What can i do.....hitting is NOT an option
By desimanero
@desimanero (419)
United States
May 1, 2007 11:33pm CST
My son is 2 1/2 yrs old and he is really nbaughty!!!!He is the baddest 2 yr old ive ever seen.He throws tantrums all the time,he spits when hes mad,he hits when hes mad and hes very embarrassing in public.I would be interested in hearing other peoples approaches to fixing this problem.I DON NOT hit my children so thats NOT an option for me.
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5 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
2 May 07
There is a difference between hitting and beating. The terrable twos are a time to see where the limits are and if not set then ther are no limits later in life. A spanking on the butt is an attention getter and does not have to hurt. If he is throwing a temper tantraum walk away. If he tries to damage something take it away from him. With my children if they spit at me I would tp them on the cheek and tell them no spitting. It was not a slap and it did not hurt them, but it got their attention and with a firm NO they got the message. we also talked about alternatives to expres themselves.
@desimanero (419)
• United States
2 May 07
Yeah i know taps arent bad....my parents did it.Its just the thought of hitting or tapping my kids breaks my heart :( Thanks for the response:)
@apricotrains (456)
• Melbourne, Australia
2 May 07
Get him checked out for everything. I mean everything. ADD, ADHD, autisum, OCD, aspergers...evrything. Rule out medical things 1st. It may just be the terrible 2's but then it may not. I had my son like that ...turns out he had ADHD and we did not find out untill he was 8yo
@desimanero (419)
• United States
2 May 07
yes i thought about that alot.I mean i understand the whole terrible 2 thing but geez this boy is way worse then terrible!!!!I was told to get him checked for ADHD or ADD czu hes also VERY hyper from themoment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep.Thanks for the response.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
2 May 07
There is no need to hit your child.Instead use a command of voice to make hime feel that he needs to obey you.Avoid shouting always.never say don't do this and that.Say can you do.....?Children at 2 years will be naughty,but disciplining them needs patience.
Of course, you won’t always be able to stop a tantrum before it starts. So, how do you handle it? Some children respond well to touch. If your child is in the midst of a major fit, hold her close to your body. As her tantrum starts to recede, she may feel comforted to feel the warmth of your body against hers. Maybe all she needs is that extra cuddle from you, but she is too young to put that into words.
You could also kneel down and take her hands in yours. Try to make eye contact with her, and tell her quietly to calm down and breathe deeply with you. Speak softly, maybe even in a whisper, so that she has to be quiet to hear you.
Contact can have the opposite effect on some children, though. You may find that your child becomes even angrier if you try to hold her against you. She may fight you and become fully enraged. If this is the case, you will need to try a different approach. You don’t want to make her feel confined.
If you have an older child, you can tell her that you are leaving the room, and she can come to you when she has finished throwing her tantrum. This will only work, however, if you are sure she will not hurt herself in the process. When you take away her audience, many times you are taking away her reason for having a fit.
Try not to react loudly to your child’s tantrums. It is better to pull away from the situation emotionally. You can still remain with your child, but if you yell or talk loudly and angrily, you will only be magnifying the situation. Your child doesn’t need to feel that she has the power to make you lose control. Don’t let her harm herself or you, either. Once she realizes that she has this type of influence, she may be even more prone to throw fits.
More tips:http://www.helium.com/tm/71601/managing-tantrums-children-parents
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
2 May 07
I'm assuming by hitting you are referring to spanking, although, they are not the same, but thats a different discussion, so i'll try to stay focused here. (:
Have you tried time outs? Although they are not as effective as spanking, they can sometimes work. HE's problably just really strong willed, whatever you decide to use, you must be consistent. You think he's hard to control now, wait until he's 16, and MUCH stronger than you, you have to find something that works for him. I know I"m not offering much advice in that area, as I am a firm advocate of spanking children when they become defiant. I think if I had to choose another form, It would first be time outs, secondly I would revoke any and all privelages. I would tend to be really hard on him initially, until he complies most of the time, and then lax a little on the rules. If he proves he cannot behave, don't take him out anymore. A good idea, if your at the park, he pushes, hits another child, scoop him up and take him home, it's that simple, if he will not obey, or will not play nice, he will not be allowed to play. ANd don't take him home and let him play at home, then it's not much of a punishment is it? YOU'll prob. just have to be really creative with your discipline. I wish you the best!
@curvychick77 (1084)
• United States
2 May 07
The terrible twos as my mother used to call it. At that age kids are just starting to become more curious. If you allow your kids to do what they want, they will defy you. When my nephews were that age, my mother and I had a difficult and very trying time with them. No, we never hit them, but we did find them an activity to do. Usually kids need something fun to keep them busy. In public, you may want to consider putting him in a stroller, even at two it's never to old, this way he won't act up too much. Talk to him, kids love attention, so talk to your child. I'm not a parent, but we used to do this with my nephew when he was a kid. So maybe that will help at least.
@desimanero (419)
• United States
2 May 07
thanks for the response.Yes i do talk to my son as much as i can.I sit him down and he just throws himself everywhere and hurts himself.Terrible twos...yeah i was told that but hes not like no 2 yr old ive ever seen.I have an 8 yr old daughter too and i never had this problem with her....ugh