Do you think your parents did a pretty good job of raising you??
By Augustta
@Augustta (1850)
May 1, 2007 12:44pm CST
...or you blame them for something?
...or maybe they didn't do so well--maybe they weren't always there for you, or they said and did everything wrong, or they just forgot to be, well, parents.
My parents was doing their best to take care of me and preparing me for life on my own...
I have no words to thank them for all they did for me...
What about yours?
Do you feel your parents did a good job raising you?
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40 responses
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
5 May 07
I believe that they have done a great job in bringing me up, Augustta!. My great grand father was a landlord but a humble political personality who lost all his land in resistance to British colonial rule. My grand father inherited his nobility but not the fortune, so ended up having nothing to eat sometimes for even three days but he never asked for help from others. My father was raised in tough conditions and my grand father could not manage to educate him after 12th grade because of economic reasons. My father started as a clerk (with $5 a month). With this little income my parents tried their best to fulfill all our needs stressing more on our education. My father would even work occasionally on part time along with regular job just to meet our little desires. So, I remember that once when he didn't have money to buy us fireworks for an annual festival, he took a part time job, to be done at home. He would work till 2:00am in the morning with my mother sitting beside and helping him. He would then sleep just to wake up again at 5:00am in morning for prayer and to go to work. I can't forget that time as I already had started feeling how hard they were struggling, just for us.
Apart from fulfilling our worldly needs and formal education, my parents would always take time to teach us lessons of faith, humanity and morality. They taught us to respect people irrespective of their economical or social status. They would teach to be good, humble, respectful with people and thankful to GOD. They told us to be generous even being poor. It's because of their training that i made great friends, both very poor for whom sustaining life is a matter of 1 meal a day and who won't accept any financial help, but are great personalities and the rich ones, apparently, because though they earn in millions yet would spend most of it on other needy people and themselves would live a simple life. You can't judge their status just by seeing them. My parents also found me a great lady as my wife:-)
They made me able to earn 170 times more than what my father did at this age. I don't know what else they did for us in addition to sacrificing their youth, enjoyment, comfort and easy life but i do know that I can't pay them back for even 1 day of their sacrifice for me no matter how hard or how long I try.
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@Windrunner (477)
• Pakistan
2 May 07
my parents did an excellent job in raising me. raising good children is the most difficult task in the world. because, children are the future generation. many times the parents tend to spoil their children rotten, and then those children are a source of trouble and embarassment for their own parents.
so looking at me and my brother and sisters i think that my parents couldnt have done better.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
6 May 07
my parents not perfect did a good job. they taught me alot of lesson and i have learned from their mistakes. which made me a better parent. I don't blame my parents for anything. the good, bad, and ugly all have made me a strong, wise, understanding, caring, giving person. I know that when my children grow up, they will say the same about me, and I will be honored
@aladnzane (154)
• Canada
6 May 07
Yes most definitely. I have nothing but fond memories of my parents. I know their guidance has been a blessing.Everyone that I come in contact with young or old enjoy my politeness, good nature, humor, and easy going attitude in life. This generally makes them feel at ease and comfotable around me.I find that what ever I do I feel my parents influence rubbing off.They are no longer on this earth but they will always be in my memory and I know that I will see them in my next journey.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
2 May 07
if you'll ask my parents this question, you'll surely get a huge "YES!" from them. hehe. they have been always proud of me and my siblings.
i love myself and i love myself due to the fact that my parents showered us with attention, love and care we all needed by the time we were born. and they had been there always while we're growing up. and i say, i can' thank them enough for all the things they've done for me and for my brothers.
have a nice time augusta! miss you!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
2 May 07
Well my parents were really tough on me and I didn't have much of a childhood due to having a lot of responsibilities that you usually wouldn't think a child should have however I thank my parents for it today. They were simply preparing me for the real world and they showed me how to take care of myself and make it on my own. My husband grew up completely different and he was babied and everything was taken care of for him. Yes he had a nice childhood playing with friends and carefree and all. However it hurt him later in life. He couldn't even balance a checkbook when we got married. He lived at home with his mother until he was 23 years old and we discovered later the reason he was never in charge of his finances was because his mother was stealing his money. He just never thought of checking up and when he worked he would give her his paycheck to deposit in their joint account and then she would make sure he was always broke. It's really sad. I'm greatful that my parents insisted on me handleing everything no my own and only step in if I needed help, instead of like my husband's mother who handled everything and kept her son in the dark.
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@mahmah (436)
• United States
2 May 07
For the most part I think my parents did a good job of raising us kids. We always had a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and plenty of food in our stomachs. These three things are of course the most important. Now on the other hand, the things that weren't so good were:
1) Reinforcing good hygiene habits. We weren't forced to bathe or brush our teeth. I bathe and brush my teeth now, as an adult but as a child (and teenager) it wasn't likely.
2) My mother never let us kids help with the chores. I mean we had to keep our rooms clean but that was it. I know I shouldn't complain but that just isn't normal-atleast in my eyes.
Now, neither of these things has continued into my adulthood. I know to brush my teeth and bathe daily. I also know that I need to keep the house clean but I feel that these things would have better prepared me for my future.
Have a wonderful day. mahmah
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
2 May 07
My parents were okay parents. My dad was mentally abusive and physically abusive to my mom. My mom stayed with him for years and let us kids live through a lot that children should never be introduced to, but I turned out to be a healthy, well adapted, adult. I have a fantastic husband who would never hurt me or my kids and I am fairly normal.
@shekaina24 (161)
• Philippines
4 May 07
Definitely, I'am proudly saying that my parents raise me the best that they can. No matter what their stand into, they've imparted me the good values, christ centered life, education that meets my career goal in life and many more. Just the way I would say those additives input in me makes me a better person as well to my own family now.
@barnkinney (1343)
• Philippines
2 May 07
i do think my parents did their very best to raise me well. but i don't really blame them when it comes to traits or principle in life, because most of these things i chose for myself, whether my parents believed in them or not.
although, they really had shortcomings when it comes to financial support. maybe it's not their fault too, or maybe it is.
but aside from financial aspects, they are great parents. i'm lucky to have them, the problem is actually me.. hehehe!
- barn kinney
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
3 May 07
I believe that my parents did the best they could do. I am the youngest of nine children. There were a lot of us to take care of. Often one of my older siblings would help my parents out in taking care of us younger children. Even though they were busy they still took they time to teach us the things we needed to know for the real world.
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@impunityJane (9)
• Spain
2 May 07
My parents did a great job. The only advice I'd give my Mum if I could go back in time is 'make sure you keep yourself happy and look after yourself!' The worst memories I have of my childhood are when my mum was sad or depressed and I was too young to know why or do anything to help.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
2 May 07
Yes, for the most part. Parents do as well as they are capable of doing at the time. You cannot blame your parents or anyobody or anything for the life you have now. The sole responsibility rest on your shoulders. Even if your parents did not do a great job, you have the power to become what you want. It is wise to thank them for however they raised you. There was always a lesson to be learned and knowledge to be gained.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
2 May 07
Yes, for the most part. Parent do as well as they are capable of doing at the time. You cannot blame your parents or anyobody or anything for the life you have now. The sole responsibility rest on your shoulders. Even if your parents did not do a great job, you have the power to become what you want. It is wise to thank them for however they raised you. There was always a lesson to be learned and knowledge to be gained.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
2 May 07
I think they could have done a better job, and they could have done a far worse job. What they did do was the very best they could, and I knew they loved me vry much, which was the most important thing. I think sometimes you have to be a parent, or reach a certain age, or maybe the combination of the two, to really understand what your parents did for you.
@kumar27 (129)
• India
2 May 07
parent can not be held responsible for raising u up alone coz there are a good per centages
of your psychological tendency and your attitude towards others and socity are moulded by the social environments,schools,colleges etc,
u can not blame them alone coz u did not know what psychological pressure they had which compelled them not to do somethig for u .they always thought my well being.
but it is not the only parents that should be responsible for raising up, we unconciously get raised up by society too
@nevandaar (96)
• Philippines
2 May 07
I think my parents did a good job in raising us, me, my sister and younger brother. we were just a poor family and my dad's always having problem maintaining his job, not that he doesn't do his job good, actually his great in doing his job, but it always ends up that his job goes bunkrupt or something or the owner would decide to close up the business, anyways, despite this hardships, and we always have problems financially and it sometimes ends up into some mis understandings, but through this hardships we asay through our parents the spirit of never letting go of each other and never giving up...
that even though we have misunderstandings and quarrels we never let those things destroy us a family. and this example by my parents of trusting each other, of being strong in the midst of shortcomings, helped us to grow up as strong individuals and open minded persons, that we can stand on our own and stand on our beliefs even though other people think otherwise. i realy believe that showing us and being the example is the best lesson our parents have taught us. doing the thins they said and saying the thins they have done, and making us experience things first hand. and making us understand that in everything we do we should put our best in to it, that even though in the end we still failed we can not blame our selves that we held back and did not do the best we can...
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