Can someone please explain the depth of hatred for George W. Bush?
By ErrollLeVant
@ErrollLeVant (4353)
United States
October 21, 2006 8:50am CST
I am not looking for expletives, but I would like to know why he is so despised.
29 responses
@kapil_chetri (540)
• India
22 Oct 06
i think he ios the real who has given rise to a lot of osamas and who has destroyed the world in the whole..completely..he realy shjould be assasinated..he is real force behaind the attack in america that shock the world..the real terror to mankijnd for me
@aubry1 (267)
• United States
22 Oct 06
How is he the terriorist? He had all of this handed to him before he even officially took office in his first term. The world trade center happened not long after he won the election. You might feel different if you were one of the people in the world trade center when it went down. Wouldn't you want them f....kers to pay? The fact is he is only one man and one man can't cause all of this destruction. The one to really blaim is clinton and his whole administration. This began in his years and he did nothing to stop it. If everyone thinks it is so bad here then everyone should go live over there. I bet that will change some peoples minds.
@Stiletto (4579)
22 Oct 06
2 points :
aubry1 - exactly who are the f..kers that should be made to pay? Are they the citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq or do they just get written off as collateral damage?
wavelander - like many others in the UK it was a real eye-opener for me when I saw some of the news reports and subsequent documentaries about New Orleans in the aftermath of the storm. Couldn't believe the poverty that some people lived in there (before the disaster). It showed another side of life in modern day America that Europeans just don't see most of the time.
@adams03605 (436)
• United States
23 Oct 06
quote: "The fact is he is only one man and one man can't cause all of this destruction. The one to really blaim is clinton and his whole administration. This began in his years and he did nothing to stop it."
Actually I believe if you look back a few years before Clinton.. to Big Daddy Bush, you would find when this all should have been stopped. Bush was drinking coffee on tv with Sadam 1 day and the next saying they couldn't find him.
Does it really matter now anyways? His term will be up (not soon enough) and maybe we can get a real american hero into office to fix the problems in our own country.
Bush has more than lined his golden oil pockets these past few years... the rich get richer and god forbid anyone tell him he can't protect his own personal oil interests.
And no, I didn't vote for him.. either time! lol

@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
24 Oct 06
Adolf Hitler....that's pretty harsh.
I don't see him killing people just for the heck of it. I see him as a man with guts to stand up to another country that is trying to take away the freedoms we have. Our awesome country requires a President to make the final decisions of what our country wants to do. I'm proud of him making the decision to stand up and protect ourselves and not just lay down and hope other countries don't gRape us too badly.
I don't see Bush as ever trying to handle things if He's going to wiin something. There's no winning with War. War is ugly. Getting into a fight is ugly anytime. When it comes down to dealing with a bully, you need to stand up for yourself and fight back enough to let them know they don't have power over you or other people that don't want to be pushed around either.

@Stiletto (4579)
22 Oct 06
Firstly I'm from the UK so I can't really talk about his domestic policies because I'm not familiar with them. For all I know this may be his best achievement - I know they can't be any worse than his international policies anyway.
I watch Bush on the news and I just marvel at the fact that this man is the President of the US. Unbelievable. You just look at him and you can see the lights are on but no-ones home. It would be funny (and I admit some of his blunders are very funny!) if it were not for the fact that this is one of the most powerful people in the world we're talking about. Someone who can (and does) exercise his power to cause massive unrest and destruction in other parts of the world. It wouldn't even be so bad if he had good people around him but that doesn't appear to be the case either.
At least we now know that it really is true that "anyone can be President of the United States"
@sharkster (60)
24 Oct 06
Well said Stilletto. I wish we could mind our own country and maybe Dubya and his supporters should do the same.
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
22 Oct 06
I have an issue with the fact that George Bush and his administration is so keen on promoting its version of the world to the extent that it forgets that the rest of the world has a life too.
He lied to get the troops into Iraq. He is a hypocrite when it comes to policies in the Middle East - on one hand preaching democracy and on the other punishing the Palestinians for being a democracy. - It's hard to respect a man with so much power to do so much good and yet ends up harming so many, including the people he is meant to protect.
Yes, it was the American people who wanted to get back at the F*** who masterminded September 11 but after that he's acted in a way where he's lost the sympathy of the world.

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
7 Nov 06
By who's definition are Hamas terrorist? In the USA they are percieved as terrorist because they don't agree with USA policy in Israel.
However, who do the Palestinians think the terrorist are? The people who sign peace treaties but continue to attack their children with helicopters? The terrorist to the people who sign peace treaties but allow the other party to turf them out of their homes while the one party with the power to stop their misery reffuses to do anything because the opressor is apparently acting on orders of the devine.
Americans, such a great people but so unable to see the rest of the world beyond the black and white of a Holywood Script.
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
the Palestinians voted terrorist into power. It would be hypocritical for him to work with them

@all_n_one (2003)
• United States
22 Oct 06
I am in america and have strong dislike for him i don't like to say hate so i say dislike. He has made thousands of family's lose jobs are economy is going down fast. He has also started a war in iraq without just cause to do so and has had thousands of soldiers killed because of it.

@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
24 Oct 06
Where are your facts coming from? I like being in control of my own money and not having to fork it out to the government to put into ridiculous programs that I can't morally support. Jobs come and go....the economy has been affected by so many natural disasters and you blame Bush for that. Crap happens, its what you make out of it. I'm proud of him trying to protect our country the best he can. Yeah war is ugly, but if we don't defend ourselves somehow....what is that telling the World? Here take a free punch...hurt the USA and they won't do anything about it...Take their freedoms away and make them scared.....Not!
@kreativkoncepts (181)
• United States
23 Oct 06
I totally agree with what you have said here. This is my reason for disliking him.. like you said not hate because to me hate is a worthless emotion but a very strong dislike for what he and his administration has done.
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
you don't have you facts straight. Just because the media says the economy is bad doesn't make it so. GO read some unemployment reports. Unemlpoyment has been averageing 4.6 to 4.9 percent all year which consider the natural rate of umemployment is about 3% that is pretty good. Some other industrilized countries have unemployment as high as 12%. His tax cuts have reversed a recession despite 9/11
@sillyputty (99)
• United States
23 Oct 06
Because he used fear to manipulate people in order to start a war, and the war made things even worse. Because he's dishonest. Because he ruined the economy. Because he appeals to our worst nature.

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
8 Nov 06
Actually, George Bush inherited a budget surplus from Bill Clinton - something Republicans who are wrapped up in their misguided belief that they have a unique connection to God tend to forget.
Hey, George is not bad. As Dreadstar says, he's ruined the economy and created loads of Fat people and a war. Solution - send the fat slobs to Iraq and that should solve a few problems ;-)
@sillyputty (99)
• United States
24 Oct 06
He's taken us from having a huge surplus to having a huge debt. It has to be paid sometime. That's not good!

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
26 Oct 06
Funnily enough, in spite of what I may have said, I've read a few accounts that say he's got his heart in the right place. - Then again, when you are President, its not where your heart lies but what you do with it and the results on the ground that counts.
@aubry1 (267)
• United States
22 Oct 06
To say you hate I think is too strong. What would you have done in his position? As far as how he has done as president atleast he is not selling all of our secrets to china like clinton did. I would rather have bush over clinton any day!
@aubry1 (267)
• United States
22 Oct 06
But if you ask the soldiers themselves (which I have seen done) they say they back the president 100%. Our troops are there because they wanted to fight and serve for their country. Atleast they are trying to stop them from coming over here and starting a war on our ground. Which keeps us from suffering. And there are more men joining our troops everyday!!!!!!
@cuddlebug79705 (2003)
• United States
22 Oct 06
It also helps that the troops have seen the people in other countries that do want help and can't get it any other way. They see we are making a difference in thousands of lives. You can't please eveyone, but it is nice to try to help.
@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
24 Oct 06
if he so wrong why haven't the teariest boomed us a gen
we are losint turpes orer thare but if thay not fighting ove thire thay woud be over hear woud you like to see them to boom us just you nthink about htat will you .
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Well, to me, it is because I personally do not think he Cares about people. Since he took office, he has Cut Medical Care in a lot of the jobs, raised the Taxes, allowed the Gas prices to sky rocket, and wants to cut into people's retirement and SS benefits.
How can you put a Trust in someone who is hurting what you hope to get most out of life, and that would be the Security of knowing there is going to be something to live off of when you get older, with Health care to take care of you as well?
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
ok where to start
1) he does not want to cut any current or future ss benefits. He wants to ENSURE that there is something there for us youngins it is not fair that a huge portion of my money that I earn is going to something that will not be there when I need it. Anyone that tells you that SS is not in trouble is one of 3 things a liar, hasn't done thier research, or a moron.
2) He really has no control over gas prices except with the tax and well noone is going to cut that tax either.
3)He has cut taxes not raised them
4)He has no control over job medical care that is the compainies providing it as it should be the goverment has no buisness dealing with private employer benefits.
@sharkster (60)
23 Oct 06
He is a terrorist, a warmonger, sublimely stupid, racist and uses religion to his advantage when it suits him.
Being British it's embarrassing and very irritating to have a Prime Minister so far up Dubya's a*s it would take a surgeon to remove him. In the UK he is absolutely ridiculed by the media.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
23 Oct 06
But at least the UK has a Chief of General Staff who is willing to speak the truth. If ever there was a case for removing elected leaders (who only play soldiers) and replacing them with General who have seen real wars - this was it.
@chillybeefry (922)
• United States
24 Oct 06
His policies are just plain dumb and he says the dumbest things all the time. Which makes it good for comedians to make a living off his idioticity
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
can you name anything specific about a policy of that makes it "dumb"
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
22 Oct 06
George W. has made numerous decisions that haven't been popular with the American people. When he is challenged on anything, he is unwilling to see the other side. He feels he is always right. He tells conflicting stories. He has neglected taking care of the needs in the US in favor of trying to rule the entire world. He has opened his mouth too many times and stirred up problems all over the world.
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
how has he neglected the needs of US citizens other than refusing to take a hard line stance against illegal immigration?
@trishjc (191)
• Canada
22 Oct 06
Because he's arogant, he acts as though he's in charge of the world not just the US.
You know what happens when people get power, greed.
Plus he jumped into the war way too quick!
@vinaykiran28 (5149)
• India
26 Oct 06
if you dont like his govt why dont you hate him? keep in touch to generate money for both of us, thank you
@vinaykiran28 (5149)
• India
26 Oct 06
because of his father and beurocracy of the country, hmmmmmm lets keep in touch- it will generate money for both of us, thank you
@socalster (41)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I suggest you learn a little about social psychology, mind control, euphemisms, and do your homework on our governments policies. Read their papers and their bills. They lay it all out for you. Only problem is most people don't bother to actually read it.
While you're at it, read 1984.
As for Bush specifically, I think most people really resent people who get ahead based on family name and networking as opossed to merit....And as to your comment that he doesn't go around killing people...Well...Like I said before...Do some research. Open minded research...I'm not trying to argue here or put you off at all. You asked the question and so I assume you want an authentic answer. I have a rule not to believe things just because I'm told they are true...So go research, come back, and give feedback. If you honestly seek the truth I will be surprised if what you learn doesn't make you sick to your stomach.
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
4 Nov 06
people don't like them because 90% of this country doesn't actually look into policy or anything they just believe what the media and people tell them