are you enjoy making more more mylot discussion?

April 30, 2007 11:55pm CST
some visitors, users, and curious people sometimes get in touch in terms of money making online. well are you enjoy making such this mylot discussion and can you imagine how many hours would you respond this discussion?if you do this maybe get serious for high earnings... well i love mylot discussion eventhough im new here i have been enjoy doing some more discussion because discussion sometimes never can broad your mind or you will gain more knowledge about this. enjoy mylot...
1 response
• India
1 May 07
Yes I am enjoying discussions on mylot. My posting of new topic is very less but taking part in discussions is very high. There are lot of subjects which attract to take part and put up my views on that. Though you people may not agree with response, but it is duty to put up our thought and leave the balance for others' comments. Earning matters a little bit. Someone is earning 3-4 cents daily per posts and some is earning only 1 cent daily per post. It depends on quality of our postings. But we all will agree with the point that we are enjoying discussion forum specially in mylot by spreading our views frankly.
• Philippines
1 May 07
nice to hear that! yes im so enjoy. not for what thing. i enjoy reading and posting my own topics and some read and response it. thanks for the response. God bless...