Are your dogs your children?

United States
April 28, 2007 2:30pm CST
Are your dogs your children? Do you think people who do this are silly? Do you have kids or is it like filling a void in your life to have dogs and treat them like your kids? Before I became a mother I treated my dogs as my kids, they had birthday parties, celebrated Halloween, i took them out a lot, bought them unnecessary things, etc. When I had my kids I stopped doing all that because now I have children to do all that with, lol, i still play with my dog and take great care of her but now i have my kids!
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19 responses
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
29 Apr 07
Well, i don't celebtrate my dog's birthday..LOL. Since I don't know when she is born. But i like to give her special food on special days and taking care of her like she is my own kids. Maybe it because i don't have kids yet, so it seemed like having your own kid or having a little sister..LOL.
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
i treat all my dogs as my kids, and i think i will do this even when i have kids. its just something my family has always done with our dogs, they are so human like.i dont chuck them parties or anything like you did, but i buy them treats constantly like a bag of mix bones.
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@marzieh (51)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Apr 07
if i was alone id like to have dog but when i have some good friends,i dont need pets.But you know what if u do any thing for animals u dont be regret like aome people that you help them and they will hurt you.
• India
28 Apr 07
hi friend , nice and intresting discussion ,but my dear friend actuall i am single so i have not any children and i have not any dog .so my dear friend there should be no chance to me to treat my dog asmy kid because i have not any in both of them . but my friend i am totally agree with you that it is very silly that the person can treated his dog as a kid. bye
• United States
29 Apr 07
When I was young I would see older people making over littledogs talking baby talk and hand feeding them, always holding them etc. I thought it was so silly. Now im one of those people! I do treat my dog as my child. My son is 17 now so my pooch loves getting the extra attention.
@amydawn11 (906)
• Canada
29 Apr 07
Well I have an 8 year old daughter and our dog is a boy. So I always say i have my girl and my
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28 Apr 07
i treat my dogs like children to an extent. i do have birthday parties for them, let them open christmas presents, and sometimes dress them for halloween. i am single and do not have any children. my dogs are my buddies, my companions and watch dogs. they keep me company when i am lonely and love me uncondionally. if i did have children, i feel i would treat them different. i would still take great care of them, and spoil them, but my childres would have to be number one.
• United States
29 Apr 07
I wouldnt do it but one of my daughter is unable to have children and she has 2 dogs and yes she treats then as children i see no harm in it if it gives her comfort to do so!
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
29 Apr 07
Yes ! my pomeranian pet , SOOSIE, she is not just a dog for me..she is my daughter..quite loving..understanding ..patient.
@cocobaby (300)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I do consider my dog to be my child. I enjoy spoiling her rotten. I don't plan on having any kids at this time.
• China
29 Apr 07
Maybe most of people will treat their dogs like their friends rather than kids I think!
• India
29 Apr 07
Yes of course for some dogs are more than childrens and everything to them. I have seen my friends mom almost seeing their dogs as the first child. It has got its own room , daily stuffs , dress , food plates , bed ,etc , etc everything . No one used to call it as dog , it should be called only using its name.Even they will scold and abuse their son but not there dog , lot more interesting facts like these happen daily...
• India
29 Apr 07
yes i love my pets, whether its a dog or a parrot. they are part of my family. see my friend this is all about your emotional attachment wid things, being a women in itself is gr8 thing. i had seen my mother and sisters, the kind of attachmnt and commitment they hav wid the persons in their life is really amazing. but there are peoples who dont love animals at all,so the thing is tht we shud spread the message love animals and dont kill them, whether u treat thm as a family member or not, atleast show some respect towards thm ,thts it.
@vishkren (21)
• India
29 Apr 07
Being a vet student in clinics I did find it really odd some people complaining how thier 'boy' or 'girl' had been not feeling well at all from days . It was hard to digest the fact that humans associating animals as thier own offsprings . But at one time I realized that it's these animals that stay all long with them when everyone is busy and at anytime they make you cheerful rather than humans who are always busy , and yes it's kids who make us happy no matter what and so we have begin to consider them as children and i no more find it odd.
• United States
29 Apr 07
Yes, my dogs are my babies. When I talk about them, I always refer to them as my boys. They are quite spoiled, they have their own bed and they have their own blankets. In the winter, they like to sleep in bed with my husband and I, but in the summer they like to sleep in their own beds. They go on Sunday drives with us, and they also go get ice cream with us. I do not find it silly, I love my dogs and maybe people do think I am crazy for treating them this way, but that is ok, it makes me happy to do it. Plus, now they are spoiled to the attention they get and I could not change that for the world.
• United States
29 Apr 07
Of course. Actually I have 3 kids now. I have my dog, my cat and my new hamster. Ah. I love pets they are true blessing and I am glad I am not illergic to them because that would be sad! I do dress my dog up sometimes been a while. I still celebrate with treats and toys for my cat and dog. Hamster just got her. She will be with me for a few years so yeah we will make them great! :))
@kteja_86 (293)
• India
29 Apr 07
Yes,dogs r really like my children,but since im not that old,i take dogs as my brother or sister..I've never seen any difference between as animals..i treat them equal to us,and they are equally caring to me!!!!
• India
29 Apr 07
Hi I love pets. I feel them as my friends though I have no pets write now.
@tsledd (154)
• United States
28 Apr 07
dogs are mans best friend.. my dogs mean the world to me. they get presents often, I have 8 dogs and they are all spoiled. They sleep in a baby crib well i think their called a toddler bed, they have their own sheet,blankets,and pillows.. and yes i also have 5 kids plus 9 grandkids. as for you and your dog if you spent all this close time with your dog before your child your dog is hurting from lack of your attention. Just like a child would do. He might start misbehaving.If I was you I would somehow find time to spend with your dog. Just you and him. and also when you are with your child allow dog to be involved, dont shove him away. you never no when one day you might need your dog and he will shove you away.
• India
28 Apr 07
They are not my children but they are more like family to me.I do celebrate the B'Day of my dogs but thats more I think as a treatment that they deserve.They are life n must be cherished in any way possible...