Wow! Now, She's Been Invited To Join A Dance Group!
By Darkwing
@Darkwing (21583)
April 29, 2007 6:26pm CST
Oh, I'm so proud of my little granddaughter. She has been dancing with her school dance group for a few years now, competing with them against all Sussex Schools, annually, and she's also danced at Crawley Football Stadium, in Folk Dancing. She takes great pride in showing me the videos she has of these competitions, and I have to admit... she does stand out from the others as an excellent dancer. She's such a natural.
Well, she came home from school one day recently, with a note, inviting her to join an all Sussex dance group... the only one from her school, in Crawley, to be trained to perform specific dances with the others selected.
Needless to say, she's really looking forward to this one. Of course, Mum will be going with her. I would like to go as well, but we have to find out how many are allowed to accompany her. If I can't go for some reason, I daresay Mum will video the proceedings and I will be entertained on my first visit after the event.:-) She just loves to dance.
I hope you don't mind me sharing this, and feel free to have a boast about your kids or grandkids. I love all kids and am interested to read about them.:-)
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20 responses
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
30 Apr 07
Hi Lovely Darkwing, oh dear that is so wonderful that your little granddaughter has been invited to jon a dance group I can imagine her excitement with this and I bet that your granddaughter is so proud and so she should be when she shows you her videos of her dancing. Some people are just natural at dancing and performing. It would be wonderful if you could also accompany your granddaughter and I hope that they will allow you to see her. I love all of my children and my grandchildren as well and I have one due in June so not that long to wait now. xx
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Oh wow... I'll bet you can't wait for the new grandchild, Kathy.
Yes, she is very proud. She dances like an adult; she is so natural. They do modern dance, and as I said, they have an annual folk dancing festival in the local Football Stadium. That's a fun time when my son joins in with all the other parents at the end. He's a bit of a comedian, and has me in fits. lol.
Thank you for your response and I hope the birth goes well. x
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@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
30 Apr 07
How wonderful darkwing! You sound very proud and you have reason to be. I am so glad you have shared this with us. I think it is great we can do that here on mylot. It sounds like she will go far with her dancing. I am always happy to read about childrens acheivements and what they are doing, it shows that they are enjoying themselves and there parents are taking great pride in them. So anytime you wish to share things like this, please do. I know that i will as well. Cheers
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Yes, I am very proud Kayrod. :-) I had two boys, so my son having two girls is quite different for me. They're both into drama, the older one has done karate and gymnastics as well as some dancing, and the younger does gymnastics now, as well as her dancing. I hope she does make it in the entertainment world. She would really love that.
Thank you for your response and Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@weemam (13372)
30 Apr 07
I don't think anyone could mind that you are proud of your grandchildren , I am the same . It is brilliant that she has been chosen and that she loves it so much My youngest granddaughter used to be in a drama group and she loved it , this year is her first in secondary school and she too has been chosen to go to London with the school , only 30 from the school , she is so excited ,you enjoy your grandchildren while you can my friend , my eldest granddaughter is almost 18 and has a car and just passed her driving test , I still get hugs and kisses from them both but they are growing up so quick ,I have 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons , and like you I am a very proud Nanny and why not xxxxxx

@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Congratulations to you too, Weemamma, that your youngest graddaughter has been chosen to go to London of all places, for her drama. London has the most famous drama school and you never know who is going to see your granddaughter. Tell her to "break a leg" from me!!! :-)
Thank you for your response my friend and Brightest Blessings. xx

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 May 07
O h how great and what fun!
My little grand daughter 2 1/2 now has been dancing to music from the time she could stay holding on to things we even take her up to Freemomt St famos street here and a sax player is there all the time she dances to his music he calls her little miss cutie we have had people vidio her and lots have aske to take her pic. One lady even gave her a $1 for the dancing she loves to be noticed lol hope you enjoyed this one.
@Darkwing (21583)
8 May 07
Awwwwwww, she is a little cutie, Lakota. I love the way the very small ones dance... they seem to love music even before they're born, don't they?
Bless the little old lady who gave Chey a dollar for her dancing... that's really sweet.
I can see you've got one there to be very, very proud of Lakota. Thank you for your story and Brightest Blessings. x
@complexvanilla (653)
• India
5 May 07
From what you describe, your granddaughter is one really talented young girl, and with the right kind of exposure, she can go far. I don't know about your country, but it mine, too much of emphasis is placed on academic achievements, thereby leading to budding talent in children being ignored. It saddens me to know that there are so many talented dancers, singers, entertainers and budding sports people amongst them that just don't get recognized due to the short-sightedness of the society, and of their parents, but fortunately, things are changing for the better now, albeit slowly. My four year old nephew has taken a keen interest in playing table tennis, and is quite good at it. His coach says that his prospects are quite bright, as he seems to have a natural flair for timing and accurate placement of the ball. The society is now learning that spotting talent and nurturing it is a far better proposition than forcing a child to do something, just because the other kid in the neighborhood is good at it! About time too!
@Darkwing (21583)
5 May 07
I think it's great to get them to perform and enjoy activities which are creative at the same time as building their confidence and exercising their bodies.
Not all children are capable of academic achievement, and I think it's great for them to be given opportunities in fields they enjoy. Our schools are pretty good for that. It was through the school that she started dancing and these people saw, and liked her. I'm not saying that she's not talented academically either, because she's very intelligent too. I'm very, very proud of her, and all my grandkids of course. One of her cousins wants to go into dancing. She's danced in a theatre in Brighton, in a support dance group, so, I think I might be paying for her training school. lol. I certainly don't mind helping her with something like that, because it brings tears of pride to my eyes to see them performing.
I wish your nephew all the success in the World with his table tennis. Let's just hope he sticks at it until he's fully grown, and that he shines brighter than any other star! Thank you for your response my friend, and Brightest Blessings for a great day.
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@Darkwing (21583)
5 May 07
Yes, you're right. It was almost an oppressive atmosphere if you didn't do well academically, years ago. Your school report reflected that as well. lol.
However, as you say, more importance is placed on performing and sporting talents these days as the World's population becomes broader minded. After all, with the shortage of academic jobs these days, there needs to be a better variety of money-earning opportunities for the kids.
@complexvanilla (653)
• India
5 May 07
Wow! Your grandchild seems to be an all round performer. My nephew too is quite good in studies too. I was speaking in general, about the prevailing attitudes in our society. Earlier, a child would be rebuked and made to feel sorry about himself, if he was not good at studies, no matter how good he was at something else, like performing arts or sports, but all that is changing now, thankfully. The society, on the whole, is becoming more open and broad minded.

@Darkwing (21583)
8 May 07
Thank you MLGB... yes, I am very proud of her. Another granddaughter wants to get into dancing and possibly acting, as well. I've just made a promise today that if she finishes her year's schooling well, this year, I will pay for her dancing lessons. A bit of encouragement from Nanna, does not harm. ;-)
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I think that is wonderful as it sounds like your granddaughter is a wonderful and talented dancer. She must be very good to be invited to a join a dance group. What kind of dancing does she do? I do not know anyone that loves to dance that much. Maybe she will win one of those dance shows on tv when she gets older. I certainly hope that you will be able to get to go and watch her perform. I know that will be a nice and fun experience. She must be excited about the invitation.
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
She does modern dance and folk dancing Kgwat, and yest, she has a great sense of rhythm and tends to lead the others when they forget what to do next. lol.
I hope she does progress with her dancing... I would love to see her on stage at a pantomime or something. They tend to take on local kids for those.
Thank you for your response and Brightest Blessings.
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
30 Apr 07
Wow, I myself like dancing a lot but the only problem is that my body ain't that flexible and mind ain't imaginative enough for any good original moves. Any ways quite happy for you grand daughter though. Nice to hear it.
And what else its not boasting as far as I think and we are hear to share both sorrows and HAPPINNESS so never hesitate. That's what friends are for, to share eveything and if you stop that I am shameless enough to ask you to do the same...LOL
Any ways
Take Care And Be Happy Always
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Awwwww, thank you for that lovely response, Raphael. I think she's probably so agile and good at dancing because she does competitive gymnastics and also belongs to a drama club besides the dancing. It all helps.
Thank you for your input and Brightest Blessings.
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Your granddaughter must be very talented! That is such an honor for her. I think that it is wonderful that you and the rest of your family support her in what she chooses to do. I'm sure she is grateful to have all of you behind her.
@joy358 (491)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
Congratulations on having such a talented granddaughter. It's always so nice to have someone you can really be proud of in the family.
I remember the way my own parents would beam with pride every time my siblings and I would get a medal for academic excellence at the end of the school year. They would always put off whatever they are doing to be able to attend the recognition day and be the one to put on the medal on us.
I hope I can be as equally proud of my future children and grandchildren someday. LOL!
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
I hope so too, Joy. I'm sure they will give you reason.
It is wonderful to have talented youngsters in the family. They spread joy wherever they go, and you can't beat it.
Thank you for your response, congratulations on your academic awards, and Brightest Blessings.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Honey,I'm so happy for you.Ofcourse you must be about to burst with pride.I hope you'll get to see all the proformances.You should put her videos on you tube so we could all see them.I would love to see them and I'm sure other grans would love to also..Hugs Sweets and a special hug for the grandaughter.
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Yes, you're right, I am bursting with pride, Raydene, and would love to see all her performances.
So far as putting the videos on You Tube, they are DVDs but I guess they probably work just as well, although I'm not very technical minded and I don't know if I'd ever manage it!! lol.
Thank you for your response and Brightest Blessings, my friend.
@wonderful1 (2075)
• China
30 Apr 07
When i was chose to be a member of my dance group,my mom is also very excited.At that time ,i was very proud to make mom happy.
Now i'm not that little girl, i'm an adult .I know how happy when a mom see her child with good chance.My mom ever said,if i was happy ,she would be happy too.
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I think that is great. I think all of our kids and grand kids are born with natural talent and I see your grand daughter has found hers. My children are writers and artist. I love having then write and draw for me.
@mummymo (23706)
30 Apr 07
Why on earth would anyone mind you sharing this sweetheart - no wonder you are proud of her honey - give her a big hug and tell her well done from me! I offered to start Niamh at dancing classes but she told me she didn't need lessons as she was already avery good dancer - and she was serious! lol I am very proud of both my kids as they are bright , loving and polite - in public at least! Niamh came home with her level A maths certificate the other day and is doing Primary 2 reading - espescially when she has had to have input from speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy - she is such a special little girl and deserves a bit of a boast on your post too! Seriously honey it sounds as though you have a very talented Granddaughter there and who can blame you for being proud of her! xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
30 Apr 07
Awwwwwww, bless little Niamh. She sounds very confident and you appear to have brought your kids up well. Wow, if my memory serves me right, Niamh is only five and if she's achieving so much at this age, she is going to be some learned teenager!
Both of my elder son's daughers are very talented, polite, understand kids. They achieve at school as well as most things in which they partake.
I'm sorry to hear your Niamh had to go through so much therapy, but at times, you know, it makes them that much nicer people, and they tend to become givers. It seems she is one of those.
Thank you for your response, Mummymo and Brightest Blessings. xx
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@pogspan123 (207)
• Philippines
30 Apr 07
well its a good thing your granddaughter join dance daughter too once dance folk dances in their school...hahahaha...i like their costumes it was so nice,,...
@hkdgkurt (146)
• China
30 Apr 07
Well done!!!How wonderful!!!!I dont mind you sharing your happiness and pride wite us at all..i'm so proud of your grandkids as well.Just give her a big hug and shout out "congratiation!!to her ... by the way..have a happy day!!!