And the doctor said...
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
April 27, 2007 7:45pm CST
That once you say I do the courtship shouldn't end, you need to make time for each other. Whatever the heck that had to do with me missing three months worth of periods! I broke down and went to the doctor today because of the above mentioned problem, I've had a headsche for a month and I haven't been myself. He asked me what was going on in my life, I just let it all out, for the first time in awhile, he gave me the lecture on life and my relationship, told me I'm suffering from stress, told me I needed a weekend alone with hubby (yeah right, that's gonna happen) so we can "reconnect", gave me Prozac and some pill for headaches that is supposed to knock me on my a**(yeah, I have time to take it..eye roll) and shipped me out the door. I left feeling better because I got to vent, but frustrated because I feel as though he brushed my physical problems off! I love my doctor, but geez! I got a half hour lecture on my marriage, and no other answers. He told me I need to change myself before I expect anyone else around me to change. He really must've taken away something different from our visit than I did. Has anyone out there ever left the doctors office like...WTF? What just happened? What does this have to do with the fact I feel like sh*t? OR am I just being a basketcase?
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11 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 Apr 07
That would be the last time I'd go to him. I've had this happen with doctors. I went in to see one about my foot swelling and he said it was due to my weight. The fact I've been the same weight most of my life didn't matter. Turned out I was allergic to the sulfates that were in the bottled water I was drinking. Some don't really want to listen. They just want to get you in and out as soon as they can.
Now I might agree you need a break in things and that stress can be a problem but for three months of missing your period? One month maybe but not three. Something more should have been checked out. I would if you can get a second opinion. Find a new doctor and tell the old one really what you think about him. It would probably do you some good.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Well that's good that he wasn't rushing you out still I don't think is advice was right. You should check with your gyno. They are better equiped to help out and more likely to do what is needed to find out what the cause is.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I think I need to make an appointment with my gyno. I went to the family practitioner. I don't think he was trying to hurry me out, I was there for an hour an a half. Thanks for your response.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Personally, I think his personal problems may have slipped over to your problem. However, it does sound like stress is the problem and stress can make you feel like sh*t and it can cause a lot of other personal problems both physical and emotional.
You really do need to make a LITTLE time for yourself and do something you enjoy. I know it is hard, but you will end up a basketcase or worse if you don't. When my stress was getting really bad; I bought a self hypnosis CD for stress release. It said it was almost an hour long and I forced myself to take that hour the first time. After that I discovered the beginning and end of the CD could be skipped - they were just info. So it really only took 30 minutes. It did help and I did feel more rested, less stressed, no more headaches or muscle spasms, and less frustrated. You can get these CD's on ebay for very little and they are better than any pills because there are no side effects.
Soccermom, if you can't afford it, PM me with your address and I will mail you one for free; I also bought the resale rights. (NOTE: I can't afford to send everybody a free copy; but, I will send one to any one else at my actual cost.)
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Speakeasy, that is the kindest thing a stranger has offered in forever. Thank you. I can afford one myself though, and am very interested. Is this something I can pick up at Best Buy or somewhere? Or do you have to order them online?

@destinycole (827)
28 Apr 07
HUGS the prozac might actually work you know. Sometimes life turns to dust and we need something to make it liveable again. These SSRI's are the revolution in depression medication. Your lucky your doctor could spend half an hour with you hun. Doctors here are so busy we are lucky if we get five minutes with them. Partly my fault because they scare me! I always think if I say too much I am going to end up in a Psych unit or in hospital having tests!
Whats an SSRI? Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors based meds meaning that instead of the brain getting reabsorbing the Serotonin it sends it round again, so that we have a constant supply of the happy chemical that we lack.
You need to take them for a month to feel the benefit and you will and your not a basket case hun HUGS your just have a hard time with life right now. Yes you might feel like sh*t but Prozac will help you to re focus your self and re prioritise and help you to "bounce back" HUGS HUGS x Dre
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@mommy2jason922 (529)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I have had a doctor like that. I was having real bad pains in my right side and in my back. I went to this one doctor and she told me that i was depressed!!! just cause i have a history of depression doesnt mean i am depressed! my OB/GYN looked at me and after many tests he said lets take out your appendix. he did a week later and after i healed from the surgery i havent felt better!! they looked at my appendix and found that it was infected and that was causing all my pain! some doctors just dont want to have to deal with cases like that.
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Well, it sounds like your doctor knows you pretty well if you've been going to him since you were a teenager. It also sounds like he didn't do a darn thing to address your real problem. I would absolutely recommend going to a GYN. A good GYN will be able to help you find a reason for the missed periods. I'm sure your doc meant well, but he's missing the point.
I'm sorry you and hubby are having problems, I hope everything works out for you!
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I have never had this happen at my General Practicioner's or Gynecologist's office. I would have left saying WTF, too. I hope he did an exam on you for the reason's that you went for the visit. Maybe he is a wanna be shrink?
It's good that you got to vent, but he sounded pretty patronizing to me. I don't think you are being a basketcase at all.
Try to relax a little, as hard as that seems to do. I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I didn't take his attitude as patronizing, he has been a wonderful doctor and very suuportive of me since I was a teenager. However, now he has me questioning all sorts of things, like is this really the way people see me and hubbys relationship? My hubby told me last Saturday he thought we needed help. I dunno, I gotta finish getting the kids packed and haul them up to the Dells for the trip with my sis and mom.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 May 07
Thats why I hate Doctors they think a pill serves eveything. They dont! Seems like they had out PRozac like candy. and it probably wont help you in the end any how. But maybe shipp the kids to a mom so you can have a good night with hubby. but maybe you are going thru the change?
Wonder where your Docs mind was. Was he talking to you or about himself?
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
3 May 07
Sounds to me like your doctor may have been talking about himself. Maybe he was giving himslef advice disguised as advice to you. Now doesn't that make more sense than him suggesting you take a long weekend alone with hubby for your problem?
I know stress can play havoc on a bosy, but come on doc, what if there is a deep PHYSICAL issue here that needs to be taken care of? This is unexcusable behavior on his part. Even if it turned out to be stress, he should hve looked down all avenues and made sure there is nothing wrong physically. Can you say malpractice? Maybe not extreme, but how many stories have been told where the doc played it off as mental and the person was extremely sick?
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I have had female problems for years. I was supposed to have an ablation done, but the hospital wouldn't touch me because I have a latex allergy. My doctor referred me to another one at a different hospital. I went to see this new doctor and he gave me a lecture on wall paper! I walked out feeling like you, and the next day I called and canceled the surgery. I didn't like him and wasn't having someone touch me that I didn't trust.
There is obviously something going on with you, I would go see a doctor who specializes in women's problems. Missing your period is not normal, it could be anything from a hormonal problem to cystic ovaries.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
28 Apr 07
I went to our family doctor because I was having severe pain in my right foot and I had athletes foot that the otc stuff wasnt touching. I get in there and I get a lecture on my weight being to high and the fact that I hadnt came in for a follow-uo visit after my blood work was done. It had been done about 8 months before that. I explained to him that I had no insurance and was still paying off the lab and couldnt afford to pay him to. He just keeps ranting about going on a diet.He pushes the south beach diet. I left there without him ever giving me anything for the athletes foot and with him saying prop your foot and rest it for a week. If it isnt any better we'll x-ray it. I havent been back since,and that was about 15months ago. I dont think your a basketcase I think some Doctors just dont listen.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
28 Apr 07
Relax, you are not a basketcase....I do not understand why he lectured you about your realtionship....alone...he his a medical doctor, right??
Stress levels can cause missed monthly cycles or they can cause continuous flow for weeks at a time...which is what happened to me (You go the better end of this one!!!)....
Realistically, parozac is for depression and will take 4-6 weeks before you will be able to actually "feel" a be patient....but it has helped many people!
The headache medication, if it came in a tablet might be tried in a half tablet and not cause such dramatic results...then if it helps and a need arises, you can take a whole one and not feel...."knocked out".
I know that you have always been comfortable with your give him the benefit of the doubt, he does know you well.....and you are already under alot of stress...he listened to you...he gave his advice (I know it was not what you wanted to hear), and he treated the physical symptoms of the headache and depression....I think you got your monies don't you!
Sometime away with your husband would be good for always is.....
Take care, my friend....I am concerned about you!! You have been going through alot lately.....
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