a friend/parent. Times have changed, and this is obvious with some of the behaviors we see in some children/teens!
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I agree! When we are playing the friend role it is so hard to be the parent when the time comes to do that. Thank you so much!
@ScarletAlston (2693)
• United States
28 Apr 07
yes you should talk about your thoughts and feelings with your friend (I'm sure this has happened by now) and yes I do think teenagers these days are way more rude than they were when I was one..I am only 24 and find myself seeing as least 10 teenagers a day that need to get popped in the mouth for things they say and do..
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yes I too have wanted to pop some kids myself,I am 27 and sometimes I just lose it with these kids. I haven't talked to my friend yet,seems like she is tring to avoid me but I will be heard.
@jennybeans (912)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I think teenagers are more disrespectful than ever. I was a rebellious teen, but I knew how to present myself to my elders. I was respectful to my family and their friends, and would have never behaved that way. I would say something to your friend about it. Afterall, her daughter just walkedinto your house without knocking. Who does that?
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I too was rebellious,but I had some respect for my elders. This was not the 1st time this young lady has done this,she does it almosty everyday but I try to be nice since it is my friends step-daughter but yesterday was the last straw. I will be speaking with her over this weekend about it. Thank you for responding.
@davaoguy (319)
• United States
28 Apr 07
True. Most kids today are rude because they have beem immersed to so much information. Without proper guidance and value-formation, these kids' character will definitely go downhill. Maybe you should kindly tell your friend about your concern about her child's attitude. It's just good that she knows about how her child treats other people.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Thank you I agree with you on the fact that she needs to know how her child is behaving no matter what she makes of it.
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
What she did was indeed rude.
Plenty of teenagers have become more rebellious and rude now a days.I believe, the outside and inside environment has something to do with these kind of behaviors. Imposing good manners to a child should start inside the home. The way a child or teenagers delivers himself/herself outside depends on she/he is being molded by his/her parents.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I know not all rude teens have parents that didn't do a good job sometimes the kids just enjoying being that way too much,but I agree our kids need to be retaught their good manners,Thank you
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I am a teenager, and I think that most teens are very rude and disrespectful today...but I also believe some aren't. I would never do something like that to anyone. I would have knocked and ask to use your phone. And I know a couple of people at my highschool that also are not rude. So not all teens are rude, but some are.
I think you should def. talk to your friend about how you feel.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I agree not all teens are like this and I can see you are a very well manered teen. I hope talking with them both will fex this problem.
@billionaire5 (1333)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Yes, when I was growing up we were taught to respect our elders and someone elses home. Children today have too much freedom and believe they have the right to treat people anyway they want. They actually believe they have right to do what they want and they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Yes you should children should be respectful.
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Thank you! I too feel like they have way too much freedom I mean I see them walking around past midnight at 15! What is that about? Thank you.