What do you do to relax during finals?

United States
April 27, 2007 6:57pm CST
I always find myself getting restless and stressed during finals. I find myself skipping away from campus and hanging out in the local park a lot...it's usually very quiet and peaceful there, and the nearby stream gives off the soothing sound of flowing water.
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4 responses
• United States
28 Apr 07
First, I never spend the day before a final studying. It usually convolutes anything I've already learned and makes me worry more that I really should be worrying about the test. I will listen to music, relax, and not over-exert myself so that I am rested and energized when it's time to take that test the next day. I also try to go to bed early. I might even have breakfast.. and I usually don't even breakfast. when I do study, I don't stress myself if I can't understand a certain concept or some information. I tend to study and re-inforce what I already know before trying to get something that I am having trouble with.
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• United States
28 Apr 07
I tend to use the day before to study, but I don't let myself study past a certain point in the evening, and usually do something else to distract myself after that, like read a non-academic book, play a videogame, or go for a walk or something.
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
I go to a peaceful place, quiet place.Every weekend I go to our house in the province to escape from the city where I am studying.In the province I can breath fresh air and eat healhty foods, not fast foods!And I can spent time with my family too.
@mofelorn (611)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
Yes its true. It's very stressfull when taking final exams. The best thing to is to study in andvance so that when the time comes you are relax. You'll be not restless and stress because you are ready to take you an exams.
@jammers (58)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
Yes,finals!!! A day which we call finals is a day which we, students are stressed out because of long massive studying. It is normal on us students, as you know it and as everyone know. Related to this things, we want to have somethingin exchange of allthe hard times we had. Some of us go to what places they fell suitable with and some of us just go out, hanging wih there friends and loveones. It is a nice practice to have some creational actions and it is better if what you want to be freshed with and be peaceful is just to do whatever things you want to do, because what you really want please what is inside of you. In other words you gain the indepence of doing somethingwithout someone couching.