dose any one know how to hypnotize someone for fun

May 1, 2007 8:07am CST
i wont to know how to hypnotize some of my friends to make them do fun stuff.
2 responses
@evlo173 (434)
• United States
1 May 07
First, actually test how 'suggestible' they test suggestibility, you can ask a person to roll his or her eyes upwards as far as they can. The less the colored part of the eye is visible, the more easily they will be hyptonized. Or you can ask them to stare at a small light in a darkened room. You pretend to move it, and ask them if it is moving now. Those who quickly say 'yes' will be easy to hypnotize. You need a calm, safe, non-threatening environment, with no noise or distractions like music or tv.You ask the subject to close his or her eyes.Allow a short silent period for the subject tobecome placid and relaxed. You begin to talk gently, in a reassuring way. You ask them to do something simple like raise one finger slowly, and lower it again. Having achieved a suggestible state by using gentle, easy instructions, you can try to 'take command' of the subject's actions.While it may be easy to get your subject to change their posture, blink, imagine a fly is buzzing around, or raise or lower their arms, it is much more difficult to make your subject feel that you have immobilized their whole body, or are at the age 9 again and want a cookie, or can fly like Superman, or have forgotten their own name.But it is possible!The secret to how to really hypnotize someone like this is to proceed very slowly at first, with request for easy, gentle movements, then requests for simple responses, before moving on to more extreme behaviorsor actions.Don't believe you are ever 'controlling their mind', your subject is only responding to your sugesstions.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 May 07
The subject will always be in controlof his/her bodies. You cannot make some one do something against their will. OIf you try to make someone do something against their will , they will either wake up . just ignore your command or when they wake up they will not trust you again and you will not be able to hypnotize them again. You need to be trusted to be a good hypnotist.