The Final Season: YEAH RIGHT!
United States
April 29, 2007 7:50pm CST
Do you realize how many people have gotten hooked on The Sopranos over the years? They're saying that this is 'The Final Season' because they want to get everyone on the edge of their seat all talking about how its going to end saying things like, "Is Tony going to get whacked," and "What's going to happen." I'll tell you one thing, nothing is going to happen. Maybe a few people in the family will get whacked like normal, lets face the facts folks... This season has started out dull. First they're at some lake the whole time, then the second episode was so boring I don't even remember what happened, the third episode just got me mad, personally Paulie is one of my favourite characters. Tony was about to kill him just because he talks to much. Would you kill your friend just because he wont shut the hell up? NO, not unless there's something seriously wrong with you. Anyways, tell me what you think about the 'Final Season' and what you think is going to happen, because the truth is, I know there's a good chance that I might be wrong, but its a thought that my family and I believe.
1 response
@leedug (920)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I think it is starting out so boring just to have more people talk about how nothing will probably happen. Those people that make The Sopranos are not dumb. If one thing, they know how to keep people interested and talking about the show even when it is boring. That being said, I don't think Tony is going to get whacked. In a way, he has almost become the good "bad guy". I think that the show will go out with an awful feel if they have them whacked. I do however, see him maybe turning rat to protect his family and going into a witness protection program. Then again, he just doesn't seem the type to ever do that. I just don't know really, but I do disagree that nothing will happen. Something crazy is going to happen, and I am so addicted I will sit through all the boring scenes waiting to find out. On that note, it starts in 10 minutes, getting ready to watch :-).
• United States
30 Apr 07
I just watched the new episode and I have to say, The Sopranos just isn't as good as it was in the earlier seasons. This was just another boring episode, Although I did find it funny how the kid took a dump in the shower :D. I doubt Tony will turn into a rat. Him getting whacked does seem to have a good chance since there has already been attempts, I don't think it will be by Jounior though. I'm standing with my thought that this really won't be the final season. Even if he did go into the witness protection program, they would have to have another season just to give every character on the show opinions about this, mainly his family. What would Meadow say if she had to start a whole new life in Kansas or somewhere boring? They wouldn't really have to show the point of view from the mob family associates such as Paulie, but it would make the show better if he was to go into the witness protection program. The only way this could be the final season is if he gets whacked.
@leedug (920)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I have to agree; that poop scene was about the best scene of this episode, and agree again, it's not as good as it used to be. However, wouldn't they have a lawsuit on their hands if they officially announced that the show is in its final season and then decide to continue? I don't know, I just don't see that happening, and HBO is notorious for having shows discontiue like this (even the good ones).
As for who gets whacked and if Tony does, I do know they sure are making it SEEM that way, but I just can't see that happening. It would just be too typical as well. I guess we will see soon though.