I finally dragged the dog into the shower today...
@uniquenorthern (932)
United States
May 1, 2007 10:12pm CST
It was not a pretty site let me tell you! I swear this big hulk of a dog is more scared of the water than I am of a snake. It would be hilarious if it wasn't me that was trying to hold him down and trying to not get soaked in the process...Of course the hubby won't help he just says that the dog goes down to the creek and takes a bath and that is enough. Well let me tell you folks, No it isn't! The dog stank. And I for one couldn't take it anymore!lol Do any of you give your dogs showers or bathes at home? Or do you opt for the groomers? Or do you do like I normally do and drag the hose out and try to corner the dog long enough to get him wet enough to slap some shampoo on him to make him smell a little better?;0) Let me know what you all do with your beloved hounds.
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7 responses
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
2 May 07
Beautiful dog! I love dobermans they are beautiful dogs. I wish that I had enough room in my home for a second shower.lol But it sounds like a good idea. I used to get in the shower with my moms smaller dogs when I still lived at home. Seemed to calm them a little bit more than them being in there by themselves. But my dog literally took up the whole shower. There was no room left for me even if I had wanted to climb in with him. :) I never realized until I got him in there just how big he had actually grown to be! He is just now turning 2 this sept and I think he has finally stopped growing! lol
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
4 May 07
lol, that does sound cute! My husband and I were wondering if you breed your dogs? Just curious. From the pic of your dog they must all be beautiful. My husband and I have been looking into getting another dog and haven't been able to decide on what breed. My dog now is a german sheppard, lab mix. But I would like to get another bigger dog for us as we lost my other one last year.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 May 07
I did this a few weeks ago with our dog and she needs another one again. I cheat though and use the hose. The spigot is right outside the window for the bathroom with the shower stall so I just run it through the window. It helps so I can get her soaked quickly and rinsed just as easily. Doesn't help with the washing part but with the rest it does.
If I had the money I'd take her to a groomers. It's a lot easier and she does look better with them. When I had a shih-tzu I took him in and he loved it. He would come home looking great.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 May 07
Yeah that's one reason why I don't try to do her outside. The bathroom isn't very big but it has a shower stall, which makes it easier to get her in unlike a tub. We keep the door closed and with two people washing her she can't escape from it, there isn't anyroom for her too. I will probably have to do that again this weekend. Not looking forward to it.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
4 May 07
Yeah I completely understand the shower part. ;) It would be nice if my hubby would help me when it comes to washing the dog though. Two hands are always better than one. Especially when it comes to a bigger dog. Even though the little ones can be just as hard to handle sometimes! lol Closed doors tend to stop the running action, but not the shaking action.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
2 May 07
lol, I would do the hose thing but the dog is a veritable hoodini when it comes to escaping the collars and the leashes when he gets freaked. lol Yes it does seem like the groomers can do a better job, but I used to be a groomers assistant and you would think I would be able to control my own dog! lol Thanks for the response!
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@psychomom (42)
• United States
3 May 07
Hey, you know what, I have done both. With our Shih Tsu it was easier to take him to the groomers and he loved it. As soon as we said"Let's go to Sue's", he was at the door and waitng. Our collie is another story. We have taken her to the groomer's and she hated it. They shaved her backside! Now we bathe her at home and she is much happier. It's not easy but we manage.
Bathing the cats is a whole other story. A few don't mind but we have have a couple that flood the bathroom reying to get away. Them, we don't even try any more.
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
4 May 07
Thanks for the reply. I definitely don't envy you trying to bath cats. When I was a groomers assistant I did several cats, and not a one of them was very manageable without sedation. I finally just quit doing the cats as bathing and grooming them while under mild sedation just freaked me out. :)
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
4 May 07
In the summer months I use the hose to wash our dogs. Our dogs weigh a minimum of fifty pounds and when the decide that they aren't going to do what you want that becomes a whole lot of weight. In the winter I wash them in the bathtub. Once I have the dogs in the bath its not so bad because I hold on to them with their harnesses.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
4 May 07
LOL, I definitely know what you mean about it being a lot of weight when they decide that they don't want to do something! My dog weighs at least 90 pounds now. Thanks for the response.
@howhigh (757)
• Canada
5 May 07
We wash the dog in a bath tub its hard to get her in there she won't go on her own so you get her in try to be as quick as possible and when its all done she jumps out and runs around the house.. after bathes she goes crazy.. normaly we bathe her after a muddy walk or something but take her to the groomers if it all gets too much.. like in the spring or something.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
5 May 07
lol, yes this sounds really familiar. My dog is the same way, doesn't like to get in and can't wait to get out, and then just goes crazy afterwards. Thanks for the response.
@anubiz (43)
• Philippines
2 May 07
Woot dog that big is really hard to groom or shower specially if he is scared of the water.. What you can do is put him on a cage spray him with water in that way he cant escape and run away from you.But it would increase your water bills but at least its an option.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
2 May 07
Thanks for the advice, but I have already tried that and the dog escapes from everything. I honestly don't know how he does it. I have put him in the 8 foot tall kennel that we keep for him when we are going to be away for a while and he still was so terrified of the water that he literally climbed the fence on me! That is why I opted for the shower this time, more messy but at least I can jump on the dog when he tries to run! lol Thanks for the response.
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
2 May 07
I take my papillion to the groomer. He is only 6 lbs and I started it when he was a puppy he loves going and seeing Cookie. (the groomer.)
Now this weekend I babysat a pair of twin goats who was a week old. The had diarrhea. They kept getting poop all over themselves and my legs everytime they go near me. So I had what we affectly called "the butt washing station" in my yard. I had my hose, a chair, wash cloth and a towel. When they got to gross for me I picked them up and we would go to the "butt washing station". They could try to get away and they did not like being held by the back leg. But once I was finished with one the other one would come to be for his turn. The where funny. The funny part of the whole thing is I live in the city and was doing a woman a favor. Now they are back home with her. The goats where about the same size as my papillion. The goats and my dog played together and had a great time.
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@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
2 May 07
Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. It also sounds like you are a very good friend! :) Glad to hear that things worked themselves out in the end. Pardon the pun. I could only wish that my dog was as small as yours..Then maybe I wouldn't have come out in the end looking like a drowned rat. lol