TABLE MANNERS! Do/Did you enforce it with your children?
By matlgal
@matlgal (1686)
United States
April 29, 2007 4:53pm CST
I am just getting old- I am appalled at the young people out in restaurants that have obviously not had any etiquette training or been taught basic table manners?
It's Prom time here where we live and we were out to dinner the other night and I am telling you - a huge flas back of my Mother slapping me at the table for smacking came thundering back to me as I watched these two young people! Oye !!! it was emabrassing to watch them. She was dressed in a beautiful dress that I am betting was at least $200. Her hair and nails were done and impeccably. He had on his Rented tux with a matching Lavendar cumberbun and his cute Boutonniere. But both of them had the manners of starved wolves! She didn't even undo her cloth napkin it was still in a folded pointed Tee-pee shape, He had a fork in one hand and a knife in the other and was taking bites the size of a fist and then chewing with his mouth open and I could hear him smacking 2 tables away! (I am so squirming in my seat at this point of course). She had a coke or something with a straw and she was slurping the very last smidge of it !! So...back to my question....
Did you ...or do you enforce and teach good table manners for your kids?
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10 responses
@khalablue (309)
• Canada
30 Apr 07
This is one of my pet peeves. Lack of table manners, everywhere you go.
I have no children, but if I did, teaching proper table manners would definitely be in order.
A few years ago, my husband and I were invited to Christmas dinner with one of my husband's sisters and her family.
Her son-in-law was seated next to me, and he sat down at the table before I arrived. Apparently not knowing what to do with his napkin, he placed it on chair. So, not wanting to embarrass him, I picked it up and said, "Oh, this must be yours, allow me." And I placed it on his knee. (without touching him, I might add) A few days later, I received a letter from my hostess's daughter, accusing me of accosting her husband. She was sitting next to him, and was well aware that I had done no such thing.
I couldn't believe it. But, even though my sister-in-law goes to a great deal of trouble to set an elegant she does not even know what to do with her napkin. Her table manners are atrocious. She never places her napkin in her lap, she picks at the food with her fingers, and even sneezes on the table without attempting to cover her mouth.
So, when someone her age (mid 60's) has no concept of table manners, how can you really expect the off-spring to be any better?
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Oh for god's sake! what a rude thing to do!!! Not only lack of manners it appears lack of common sense as well. The more I hear the more I am convinced that the world is truly going to hell in a hand basket because our Core basics have gone by the wayside! it's just scary to me to think that my Grandchildrens kids will probably be even worse! I swear I will come back and haunt them if they are !!! LOL
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@khalablue (309)
• Canada
30 Apr 07
I think we are reverting to the cave men days, when people ate the food with their fingers and chewed the meat off of bones without even bothering with utensils. Do you think?
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
30 Apr 07
OH did you hit one of my nerves! We made sure that our four children were raised, as we were, with good table manners. However, my teen children often have guests to our home and I end up quite nauseated and unable to eat. They join us at the dinnertable and I start twitching when I watch them eat. The twitch soon gives way to full-blown seizures!! Ha, Just kidding. But it is really a sad thing to watch them. If I serve steak or pork chops or anything that requires use of a fork and knive, they seem to be unable to navigate that task! They STAB the meat with their fork, pick it up and bite off it!!!! Napkin? What napkin? It remains on the table while they wipe thier hands down their thighs. Not only do they smack when they chew, they expose their half-chewed food for all to see as they TALK WITH THEIR MOUTHS FULL!!! Yup, I have them over frequently, it is so much cheaper than going to Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig!!
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 May 07
My grand son had a friend like that . I would ask him to close his mouth when he ate at our house. I think we would be doing those friends a favor by telling them. because if they are at a banquet they would be embarrassed to be eating like that. It could mean the difference in a job. These kids mom are probably working and don't even see their kids eat any thing but a burger
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Oh My God that was Great! don't you just want to slap their little faces right off!! I would be mortified if I thought my child was a guest in someones home, invited to dinner and had the manners of a sloth. It goes back to all the children/teens of today have cell phones, credit cards, IPODS, computers etc... and usually a fair amount of money in their possession at any given time - but all of those things are "THINGS" NO one took the time to unplug the sweet child and say OK for the next hour your butt is mine and we're going to learn table manners! Can you imagine their horror? Oh good lord we would be reported to Child Protective Services I am sure of it.
I loved your comment on it's cheaper than WW or Jenny Craig... LOL I am going to have to get a visual of that so I too can diet with you.
God love ya - hang in there. It appears it's out of our control
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@annihilus (2181)
• Italy
29 Apr 07
yes when my doughter was young, and not only table manners but all good manners! And now I'm happy to see that the work made many years ago have had good results!
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I am appalled at the table manners of many young people. Parents are lax in teaching manners to their children. There was a time that manners were also taught in school, but the schools no longer promote this. Sad.
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
29 Apr 07
Oh good then it's not just me. I can remember having to take Home Ec. and part of that course was manners and etiquette, how to set the table, proper seating posture etc. That was as much of your grade as the other things in there like sewing and cooking etc. I am also sad that that has been dropped from the curriculum. I think it should be brought back and made a mandatory class.
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
30 Apr 07
That must have been disgusting for you to watch the couple in the restaurant - I would have been embarassed too.
As children my siblings and I were all taught strict table manners, and I have automatically passed it on to my children. I could take them out to fancy restaurants because I was confident that they would know to behave - and they never let me down. I hope my children pass on the same manners to their kids, because there is nothing worse than bad table manners.
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
1 May 07
Thanks Abbey - doesn't that jsut make you proud when you know you can relax and enjoy a very nice meal and have yourself surrounded by smart, well mannered, well groomed kids. It's selfish but I take credit for that when people smile and comment to their spouses . You can gloat a bit. :)
@londongirl (207)
30 Apr 07
I had to sit straight, no elbows on the table, eat with your mouth closed, cut little pieces of food up whilst holding the knife and fork correctly, (so that I didn't put too much food into my mouth) no singing or talking, and I always had to ask before I got down from the table, I followed the same rules with my kids when they were young, the only thing I changed was the talking, I love to talk to people when having a nice home cook meal, (as long as I don't spit my food out at them of course!)
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Oh I very much agree with talking at dinner. The average American Family has so little time together anymore as a family that I believe that one meal a day must be eaten as a family. Catch up on their concerns and issues and laugh and share. I as a parent want to know the things that they talk about. They may not be very deep or intelligent sometimes bit it's amazing what you can find out about your children in the course of a short meal.
Bravo for you. Your on the right track.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
30 Apr 07
May people have forgotten how inportant manners are.I have taught my own kids manners and my grandkids too now I have a daughter-in-law That has terrible table manners. She and her son who is about 13 both chew with their mouth open and smack their food. He has hair long like girls. He is often mistake n for a girl.Any where they both have their hair hanging in their plates.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
1 May 07
I think that most of us were stay at home moms long enough any way to teach our kids manners and we were cooking meals that required manners. a fast food require a different way to eat as far as the hands are concerned not the open mouth thing.
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
1 May 07
YES isn't that intersting! I wonder why that is too? that is why I think that we are regressing in a society that can't be bothered with social graces. It's more about "who cares what people think". That attitude carries on with their inabilities to make conversation, hold or obtain a job, and excel at it. So many things come from a little discipline.!Sigh............... I just worry I guess. It's a MOM thing.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
29 Apr 07
I certainly did. I was raised to have perfect table manners and I would not allow any less from my child.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I am so like my mom in that aspect. I have always taught my kids to mind their manners at the table. I won't let them use their fingers to pick up their food unless, of course, it's something like fried chicken or french fries or something like that. Using napkins is a must! And that smacking thing.....UGH! I hate that sound. So, obviously, I am constantly on them to chew with their mouths shut. If I chewed with my mouth open, my mom would clock me upside the head too! LOL
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
1 May 07
OH yes I agree that is so rude. And... not only at dinner, I personally don't want to hear your personal conversations in the store in front of me in line, or in a restroom! Take it outside.! But particularly in a nice restaurant at night. If it's a business lunch then it may be necessary.
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