will you reply?

April 28, 2007 11:40am CST
when someone miscalls you, (the caller's number is not stored in your cp), will you reply asking " hu u" or "hu ru"...
4 responses
• Malaysia
10 May 07
nope, usually if i have miscall from an unknown number which is not stored in my phonebook, i will just ignore it...if it's important, the person will call back.
• Indonesia
9 May 07
No. It is wasting my time. Better I do something or go to bed :D.
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
28 Apr 07
If missed call is from a new number then I never call back and waste my money, I call back only those I know and have missed the call due to some busy schedule, however at times I have missed the calls of my relatives who have called me to give their new number.
• United States
28 Apr 07
Hmmm not really, I wouldn't waste my time with the person. Unless the same number keeps on calling me and sends a message first identifying themselves. then I would be interested in contacting that person. =)