I am so happy...I made $549.97 on the net on past April !!

Puerto Rico
May 1, 2007 9:17am CST
I am so excited that i must share it with someone that i just tally up "things" this morning and i made a whooping $549.97 on the past month of April.... whooooooooohoooooooooooooo!! YAY !! big part of it, BEEN PAID already, and the rest still pending payment for now during the first week of MAY... YES, YES !! i am SO HAPPY...anyway, why wouldn't I? Don't you think? he, he, he,
7 responses
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
1 May 07
Congratulations:-) But i am somehow sceptical about the amount:-P
1 person likes this
• Puerto Rico
1 May 07
hello magica: thanks. why would you be scheptical? i have no reason whatsoever to say something is not. i mean if i am going to lie i could it tell a higher amount, and how others too can earn this much by going to "asite" from MY referral link, etc. maybe i could it spice thing up and make a fake proof to make everyone happy. but no! i simply share with all from where my happiness came from and that's it! nothing further.
• Tanzania
1 May 07
hallo dear, thanks a lot for your message its so excited. i like that so much. i also want to know how u made that so that i can try ma best. wow ur lucky girl wishing u all the best in the comming month.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
1 May 07
Wow that is awesome! How much time did you spend making this money and what programs did you use? Most of the money making programs on the internet let you earn only a few cents at a time so I am assuming you are spending most of your time online. Let us know your secret!
1 person likes this
@ucl800 (860)
• Greece
1 May 07
Congratulations about that. The amount is too high, so I wanted to know how can you managed to find those money. can you share with us your strategy, the sites that you joined etc.? it would be very helpfull for everyone.
• India
1 May 07
congrats and keep going hey how you did this you didn't mention
1 person likes this
• United States
1 May 07
Where did you make this much money at? Certainly not here on mylot, since they don't pay that much. Share with us, maybe we may want to make a simillar amount as you. Congrats on that much money, whereever you earned it.
1 person likes this
• India
1 May 07
Which sites did most of the money for you?
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