It was one of those days... Ever have them?
By arkaf61
@arkaf61 (10881)
April 30, 2007 10:54pm CST
I should have known from the beginning. I should have stayed in bed, but given the way the day turned out, I would probably try to turn and would fall of the bed LOL
It didn't start well. Hubby goes to sleep way earlier than me because he wakes up two hours before me. Well, today he forgot to turn off the alarm on his cell phone and then forgot the phone in the pocket of his pj's while he was taking his shower. So not only I woke up at 5:30 am, but I kept waking up every 15 minutes after that until I couldn't deal with it and had to get up to turn it off. Then hubby called to pretty please take his cell phone down that he would pick it up in 5 minutes Forget about sleeping at least half an hour more.
THat should have been taken as what it was : a warning hehe But noooooo, I didn't pay attention to such an important warning.
Because I had to take my son to the doctor I left school early last Friday. We were to have a math madness morning this morning and I prepared a few activities for it. This morning when I came in I learned that on friday after I left, they had changed Math Madness Morning, to Language and I had to improvise for the next 3 hours!!!!
I wasn't counting on forgetting my lunch at home, and even less to forget my wallet as well. SO I was left with 1 bus ticket and $2 on my pocket.
Ok time to buy a hotdog at the corner store...not really no hotdogs today, I was left with the choice of chips and a drink. I choose a chocolate milk that was knocked out by a parent that was running to pick up her child so I'm left with a pack of chips that I then realize it's the ketchup kind and I don't like it too much.
Hubby left me a message to call his cell because he was leaving at about the same time I did today. Cool, a ride home really felt good after such a day:)
Except that I kept calling and his phone was not on. He didn't notice that his battery had run out!
SO I have no choice but to get ready to go home. Usually I have to use the streecar and the bus, but there's construction so I have to take a bus, streetcar and then bus again. Ok I can deal with that. Take bus, get transfer, get of on the stop to get the streetcar, wait for half an hour , to learn that there was an accident and the streetcar is not coming anytime soon. Not too amused now, I walk up about 6 blocks to take the subway ( plan B ) and realize that somewhere between the first bus and the subway I lost my transfer. And since I forgot the wallet at home and already spent my $2, it's walking home time.
I get home after one hour. There's a message from hubby that he will not be on time for dinner after all, so I decide to do what I should have done in the morning and I go to bed LOL
Oh.. forgot, hubby was finished earlier so he was home on time for the diner that I didn't make - Andre was having diner what grandma.
I think that was about it so far.... as I said, one of those days!!!!
Do you have this kind of days sometimes? What's your best way to cope with them?
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11 responses
@bluebird1956 (404)
• Canada
1 May 07
Really sorry you had such a bad day.
And yes, I have had one. Today!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't want to talk about it but trust me it was bad....I mean how could a cheque that is processed monthly to be directly deposited to go into my bank account go missing? And the people I needed to talk to about it all be away from their offices today? And I couldn't get my taxes completed today (last day without penalty) because I couldn't pay the fees? And I couldn't get the groceries I had promised to pick up for a friend?........ and that's just the first couple of hours....from there, it was all downhill...:(
Coping method: like any adult...crying, yelling, pouting, eating sweets, especially chocolate ...:)
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 May 07
OH my, i think yours was worse than mine! I'm passing the Oscar over to you. You deserve it bluebird:)
Because my day was so full I didn't even have time for any conventional coping strategies ( crying, yelling, pouting, and specially eating chocolate ) so I had to make do with kicking my file cabinet ( my toe hurts LOL ) and cussing in as many languages as I could master hehe
WIsh you a much better day tomorrow:)
By the way had the cheque experience recently too!
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@bluebird1956 (404)
• Canada
1 May 07
I think we probably tied for the Oscar.
The bad thing about the cheque is even though it will now be deposited today, it won't show up for two business I was told. I had to tell my bank to phone the company so that they would pay any bills that go through.
The good thing is that those kind of days are so rare that I know I won't be seeing one again for a long, long time...thank goodness.
Have a great day tomorrow!
@rx4life (1930)
• United States
1 May 07
I've had some bad days...but I think you might be up for an "oscar"....whew...I was worn out and under the covers before I read half of it!!! You poor sounded more like a week than a day!!! When I have bad days I can sometimes laugh them off...sometimes cry them off...and sometimes go into complete denial!!! But isn't it so just know from the get-go that the day is headed downhill....and you can either get on the sled and ride...or keep trying to claw your way back up...either way deserve a much better tomorrow!!! :)
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
1 May 07
LOL I would like to thank my family, my friends, and specially hubby and his cell phone. This Oscar wasn't expected but it will be cherished . Thank you LOL
Halfway trough my day I was silently calling " beam me up Scotty " hehe
To be honest I forget things quickly so now I"m already on laughing about mode , or almost 'cuzz my feet still hurt :)
Of course tomorrow will be a better day It will be impossible to get worse LOL
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@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
1 May 07
You poor thing, what a horrible day! I've had days like those where it just felt like nothing went my way. The best way to deal with it? Get back in bed, crawl under the covers, and hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
@SKLC_PT (1234)
24 May 07
I've had quite a few of those days, where nothing seems to want to go right and life seems to conspire against you, and yes all you want is your bed :) I sure get frustrated in days like that and just feel like stopping everything and screaming so life can see I'm not happy with it lol, but of course that's just mentally though sometimes I let out a grrrr or two lol
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
1 May 07
Oh yes, I know about those days. I have a too unfair share of them myself lol.
The thing is, you have 2 ways of looking at this. You can curse and swear and get all worked up about this, or you can take a step back and pretend it's just a funny distraction. You can blame what happened on 1001 other things and keep expecting more bad things to happen so that it will really make your day. Or you can just shrug it off and you will be surprised - how soon your "luck" will change.
But ultimately, it's back to the cliche "the choice is yours". You have to decide how to view the events.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
4 May 07
Unfortunately there are days like that. It starts off small with a little problem and then they begin to snowball and escalate. I find the best thing to do it just quit moving or making any decsions before I injure myself or anybody else, and pray it will just be the one day.
@GardenGerty (162381)
• United States
2 May 07
Oh you poor thing. I hope that you will have a much better one tomorrow. Trusting you are in bed now, resting, and he can charge his own cell, and do something nice for you, to make it up. You got your fitness training for the day.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
1 May 07
Sorry you had such a bad day. I can understand just how tired you were arriving home and I would have gone to bed right away. Last week, I had a day with over 30 telephone calls and two of them were exactly the same problem man didn't plug in pond pump, so you all know why his pump wasn't working. The first one I asked if he plugged it in and he told me "you mean it has to be plugged in". The day went down hill from that call, as the next caller called to tell me his fish won't eat. It turns out he fed the fish so much the day before that the fish wasn't hungry. He told me the fish wouldn't stop begging and he was going to be home from work for 3 days. I told him not to try feeding the fish anymore that day, as his fish has a little stomach and can't eat like we eat. I called my husband and told him to bring home Subway or we weren't going to be eating that day.
I hope all is well the rest of the week. There are days when I consider changing to a different job, as its hard to believe what can happen next. Best wishes.
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
1 May 07
I am the project manager on a construction site and I have had "one of those days" just about every day of the project. Different day, different issues and problems. People problems, technical problems, $ problems, client problems. Almost always something goes wrong every single day and it seems murphy's law rules. I don't even want to repeat half the stuff that goes on there because it onlky causes me more stress just thinking about it.
I'm with you arkaf1 - time to go home and go to bed!
@recycledgoth (9894)
1 May 07
( hugs ) hun. Days like this can be so depressing, I hope you managed to get a decent night's sleep and are ready to face the new day. It often feels like being a hamster running around in his wheel, your legs are racing but you are going nowhere.