When you sleep, do you sleep on your right side, left side, back, or stomach?

United States
April 29, 2007 6:47am CST
It is said that depending on how someone sleeps you can tell a lot about them, if you sleep in a ball you are "shy, enclosed, and not very talkative" if you sleep on your back you are "open, talkative, out-going" and if you sleep on your stomach you are "in between, a good listener, calm" I don't know if this is true or not, just curious if anyone truely knows the logic behind this, and honestly, what type of person you really are... so let me know :)
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68 responses
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
sleeping posture - Sleeping postures reflect personality?
Hello,lordgregoroofthesith, I am not sure what is the posture when I am sleeping.But when i just start lying on the bed when I go to sleep,I will sleep on my back,but I do not know what happen then,sometimes i will have different posture when i wake up. It is partly true,I am open minded but not really talkative. I am a good listener and always keep calm. How about you?
• United States
29 Apr 07
I, personally, sleep on my stomach and alternate back and forth from side to side when I sleep lol. What does that make me "everything"?? lol. I heard this "theory" when I was younger, just curious if it's true and if it is, what everyone thinks.
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• Philippines
29 Apr 07
well then, lordgregorofthesith, that makes two of us who are without any defined sleeping position. the truth is, i am usually awakened by these changes of positions that i do.
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@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
thank you for your ideas, they are new ideas to me,but i like them.:)
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• United States
29 Apr 07
Definitely an interesting thought. I personally sleep anyway that I can. I have a bad back and sleep on my back with a pillow under my legs, on my side with a pillow between legs... on belly. however I can get to sleep is how it stands for me. So, I do not have a preference becuase it depends on the day and how I am feeling.
• United States
29 Apr 07
It won't apply to everyone. Most of the time, people who use body language use it during the day anyways so...just something I had heard from years back. Thought, I might see if anyone had heard this as well. Thank you :)
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
29 Apr 07
I start on my right side cuddled up to my husband. When I get too hot, on go to my back. As this sometimes causes me to snore, I end up on my left side. Iam a restless sleeper.
@diego9774 (172)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Wow I guess it's kinda true. I sleep on my side in a ball and i'm all of those things. I never put them together i guess. Cool topic.
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• United States
29 Apr 07
Thank you for the compliment. I have always known about this and found it interesting. I just wanted to know if anyone else has heard this, and if not. Heck. We might find an answer from this discussion :)
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• Philippines
29 Apr 07
I can't give you an exact way of how i sleep. I used to curl as a child, then my teacher in biology in high school, told us that it is bad to do that because, the blood cannot circulate well and good. from then on, i tried to sleep as straight as i can get on my back. since i cannot be very comfortable this way, i keep on moving. at the start, on my back, then to one side and then to the other side. if i find it difficult to get to sleep, which happens too often, i lie on my stomach.
• United States
29 Apr 07
I am with you on this one. Specially near the end of the nihgt, about the last 3 hours. I will start waking up every 30 minutes and switching sides. It is really annoying lol.
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• United States
29 Apr 07
I sleep on my back, and it's true that I am open, talkative and outgoing. I am an extrovert and never shy. Hmmmm..this may hold true. I actually start sleeping on my stomach, then would eventually wake up realizing that I have changed position to sleeping on my back. I don't move much when I sleep. I am not very sure if this sleep positions are psychological, or tell about the type of person one is. If body language would be based on, this is indeed true, because our unconscious body language would tell about what we are and what we are thinking. Happy myLotting!
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• United States
29 Apr 07
Exactly! Well put. That's what I found interesting about this, is that it is proven you can find a lot out about someone by watching their body language. If you hunch over when you sit and walk around, they say you are "under confident". I don't know if this all holds true to everyone. Some people just may have bad posture. Either way, thank you for pointing that out. It is the basis for this conversation :)
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 Apr 07
i am most comfortable sleeping on my stomach. and friends and friends and relatives say that i am a good listener and that i can be patient. hmmm. i guess that's right, huh? hehe. but i am also very talkative! for sure. i just can't shut my mouth off sometimes.
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• United States
29 Apr 07
I know what you mean. I have to shut myself up sometimes. I think people are getting annoyed with how much I talk. Sad, people who love to talk are the ones who have to change, because the people who are silent and BORING. Can't learn to listen :P lol. O well...
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@lissaj (532)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I sleep on my side curled up, and shy, enclosed and not very talkative are definately NOT words my friends would use to describe me lol. So I guess that doesn't fit for me.
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@steney (1418)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
When I was younger, I loved to sleep face down, flat on my stomach with arms on my head. Even when I got pregnant and had a huge bulging tummy, I wanted to sleep that way and felt uncomfortable sleeping on the side, but I had no choice. Anyways, I noticed that after I gave birth my sleeping position preference changed. Now, I either sleep on my back with my arms stretched above my head, or on the side, with my legs stretched out. I guess if they do mean something about a person's personality, they do change in time because of the stages we go through in life that change us one way or the other.
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• United States
29 Apr 07
wonder what it means if you toss and turn and sleep in every position possible !
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 Apr 07
maybe if you toss and turn, it just means that you are someone who is difficult to understand and that you have a hard time understanding others. or, hmm. let's see... you wrestle with life? nah... just making guesses. hehee... have a nice day!
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
29 Apr 07
Hello Lord, I can't say for sure if this analysis is right or wrong. But since I was a little bunny, I always slept with a mountain of pillows around me. You bet that I'm one those of who likes to hug a pillow. Not really tight in a ball but more like having a bolster with me. I'm in-between shy and chatty, prefer to be an observant rather than a conversationalist.
• United States
29 Apr 07
I feel ya. I have a huge body pillow and 2 small ones. Maybe not a mountain :) but still, a got enough to hold me over through the night.
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I lay on my sides, but streached out - what does that mean?
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• Canada
30 Apr 07
half on stomach half on side, doesn't matter which side just as long as it is not on back... sleeping on my back makes me sick
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• United States
30 Apr 07
I think I disprove this theory. Or perhaps I'm the exception to the rule. I fall asleep curled up in a ball (who knows if I stay that way or not?), but I am not shy. I used to be shy when I was a kid, but not anymore. Introverted, yes. Shy, no. I don't know where that leaves us, but that's my 2 cents.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I tend to sleep on my right side or back. occasionally I sleep on my left side but not very often. The biggest thing with me is I have to have atleast one foot out from beneath the covers. Oh and I can absolutly not sleep with socks on.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Most of the time on my back or my side. But after 2 days and over 12 hours in the yard De-sodding it for a veggie garden, I will be sleeping on my stomache as I have got burnt like a lobester. Ouch it hurts. I don't know if the theory is true or not, but it makes sense.
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@jenlynw (41)
• United States
30 Apr 07
hi, I actually start out on my back, then usually turn on my right side, but when I wake up I am usually on my left side,then again, I have back problems and can never get comfortable in ANY position for too long, but I think for the most part, I sleep on my side in a ball my left side... it would be interesting to know if there was any truth to it...
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@dex1486 (272)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
i sleep either ways... sometimes i feel like resting on my right side, sometimes on my left. eversince i started working in school at the same time, studying, i started moving around my bed when sleeping. once i find the position most comfortable for me, i start my deep sleep...
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@jla45772 (67)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I mostly sleep on my left side and on my back! I have never heard that it could tell something about a person! hmm..well I learn something new every day..lol! :}
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@alex309 (45)
• China
30 Apr 07
It is difficult for me to answer this question. sometimes I sleep on my right side,maybe a couples of days later,I sleep on my back. I do not know which one is suitable for me.
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