what is your sun sign?
@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
57 responses

@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Saggitarius men tend to love women though.... sometimes to the point of being womanizers, lol.
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@prasadnlv (6)
• India
26 Jul 07
Hi Shinjiao, Mine is also Sagittarius. I like the friendly nature of Sagittarius. Honesty, of course.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Aug 07
...the archer/aspirer.. also can be a clown.. friendly, fun, very good with humor..
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Although I'm Scorpio I'm on the cusp and going into Sagittarius...my chart was done once and my Venus is in Sag....I think I have a lot more Sagittarian characteristics that Scorpio--LOL
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Me too! Taurus, that is.. To me taurus is nature, harmony, love of truth.
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
28 Jul 07
Mine's technically Capricorn as well, but I was also born on the cusp, so it's more of a Capriquarius. I take on more of the Capricorn traits, but my twin sister takes on more Aquarius traits.
Blessed Be
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Aug 07
..yes, Cancer can be 'crabby'! But usually because they are very sensitive and nurturing, but the normal lack of appreciation human beings SHOW, 'bothers' the cancerian.. And when they feel unappreciated they can seem to be that notorious crab.. So of course this is one of the keys to Cancer..
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
5 Aug 07
..I have a conjunction/pair in my sign of cancer, on my birth chart.. Jupiter (which magnifies things) and Uranus (social minded and the astrologer) are on the 23rd and 24th degree of cancer.. And Cancer is in her birth position (as to house).. O.K, sorry to prattle on! i don't get to talk astrology very often..
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
25 Jul 07
Yes, fabeboso, you took the traits right out of my "chart", I am a Cancer also!
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@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
26 Jul 07
my sun sign is sagittarius.we are known to be very loyal and caring.
@prasadnlv (6)
• India
28 Jul 07
I am not sure about caring nature of Sagis. But I agree with you regarding loyal. Moreover Sagis are impatient I guess. What do you say?
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@petermason2000 (238)
• United States
25 Jul 07
I usually tell people my sign is Fesces.
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@truartiss (386)
• United States
25 Jul 07
My sun sign is Aries and my best friend is an Aries.
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@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
5 Aug 07
Thank goodness I thought we were all lost lol Pisces rule
@mackaltman (129)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I definitely have to admit guys that the Sagi community is a lot hotter and a lot smarter than most. That would mean all of us that are Sagittarians. My sun sign is the Sagittarius. And our horoscope for today is:
Take a long, hard look at your life before making any decisions, and then base them upon your personal values rather than social obligations. This isn't an easy one for you, for you'd rather be less serious and more adventurous. But this isn't the best time for outer journeys; it's time to take a safari toward your own center.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I am a taurus. Of course, most people that know me, find it hard to believe. But I do have a bit of that stubbornness to me. I just don't show it in public very often. At home, is a much different story. lol
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@BeachLover (520)
• India
5 Aug 07
I am also Sagittarius. What your date of birth by the way. Mine is 11th of Dec. I don't believe in astrology but, it's really fun to read daily prediction. Sometimes these column also surprise me, when something predicted by them really happens with me.
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@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
5 Aug 07
gemini and yes i do have atleast 2 sides it just depends who you are if you get the good or bad me!
@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
5 Aug 07
Hi ranjeetkolarkar! :) I am born on October 15th. May sun sign is LIBRA. =)
I searched on wikipedia and found out this meaning. Hmmm... In terms of anatomy, Libra is populary said to rule the excretory functions via the kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocks, adrenals and vasomotor system, and lumbar vertebrae.
Physically, individuals bornd under the sign of Libra supposedly tend to have a graceful figure; (yipeee!) charming appearnace; a roundish head; small and refined features; a high forehead; a thin nose; a 'trademark' dimple; a fair complexion and thick eyebrows.
Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, clever, articulate, charming, charismatic, beautfiul, outgoing, fair, artistic, social, refined, diplomatic, even-tempered and self-sufficient character, but on the negative side, are also thought to be persuasive, indecisive, flirtatios, extravagant, lazy, frivolous, impatient, envious, aloof and quarrelsome.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! God bless! =)