How Long Could You Stay Off Work For?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
April 30, 2007 6:50am CST
As may of you know I am still unemployed. I have been out of work since last July after completing a three year course working with children.
It has now been 9 months without working and I'm feeling the pressure both financially and through lack of motivation.
However, I am NOT bored, that is one thing I am not suffering with. To fill my long days now I:
Keep the house immaculate, I am doing housework EVERY single day
Going to the gym every day for 2 hours now
On the internet
Watching Sky television
Going to my Jobclub
Could you stand being off work for 9 months, could you find things to occupy yourself
What if you were FINANCIALLY STABLE could you stay off work indefinitely or would you get BORED too easily?
How long could you stay off work from, considering different variables?
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41 responses
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
30 Apr 07
Oh yes. I took a long time after I graduated before I took a job. Then I sacked the boss after a few months. And here I am, still in diaper!
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
30 Apr 07
Two years ago on February 2nd I stopped working, I fell and broke my elbow on some ice and was forced to stop working. Then my Mother passed away 2 weeks later and I never wanted to go to work again so with the Mother that was left from my inheritance I took the next year off and didn't do much and was not concerned with money. At first I thought I would find it difficult not to go into an office everyday, but I always had things to do. 2 years later and I am still finding more to do and stay busier than when I had a full time job. I never thought I would be able to make any money working from home, but I was fortunate that I did, and it supported me quite well the first 2 years, now that business has been down other opportunities have come forward to allow me to continue staying home, I think if you want to do something enough you will find the means to make it work. I hope to never go back to the 12 hour days of working in a law office again and hope that I can continue to work from home where I truly enjoy it the most.
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
30 Apr 07
Yes, if i was financially stable-i will not work. I am a person with artistic rythm of life and cant adapt to any definite work hours: from 8 o`clock till 5 o`clock every day and etc. I have a periods when i work more then 12 hours daily and others- when i cant work more then 1 minute. So i prefer to be my own boss and it`s different. Really different.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
30 Apr 07
I have been unemployed for two and a half years hun and it has driven me close to the brink of a nervous breakdown. No money, no benefits, no work, no job, no hope, no chance, no future. If I suddenly had millions and the financial worries were a thing of the past, and all my debts were cleared, and my partner and I had a lovely house, decent clothes, all the things you are supposed to have when you are "rich" I would probably still yearn for a job of some type just to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
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@anonymili (3138)
30 Apr 07
I am sorry to hear that it's been so long for you without a job wolfie hun. Has you tried asking about potential jobs at the place where you did your 3 year course? Maybe you've already tried that but they could have contacts that they could recommend you to?
Personally if I was financially stable I would not work full-time. I know I could keep myself occupied by writing for pleasure which I really enjoy immensely. I would get down it and start writing the full-lenght book I've always wanted to write... I was made redundant some years ago and was out of work for 5 months. It was horrid not knowing how long I was going to be out of work for and luckily I had put enough money away to cover my mortgage payments for that time as I was not offered any support from the job centre even though I'd worked full time since I was 17 years old. It really makes me mad when I think of the long term unemployed that I worked with at my last company who'd been signing on since they left school at 15 or 16 years and got free housing and dole money for 20 odd years and had their rent paid for a whole house and I couldn't even get help towards my mortgage after working and paying tax and NI for 20 years. Ok I've gone off on one now LOL I'll shut up! x
@anonymili (3138)
17 Jun 07
Thanks for the BR on this one wolfie. I hope things are picking up for you now and/or that they will pick up further for you soon. I can't imagine how bad you must feel right now and sincerely wish things get drastically better for you so you can look back at this time and smile and know that you aren't going to feel this bad again hun. xx
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
30 Apr 07
How about 14 years? I began to have serious falling down problems back in 1993 and had to quit all my jobs.
I applied for Social Security Disability and got it. My marriage didn't last and my health situation got worse.
I remarried and gained two stepdaughters. With my 3 sons, 5 kids make life not boring. 4 are grown, and the last one is getting to that 'interesting' age: he's 12.
We live in an area where having a low income isn't too bad; we can still get by.
Lots of pets, lots of doctor appointments trying to keep me alive. I guess I'm just grateful to still be going and every day is a gift!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
30 Apr 07
The only way I could financially stay home from work is by my partner working.
Which, is what I am going right now. And I must say, yes, I get very bored an lonely. At this point, I have already dropped off the kids at school and am still in my jammies because I just don't feel like changing yet.
After a few months of staying home, I started to get very depressed and wanted to go back out into the work place. Which...I tried it...but it was not working out for the kids or my partner because I had to work late hours.
So, thank goodness for my arts and crafts, myLot and my best friend here. Because otherwise, I would have lost it by now!!
Summertime is easier though...because I have yard work I am always busy with and kids home that keep me busy also. We will have to wait to see how much longer I can last though...this past March has been a year with me staying home.
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
22 May 07
Hey Wolfie. Great discussion mate. I've been unemployable for years and years now! I have severe clinical depression and am unable to work as my sleeping pattern is extremely irregular.
Geez, I wish I could keep my house immaculate like you, but I find housework incredibly boring! Except when I have something on my mind - then I clean, clean, clean!
I got so bored at home that I started my own business! It's coming along and its a bit of extra cash and the main thing is that it gets me out of bed in the morning and I love doing it!
If I didn't have that I think i'd be even nuttier that I am now! LOL
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@rosie_123 (6113)
30 Apr 07
As I am sitting here in the Business Centre of a 5 star Hotel in Portugal - my answer is - FOREVER! I hate everything to do with work - the pressure, the rat race, - I would retire tomorrow if I could. Anyway - a cocktail awaits me on the Bar overlooking the Atlantic (do you get the picture?), so must go, but I was just checking my emails, and saw this discussion, and I couldnĀ“t resist it! I will be back far too soon:((
@Naomi17 (624)
30 Apr 07
I would love to give up work but its just not possible for me to be a stay at home mum!
My house needs a good clean but i went in very early this morning and i'm tired.
If i had the money i would probably go and live in the sunshine probably Cyprus and no i wouldn't be bored theres so mant things i want to do and places to see sometimes i think we spend so much time working we foget to enjoy life!
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@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I could not stay off from work for an extended period of time. I find daily chores to be monotonous and boring at times, and I need something else to stimulate me. Even if I was financially stable, I would still work. To me, there is no such thing as too financially stable. Even if I had a million dollars, I would still work. This is because money can go so fast, and I would not be content to not earn anything. I have been out of work for a few months now, and it is literally killing me. I can't wait to get back to work!
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@nglanfield (559)
• Turkey
30 Apr 07
I have not had a job for 2 years now. At first it was a little strange not having to get up and go to work in the mornings, but now my days are so busy I wouldn't have time to fit a job in!!
If nothing changes in the financial arrangements here then I'd prefer to stay at home.
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
30 Apr 07
i personally could find plently to do. we home school our kids so it would be a dream come true if i could stay homw with them. i was out of work for about 3 months and i was losing it though cause we had no money. we pretty much lost everything and are starting over now. hubby broke his back a few years ago so he cant work. he has tried but he ends up in so much pain that i dont want him to work. he isnt very old so he cant not get a check for disability. he could probably if we went through all the papers etc. the doctors wanted him to when it all first ahppened but he was hard headed and thought he could make the bone grow back just thinking about it. men!!!! lol. now it has been a few years and he has tried to go to work etc and it just isnt happening and now we would have to start all the papers and the begging etc. i keep trying to get him to but he keeps thinking it will get better lol. i gave up. well anyways if i could stay home though i would in a minute. we could go camping, fishing, gardening, zoo, so much more. i miss my kids alot when i am at work and i am tired. i am a stocker and it is hard work really. i hurt when i get home and i am so tired all i want to do is go to sleep. i miss spending family time with everyone. i work 11am to 8pm so by the time i get home kids are getting ready for bed. right now they are doing school work lol
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@Zmugzy (773)
30 Apr 07
Hi Wolfie,
I am in a similar position to you. I have been unemployed for more than 12 months although I just completed a BSc Degree before Christmas. During my time unemployed I have applied for hundreds of jobs but to no avail. I apply for jobs every month and these include some of the lowest paid job offers out there such as data input and stacking shelves. I have had long periods of unemployment before and eventually I either left the UK to teach English abroad or became self-employed.
Although in the past unemployment has been a very depressing experience for me, I no longer feel down about being unemployed. After all, I am ready and willing to do any job and it's not my fault if society does not want me. What does piss me off though is the assumption by those that being unemployed and claiming benefits is a lifestyle choice. Also the false presentation in the media that we are living in a country of full employment or very low unemployment.
Like you I find plenty of things to do and try to use my time as creatively as possible. I never get bored and always find something to do. The only drawback is not being able to go out and socialise as much, buy clothes, eat meals out etc.
I didn't realize they still had job clubs - they've packed them in where I live.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 Apr 07
Yes I know what you mean as soon as you tell people you are claiming benefits or unemployed they wrongly assume you are a dole bludger and living off their taxation! Which is far from the truth, it is truly terrible when someone like your good self has a BSc and goes for a shelf stacking job yet you are willing to accept it as not being a job beneath you. Thanks for your detailed response, I appreciate it and I hope you have some success which you are entitled too, good luck my friend!
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@Stiletto (4579)
1 May 07
If I didn't need the money I would never work again! I'm not one of those who would be lost without working - although I used to be that way I've got over it now! As long as I had money I could occupy myself no problem at all. Would never get bored. There's a million other things to do apart from working. Also I would maybe finally have a clean and tidy house!
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@patootie (3592)
10 May 07
I stopped working on July 27th 1993 .. and I haven't done a days work since .. not exactly what I had planned for my life .. but then I wasn't planning on being disabled either ..
Right from day one I have never been bored .. in fact I don't know how I ever managed to fit work in ... my days fly by so fast it's bedtime before I know it ..
If I had enough money (I don't, but there's nothing I can do about it) .. I would never work again .. I love the my stress free lifestyle even if I am as poor as a church mouse ..
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
10 May 07
I did not work for 9 years when I had my kids and although it was nice not being tied down to a job I did miss not working because I missed talking to different people, as all I seem to meet were other mums. I love being in the company of men but this was rare apart from the friends I already had.
I love my job and would not want to give it up, but the 6 weeks holidays is so nice and I do not miss work one bit. I do find it hard going back though. If I didn't like my job then I would quite happily stay at home and if I were mega rich, I know my days would be full. My dream is to join the Barmy Army and travel to all the England games. That would be heaven.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
11 May 07
Thanks Wolfie.
I hope you get a job soon, your talents are being wasted. So many kids need good male role models in their lifes. Good luck!!x
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
30 Apr 07
How are you doing financially? Thats why i couldnt stay off work that long...are you able to visit food banks?
I may be forced to take some time off of work due to a possible surgery on my knees...however, i work outside of the house p/t and at home p/t...i am a published freelance writer and while i wouldnt make a ton of money (hence the other job) that is what i would do in my spare time and actually do do.
i hope you find a job soon in your field :-)
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@SilentRose19 (1733)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I'm a stay at home mother, and its not easy finding things to do after i'm done taking care of my small child. I usually like to draw, paint, or read. Sometimes I get on here and do things, just not for very long. I think that its hard though on my husband being the sole income for the family, but I think its better for my son to be around me until he goes to school.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
30 Apr 07
I give you credit for staying organized and having a routine that works for you every day. I need to work, whether it's outside the home or inside the home. Financially, I could do it for nine months, but I would absolutely get bored. When I was out of work I began an ebay business, sold used books and CDs on, started a blog, which now earns me money and did some other odds and ends to make some money like babysitting. I wish you luck and hope you find your life's passion shortly.
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