wolves I have known
By fullmetal1
@fullmetal1 (129)
United States
April 29, 2007 4:07pm CST
How many of you out there have had a wolf-hybred,what were/are your experences with them.
personally I had a Wolf/Austrailian SHephard mix. His name was Shadow. he was the best and most devoted canine I have ever had. I got him as an 8 week old cub,he was relatd to the wolves on Dances with Wolves,and carried the white sock trademarking, one one front legg. he was fun loveing and devoted. once when we lived a few miles form where we lie now,shadow was biten by a Green Mojave rattle snake. we disposed of the snake(not sometihng we normally do,or believe in,but,under the circumstanses) anyways i looked for my wolf and he had collapsed under a nearby tree. i grabbed him up and raced him ot our vets,i was stagering under his 120 pound weight as i carried him into the uisey office,crying,and trying to explain he, been bitten by the snake(we took the dead snake to the vets as well),i left him in the care of the vets,then later that day i got the call...
my wolf,my dear firend and companion was going to be fine!!!!!!!!!! his size and my quick actions had saved him. they were able to save him,and he came hoe later that day. wheni wnet to pick him up he was sitting in a kennel looking at me with his ears up and his head cocked to one side,like what the heck,why did you leave me here? from then on if a snake was in our yard, or if i screamed he came running from where ever he was,like here i am! whats wrong! he would atack and kill any snake he saw and run off with the remains so none of us could touch it. he killed tarantula hawks,as well,all i had to do was yell or cry out his name. I lost my dear Shadow when he was about 6someone drove through our propert and ran him down. he let me bring him in,it was dawn,and the nearest emergency vet open was 80 miles away.he didnt make it.he layed on my living room floor and i told him it was ok, he could go,he didnt have to stay for me,and he went. we layed him to rest under his favorite tree in our yard. i was compleatly devisated,and mourned him for so long! untill i had this dream. I was walking along a bubbeling creek,strewn with lots of big rocks. it came from within a deep forest. as i walked with my wolf a man with a dog approached us. he resembled all the pictures of jesus I had ever seen,and waved as he past by. my wolf took off after them and i called him and chased after him. just before he entered the forest he stopped and lookd at me then into the woods then back at me,and I heard him tell me,i,m home,i,m where I belong! and he disapeared into the forest. after that. i felt at peace. and knew my friend was ok. many years later I had a dream. i was there at our old house,but there were people there,digging up my shadows grave( the house stood empty for over 4 years,and was still empty) they were digging up my at peppers resting place and our hrses resting place,and my wolf was very upset over it,and runing around barking and crying. i drove past our old house a few days latter,and people were there,they were clearing the area around my wolf,s tree. i found out it was our old neighbor who had taken the place over. i asked him if he would please respect these areas,and he obliged with the request for the owlf and my cat,but moved a large shed over our horse,s grave.
tell me about your experience with hybreds!
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